About POSC/Overview

The Three Rules

Mission To empower communities to engage in cultural relationships with the natural world as a means of sustaining efforts of environmental protection and restoration.

People celebrating nature in community...

Who creates the Procession?

Over 100 community volunteers create and produce the Procession with administrative organization by Earthbound Productions. You are welcome to become one of us.

About 30 community members form the Procession core organizing group which meets throughout the year. These volunteers plan the upcoming Procession's form and themes. Anyone can join this group. All are welcome.

From January through April, volunteer meetings are held and coordinator positions are filled for these working groups:

Art, music, and dance workshops, bookkeeping, Community Art Studio staff and committee, computer support, distribution, environmental outreach, evaluation, fundraising committee, general outreach, graphic design, internships, logistics, music, office manager, outreach to K-12 schools, photography and videography, Procession art guide, public relations, recycling scavenger, registration, special events, t-shirt design and sales, and volunteers.

You can join any effort at any time, for as long as you like.

Procession of the Species reflects the successful collaboration between Earthbound Productions and thousands of citizens, the City of Olympia, and Spring Arts Walk Weekend.

Procession of the Species is entirely noncommercial. It exists to dignify the human spirit, celebrate human connections with each other and the natural world, and re-root communities in sharing, music, movement, art, and the human capacity for celebration and joy. Well, all that, and much much more.

Don't take our word for it. Explore the site. See what you find. We're glad you're here. And we invite you to become part of the worldwide movement of Procession of the Species.

Earthbound Prod. - PO Box 7192, Olympia, WA 98507 - 360-705-2331 - agatemoons@yahoo.com
Non-discrimination statement: Earthbound Productions does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, age, status as a veteran, national origin, or any other protected classes.
Copyright © 2025 - All Rights Reserved
Updated 2006/02/24 15:23:56

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...