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Our call:

We come together to celebrate the seasons of life.
To study and practice wisdom and compassion,
And to encourage the spiritual work of each person
for the sake of the whole world.

Sunday Celebrations (services):

We meet 4:00 to 5:30 pm in the Social Hall of the United Churches. We don't meet in July and August. Our celebrations include music, singing our call, passing the begging bowl, children's story time, poetry, teachings, candle lighting followed by a Buddhist blessing, a dance of universal peace and our benediction.

Address and directions:

110 11th Ave SE Olympia, WA, enter from Washington St., through the double doors off the parking lot. Would you like to see a map?

What can I expect?

We sit in a circle on chairs with a rug, cushions and altar in the center. We dress comfortably and casually. Our interfaith minister, Corey Passons, leads two Sundays a month and people within the community lead the other two. When you walk into the building, we have a greeter that will welcome you and hand you a brochure with more info about us.

What is the Community for Interfaith Celebration (CIC)?

CIC is an interfaith congregation that values community, tolerance, and openess. We are open and affirming We are affiliated with the United Church of Christ (UCC), a Protestant denomination that has a strong commitment to social justice. Individual CIC members may or may not be members of UCC. Click here to learn more about who we are.

Will I have to contribute financially?

We never require people to contribute financially. We pass a "begging bowl" at the beginning of the celebration and people can choose whether or not to contribute. Our pledge season runs October to December every year. During this time we ask people to say how much they will contribute to CIC the following calendar year. Pledging is voluntary and confidential. We then build our budget based on pledges received.

Is there a children's program?

We have classrooms staffed by qualified teachers. They are grouped by grade level: preschool, grade school, and middle/high school. The children usually go back to their classrooms around 4:30 pm till 5:30 pm each week. While in their classrooms, they eat snack, play or do an age appropriate activity, and light candles (or battery operated candles for the preschoolers).

Are there classes for adults?

We have groups that meet weekly/monthly, usually in people's homes, to explore our spiritual paths more deeply. These groups include meditation, women's circle, chanting, drumming, Dances of Universal Peace, dining out, social justice and end of life issues. See calendar for more information.

How do I become a member?

Many people attend CIC for years before officially becoming a member. If you want to join CIC as a member, we ask that you

  1. tell us (or the minister) you want to become a member
  2. give time and/or money
  3. participate in activities and celebrations as you are able
  4. let us (or the minister) know when you leave the community

How do I learn more about CIC and how it governs?

CIC Guidebook

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...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...