About POSC/Overview

The Three Rules

Mission To empower communities to engage in cultural relationships with the natural world as a means of sustaining efforts of environmental protection and restoration.

Created by the community, for the community ...

Past Events

2024 Procession of the Species

Saturday April 27th at 4:30pm - Downtown

The Procession of the Species is a few thousand people, melded into a sea of celebration - colorful, diverse, alive. They flow through another 30,000-plus people who are watching, laughing, dancing, and cheering to the infectious beats of homegrown bands. From jazz to samba to world beat rhythms, community musicians pound out sound on five-gallon buckets, tin can shakers, and handmade and conventional musical instruments. It looks like all of us, using our creativity to celebrate the natural world and holding these things (and each other) close to our hearts.

The Procession is the culmination of Olympia's Spring Arts Walk. It's three months of planning, crafting, building, teaching, and playing, leading to Saturday, April 27, when we all come together, in joy and celebration and gratitude for this wondrous Creation we call home.

Much of that lead-up is spent in the Procession Community Arts Studio, in the old Olympia Armory, free and open to the public, where you can find a supportive, creative community to help you realize your own Procession vision.

Everyone is welcome to participate - so long as you follow the Three Rules (easily found on the Procession website), and sincerely observe the spirit of the event. It's not a parade ("Look at me! Look at me!") - it's a procession ("Behold and celebrate, with awe and joy, the beauty of our natural world!"). Come as your favorite species, build a float, join a band! Create and celebrate!

At 4:30pm on April 27, the Procession will start from the intersection of Cherry and Legion Ave and proceed west on Legion Ave two blocks to Franklin; turn right (north) one block to 5th Ave; turn left (west) one block to Washington; turn left (south) two blocks to 7th Ave; turn right (west) one block to Capitol; turn right (north) two blocks to 5th Ave; turn left (west) one block to Columbia; turn left (south) one block to Legion; turn right (west) one block to Water Street; turn right (north) one block to 5th Ave; turn left (west) one block to enter fountain area of Heritage Park for closing celebration.

Luminary Procession

Friday April 26th at 8:30pm - Downtown

The Luminary Procession is a joyous celebration of light, moving through the streets of downtown Olympia on the first evening of Arts Walk. Everyone is welcome to participate, bringing your own luminary creation or lit-up costume.

The Procession Community Art Studio is open in the weeks leading up to Arts Walk, providing workshops, supplies, and a knowledgeable and welcoming community, to help you realize your luminous vision. (It's also possible, though not guaranteed, that there may be some extra luminaries you could borrow that evening, if you don't have time to make your own.)

Assemble at Washington Street between 4th & 5th Ave at 8pm, on April 26th. At 8:30pm we proceed South on Washington 2 blocks (adjacent Sylvester Park) and turn west (right) onto 7th Ave. Then we turn north (right) onto Capitol Way and head north for two blocks to 5th Ave. At 5th Ave we turn west (left) and proceed 2 blocks on 5th Ave to Water Street where we turn north (right) and fill the block of Water Street between 5th and 4th Ave.

Procession Gatherings - March 9

Details coming soon.

Art Studio Opens

Details coming soon.

Load-In! Help Needed!

Saturday, February 17 10:00am,
Armory (515 Eastside St. SE)

The glow from our Feb. 10 dance fundraiser should easily carry you over until the next Saturday, when you can give us a HUGE hand, by helping load all of our supplies, and some big animals, out of storage, and into our new Community Art Studio, in the old Armory building.

If you can lend a hand, we'll all be meeting up at the Armory (515 Eastside St. SE) at 10:00am, on Saturday, Feb. 17. After some orientation/coffee, some folks will stay and begin setup, while others will caravan to our storage site.

If you have a pickup and/or trailer to lend, that would be extra cool! It'd be great if we could get it all out in one trip. If you can join us, and especially if you can bring a truck or trailer, shoot us an email at OlympiaProcession@gmail.com.

Rise of Reflection Fundraiser

Saturday, February 10, 7 pm to Midnight
the Eagles Aerie #21, 805 4th Ave E

Support two great local nonprofit organizations at once! This fundraiser will raise money to support the Procession of the Species art studio, and it's also a membership drive for the Eagles. Featuring music by Pumphouse. Everyone is welcome! $20 per person at the door. Cash or Check preferred.

Learn more about it here!:


Earthbound Prod. - PO Box 7192, Olympia, WA 98507 - 360-705-2331 - agatemoons@yahoo.com
Non-discrimination statement: Earthbound Productions does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, age, status as a veteran, national origin, or any other protected classes.
Copyright © 2025 - All Rights Reserved
Updated 2013/09/14 08:57:02

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...