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2023 CIC Spring Retreat

2023 Spring Retreat will be a Millersylvania on May 21st at Shelter #2. We will gather from noon to dusk with a celebration at 4:00 pm and a potluck following. More details will be offered in Wavelinks.

Below is information on the twice annual retreats we did at Fort Flagler prior to the pandemic. We hope to resume when we are able!!!

The Flagler retreats are a time for community building in a fun, informal setting. We sing, play music, dance, cook and eat together, play lots of games and generally enjoy each other's company. We go for long walks, entertain each other at the Saturday night talent show, and commune together at our Sunday 10am service (weather permitting) on the beach. Anyone can organize and lead an activity. We have fun!! Come and be a part of it. We begin on Friday afternoon and end Monday mid-day after final clean up. Come for all or part of the weekend!

Your Flagler Retreat Organizers
Send an email or call/text to -
Leeann - 360-791-9471 - email
Sabra - email

Guests are welcome at CIC retreats. It's a good opportunity for people who are interested in the group to see who we are. We ask that all guests be invited by someone in CIC who will act as their host, be mindful of their comfort, and clue them in on unwritten traditions, expectations etc. Please reserve space in advance for your guests and make sure they have a copy of this sheet. Please note that you are responsible for your guests' payment.

Reservations are open now. Please register with Retreat Organizers, see above. Cost is $15-20 per adult, $7.50 per child/youth and kids age 3 and under are free. Day fee is $5/per person. And Saturday evening salmon dinner is an extra $5/per person. The cost may be slightly more or less depending on how many people come.

Please fill out the registration form above. If you need a ride, or can share one, please mention that too. There will not be a tent area. If you have special needs let us know and we will try to accommodate you. A handicap accessible/private facility is available but limited so let us know ASAP if you have special needs.

Accommodations are dormitory style. We will be staying in Camp Hoskins, the building closest to the theater. There are showers and beds but no bedding, (bring your own bedding, towels, pillow). You may also want to bring a rope, clothespins, and sheet to hang over the entrance to your sleeping space for more privacy in the dorms. We all eat and hang out together at the dining hall at Camp Hoskins. Quiet times will be posted and we ask that they be observed by all for the sake of the whole community.

Anyone can ask the Ft. Flagler organizers about scholarships - people are encouraged to pay what they are comfortable paying. Please contact Interfaith Minister, Corey Passons at email or 206-949-8441. If someone is on the registration list as of Monday, August 27th and does not attend the weekend, they will be charged for one night's stay. Money will be collected at the retreat (no later than Sunday breakfast) by Leeann.

Checks should be made out to CIC.

Food: Meals are cooked and served communally so we pool the food supplies. If you need special foods or snacks, please keep them separate and mark them clearly. Mealtimes will be posted. Food should not go into the dorm rooms. A menu and food list are provided to help you with your shopping list (menu & list). Bring plenty of food for your family and guests.

We are looking for some volunteers to help pick up CIC funded ice cream and corn on the cob. Please contact Gene if you can help with any of these items.

Activities: Expectations and structure are minimal. We cook, eat, walk, talk, and read. We play music, baseball, and capture the flag. We have fun. We have a Sunday morning celebration on the beach and a Saturday night talent show.

Anyone can organize an activity. In the past we have had batik, jewelry making, candle making, bread making, lantern making, yoga, meditation, singing circle, women's spirit group, discussion groups... If you have an idea for a planned activity, please contact the Retreat Organizers
Send an email or call/text to -
Leeann - 360-791-9471 - email
Sabra - email

Please bring musical instruments, books, camping chairs, games to share, arts and crafts materials, walking shoes, balls, kites and outdoor games.

Quiet hours are from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am. Parents/Surrogates are responsible for supervising their children and ensuring adherence to community rules.

Right after lunch on Saturday there are mandatory meetings to review the expectations for children, youth and adults. Children and youth have developed a list of their own rules, which are as follows:

  1. Boundaries are from pier to bunkers, including beach.
  2. Stay in groups of three or more at all times, except when returning to barracks.
  3. No sex, no drugs, no alcohol.
  4. Teens will work out with their parents/surrogates, what time they are to be in.
  5. If you see someone breaking a rule, do something about it.

Adults will also have a short meeting after lunch on Saturday to orient any newcomers and to remind us all about adult behavior and responsibilities. Note: Alcohol is permitted for adults but the focus is on this as a family retreat.

Jobs: There will be a job sign-up sheet posted in the dining hall. Every person -- adult, teen and child - is expected to sign up for one task for each day they are there. These tasks are basically meal preparation and clean up, and the large complete clean-up on Sunday morning. Many hands make light work... Please be prepared to do your part, as you are able and prepare your children for this expectation as well.

What to Bring Plenty of food (see menu) for your family and guests, bedding, towels, pillow, a rope, clothespins, and sheet (to provide privacy in your dorm area), warm clothing, soap, rain-gear, earplugs, indoor and outdoor games, puzzles, kites, Frisbees, bocce ball, ping pong balls, musical instruments, meditation cushions, books, supplies for group activities and whatever else you think would add to your own and others' enjoyment.

Please note: Firearms And Fireworks Are Prohibited By State Law.
Pets Must Stay Leashed, Are Not Allowed In Buildings, And Must Sleep In Your Car.

Directions to Fort Flagler: Olympia to Fort Flagler is 100 miles/two hours' drive. Go north on Highway 101 to Quilcene. Bear right off 101 on Chimacum road. Proceed 18 miles to Hadlock; turn right at the stop sign by the shopping center. As you leave Hadlock you'll approach a "Y" in the road (sign for Indian Island and/or Fort Flagler) and you will bear left, cross the bridge and follow the signs to Fort Flagler State Park. At the main intersection inside the park, go straight. Follow the road past the hostel toward the flagpole; the last barracks you come to, Camp Richmond, are ours in the spring.

Links for more information about Ft Flagler

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