Social Justice
- Purpose of Social Justice Committee (SJC) at CIC: raise awareness and encourage participation in social justice efforts in the Olympia area.
- Committee's Goal: Make it easy for folks to know about CIC social justice efforts so they can participate.
- Considerations: We have a few different kinds of things we do.
- Provide information about (and maybe even facilitate signing up to participate in) a CIC-sponsored event (i.e. Pride).
- Provide information to help educate the community about a specific social justice effort (i.e. Black Allyship).
- Highlight philanthropic efforts of organizations outside CIC:
- Events
- Contributions or volunteers needed
- Updates/announcements
Our team strives to inform and encourage participation in events, programs and volunteer opportunities that further social justice. We meet the 2nd Saturday of the month, less July and August. Meets over Zoom at 1:30pm, ending by 3pm. Contact Betty ( to get the Zoom link. Current active members: Scott Bishop, Safiya Crane, Kristine Forbes, Betty Hauser (convener).
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