About POSC/Overview

The Three Rules

Mission To empower communities to engage in cultural relationships with the natural world as a means of sustaining efforts of environmental protection and restoration.

People celebrating nature in community...

What are the goals of the Procession?

The Procession seeks to bridge the arts, the environment, and our local community. As a celebration of art, it involves citizens in a creative process affirming art's place in the forum of public expression. As a celebration of species, it awakens public sensibilities to the issues surrounding environmental awareness and protection. As a celebration of community, it enhances the exchange between local schools, local government, businesses, and civic organizations.

Designed to create a cultural exchange rather than an entertainment event, the Procession is an open invitation to participate in imagination, creation, and sharing. By fostering inclusiveness and collaboration, the Procession engages area residents regardless of age, background, or ability. Providing schools, social services, businesses, tribes, and fellowships with the same opportunity, the Procession involves a broad cross section of the community.

Earthbound Prod. - PO Box 7192, Olympia, WA 98507 - 360-705-2331 - agatemoons@yahoo.com
Non-discrimination statement: Earthbound Productions does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, age, status as a veteran, national origin, or any other protected classes.
Copyright © 2025 - All Rights Reserved
Updated 2006/02/24 15:22:36

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...