About POSC/Overview

The Three Rules

Mission To empower communities to engage in cultural relationships with the natural world as a means of sustaining efforts of environmental protection and restoration.

Giving the natural world a greater presence in our streets...

During Your Shift

Help folks get situated to work on their projects. Some general guidelines:

  1. Remind people of the three Procession rules: no written words, no live animals, no motorized vehicles. If you see someone adding words to their batik or other art, remind them of the rules.

  2. Show people the table coverings and paint tarps (in a file cabinet drawer under the big table in the front room of the Studio). Ask that each person use one of these table coverings to contain their work.

  3. Orient people to the two kinds of paint that we offer. The paint in the batik room is for batik only; it's quite thin, so it can be absorbed into fabric for batik, and won't work on cardboard, tab board, papier mache, etc. The paint in the paint room, upstairs, is for everything but batik.

  4. Ask people to put their names on their batik when they leave them to dry. They can write their names on masking tape and attach the tape to their batik with a clothespin.

  5. Show people where to wash paint cups and paint brushes (in the wash room next to the women's restroom).

  6. Ask people to use a cutting board when using a utility knife; folks should never cut directly on the tables or the floors. A tip for cutting cardboard: Make the first cut slowly, and just shallow enough to cut the first layer of paper. Make successive cuts in this groove until the shape is finally cut out.

  7. Show folks how to use glue guns. If hot glue gets on skin, immediately rub it off. The glue will dry and cool quickly. Glue guns should be unplugged and put away after each use.

  8. Offer guidance for using tools. Tools are to be used with adult supervision. Power tools should be unplugged after each use.

  9. Help folks find the right kind of tape for their project. We stock different kinds of tape, for different uses.
    1. Masking tape is superior to (and cheaper than) duct tape in many ways. It works well in papier mache for the internal structure of sculpted pieces and head dresses because it's strong, and it adheres well to the mache.
    2. Duct tape (the silver stuff) should be used for joints in sculpted pieces, and in other places where strength is needed. Wrapping work in lots of duct tape is not recommended, as it is redundant and wasteful.
    3. Colored (Gaffer's) tape is used to secure loose cables to walls and floors. It is pretty, but the adhesive is designed not to leave unsightly marks on carpets when removed, so it's not as strong as duct tape. Use it sparingly, when a certain color is desired.
    4. Clear packing tape. This is very strong when used as wrapping, and can be cut away easily. Good for short-term structure solutions, not for painting over, macheing over, or as a long-term strategy for fastening.

  10. Glitter! Glitter makes a good piece of art into a great piece of art - but please use these guidelines.
    • Use Elmer's glue where you want the glitter to go. Don't move the object too much, or use too much glue, or the glue will run, carrying the glitter with it.
    • Use one color of glitter at a time. Lay a large piece of paper under the art, then sprinkle the glitter onto your art. When you're done using one glitter color, use the piece of paper as a funnel to pour the extra glitter back into the jar. This technique lets us stretch our glitter budget, and keeps the Studio supplied in bright, unique colors, rather than in lots of jars of mixed glitter.

About luminary: We ask that people take a workshop before beginning a luminary art piece. Workshops are offered on Thursdays from 6 - 8 pm and Sundays from 1 - 3 pm. If a person has taken a workshop in a previous year, and is ready to begin a luminary project without participating in a workshop this year, we ask for a materials fee for the luminary supplies. Details about using luminary are posted above the luminary table; if you need more information, contact Nichole Rose at 360-951-5126, Leslie Gowell at 360-878-0829, or Eli Sterling at 360-705-1087.

About bamboo poles: Please do not use the long poles for construction; these are designated for carrying Procession windsocks, spangles, and luminary. There is a barrel of smaller bamboo pieces available for construction, as well as wood and wire in the Wood, Wire, and Wheels room. Questions about what's available to use? Ask Eli.

About cleaning up: Each person is expected to clean up her or his own materials: paint cups and brushes washed and returned to their shelves, scissors, box knives, glue guns put away, table coverings wiped clean and put away (or hung to dry if they're wet). There is limited shelf space in the Studio for masks, head dresses, etc. to dry; if people are able to take their projects home with them, that'll be helpful.

Earthbound Prod. - PO Box 7192, Olympia, WA 98507 - 360-705-2331 - agatemoons@yahoo.com
Non-discrimination statement: Earthbound Productions does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, age, status as a veteran, national origin, or any other protected classes.
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Updated 2024/01/14 16:31:02

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...