
Waste? or energy...

by Susan Toch -- April 3, 1980

"Get off your cans and bring them to us." was the logo for the recent recycling project held in Manchester. The pick-up was the second of its kind and it took place behind the town offices. March 29th, between 9:00 and 2:00 p.m. It was organized by Roger Lohr of Manchester.

Based on a growing concern with our diminishing resources, our community has become increasingly aware of waste as a means of conserving energy.

Despite the rainy March weather, about seventy-five people showed up bringing glass, newspapers, tin food containers, and aluminum. With the help of a few interested citizens, they piled the paper and broke the glass. The trash was removed for recycling by Casella Refuse Removal.

"The majority that showed up were senior citizens, though an increasing number of young people were there the second time around," Mr. Lohr said, "I was pleased with the turnout, collections increased, and some good people helped out."

As far as the future, a more regular schedule is being put together with an effort to increase the involvement of community members.

Although not financially rewarding, Roger does this as a contribution to what he believes should become a way of life. He points out that the recycling industry has had difficulty taking off due to government interference on freight costs and a lack of incentive programs.

Basically, people need to start changing their living habits to become more energy efficient. This includes not buying excessively wrapped items, reusing when possible, and separating recyclable garbage. Some examples of putting this into effect are:

  • composting your organic waste, these can be used for garden nutrients.
  • Nonreturnable bottles can be used for storing liquids, or recycled by removing metal caps and rings.
  • Tin cans are easily stored by removing the wrappers and flattening them.
  • Aluminum should not be thrown out. Pie tins and plates are reuseable and cans are returnable.

When recycled, all these materials can be reused saving up to 95% of the energy used to create them.

Says Mr. Lohr, "It all came down to a participant reporting that since she began recycling, she now throws out only one bag of garbage a week instead of the three she accumulated previously."

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