

NATURE DEFICIT DISORDER and its Implications for Early Childhood Educators.

Not only scientific studies, but some parents, in the moment of observing their children, note that attention deficit disorder in a child diagnosed with such, shows no indication of ADD when engaged in activities outdoors, such as exploring, fishing, building forts, looking for insects, or listening to the bird's calls. The natural world is an authority, and a scientific guide would have his/her very young children experiencing this world again and again and again. The reward is the seeing of the stars and the moon, the understanding the child gains from his/her own discoveries. Be the "authority" who guides the child into a world of light; a world of understanding… understanding the child's discovery.

Teacher Training Programs:

Why children ask "Why"? Children are natural scientists. Consider that their "play" is their "work"; therefore, it is their job, through their "workplay" to figure out their world. While they are at it, they need to grow in their confidence, realizing that they can develop into their own authority.

Webbing the Curriculum. Make any learning domain the focus…the center…of your web. Then branch out with ideas; Science lead into all kinds of learning domains? The door is wide open.

Web Chart (one style of doing it)

Blanks to be filled in when meeting with the children, perhaps as the project "grows", in time.

NOTE: As you can see, the above Web Chart illustrates a project approach, and can become one that lasts a week, a month, or an entire school year.

Social Emotional Intelligence

Constructivist Learning – Meeting the Child's Mind – and Emergent Play. the child's emotional needs are met when the child is left to make further discoveries, without interference by utilizing a "teaching", or directive, approach. A child who learns what he/she wants to learn at any given moment, is also practicing skills that lead to self-confidence. Consequently, the social/emotional needs are met. Given the opportunities, children experience that they are trusted, respected; therefore, the child feels secure in the world.

Toddlers are MESSY. "science activity" possibilities in which to experience their right to be messy.

Attention Deficit Disorder and Developmentally Appropriate (best) Practices. Age and stage appropriate activities for a young child's holistic development, based on leading edge neuro-scientific research. The "best" means this: it is developmentally appropriate

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Balancing the quality of our environment with the quality of our health and well-being.
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Updated 2008/01/29 17:04:20 by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...