About POSC/Overview

The Three Rules

Mission To empower communities to engage in cultural relationships with the natural world as a means of sustaining efforts of environmental protection and restoration.

People celebrating nature in community...

POSC Crew Information

WELCOME Studio Crew person!
We appreciate you!

You are one of the wonderful, creative, committed people who have decided to step out and help create our community invitation to a truly amazing cultural celebration offered here at the Procession Community Art Studio. You have just arrived. Now what do you do? Below are some points on using our tools and supplies safely. Don't hesitate to ask any question that comes to you.

Earthbound Prod. - PO Box 7192, Olympia, WA 98507 - 360-705-2331 - agatemoons@yahoo.com
Non-discrimination statement: Earthbound Productions does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, age, status as a veteran, national origin, or any other protected classes.
Copyright © 2024 - All Rights Reserved
Updated 2023/12/27 13:45:04

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...