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CIC Call Descriptions

Intro to Descriptions:

In 2021, as I stepped into the role of Call Shepherd, I realized that I didn't really understand all the Calls: what purpose they each serve, and how they function. It occurred to me that having a list of Call descriptions could be helpful to other folks who may have been wondering what a particular Call is all about. It may help someone decide to join a Call that already exists, or see a need and create a new way to serve our group.

So, with the help of so many of you, here are descriptions of the various CIC Calls that volunteers have taken to make CIC the vibrant community that it is! Thank you all so very much!! Carol Rainwood

Altar Tender (by Zoe Dailey)

Here is a description in two parts:
The mechanics of it are to arrive early and set up the table, cloth, flowers (which someone else provides), candelabra with candles that look good and will last the duration of the service, and clean and replenish the candles for candle lighting. Also to clean the protective glass upon which the candles, etc are placed. It's about fifteen minutes to set up with an additional 15-20 minutes when the glass needs cleaning which is not every week.

The intention of it will be unique and vary depending on the person who answers the call. For me (Zoe): ideally I have arrived with sufficient time to inhabit the act of setting up sacred space. Ideally this flows naturally from my heart and I am resonating with the Energy of the space as people arrive for service and beginning to weave those together as the circle forms. One of my favorite parts is when one of the kids wants to help!

Audio Assist Co-coordinator

Arrives early enough to Celebration to open the cabinet in the storeroom, access the audio sets/earphones, and make them available to members who may need hearing assistance. After Celebration, collects the units, disinfects the earpieces, makes sure the machines and the receiver is off, and replaces batteries in units as needed. Lock all units back in cabinet.

Benevolence Shepherd

Differs from the Treasurer (for our Operating Budget) in that the Benevolence Shepherd manages funds raised by CIC members which are directed back into the community, such as: the benefit sale for The Community Kitchen, and monies for our Spring and Fall retreats, the Pastor's fund, Youth fund.

Bev's Team: Shopper

Call Shepherd (by Carol Rainwood)

  • Is a member of Steering Circle & attends monthly Steering Circle meetings and Town Hall. Presents reports about projects/plans, & Call updates & gets feedback from SC members. Sends written report to the Town Hall Clerk, who posts meeting minutes on Wavelinks.
  • Submits articles/Call needs to Wavelinks newsletter, and updates/removes the articles as needed.
  • UPDATES the CALL LIST as Calls are created and filled, or an existing Call is changed-volunteers coming on or leaving. Sends updated list to Website Editor to be posted.
  • Recruits new volunteers to fill Calls when a Call has an opening either by asking folks individually, or via Wavelinks newsletter, and during announcement time at Celebration.
  • Helps find Leaders/Coordinators for certain events, such as our Retreats in Spring and Fall. May assist with getting volunteers for Holiday events such as Easter, Passover Seders, Solstice, Christmas Eve.
  • In preparation for Annual Meeting in January: reaches out to everyone who has taken a Call to find out if there are changes to their Call. Presents a report at the meeting with an overview of the various volunteer roles that keep CIC moving.

Celebration Candle Provider

Scott makes about a dozen of these handmade candles per week, depending on need, and keeps us well stocked!

Celebration Flowers (by Karen Lohmann)

Create & provide small and large flower arrangements for the altar, once a month on average. & for Easter celebrations and other events. (Takes 1/2 hour or more)

Celebration Music Co-coordinator (by Penny Purkerson July 2021 )

Coordinate with Corey or celebration leaders to recommend and choose songs for each Sunday. Pick good keys to sing in, get chording figured out and notate parts as needed for various instruments. Make copies for musicians and sometimes for the whole group. Notify musicians of weekly song choices and co-lead rehearsal at 4:30 each Sunday. Make recordings for Zoom celebrations, coordinated with Corey and others.

Celebration Musician (by Teasy Ryken, Ryan Stephens July 2021)

Practice music in advance as necessary, and arrive at 4:30, before Celebration to play as people arrive, and also during Celebration for songs and dances. Ryan Stephens provides song leadership when needed.

Celebration Planning Committee: (by Jo Curtz, Jodi Kline Sept. 2021 )

Corey calls and facilitates meetings of this group, to talk about celebration themes and upcoming plans, and to debrief what's been happening in celebrations immediately past. Meets in summer to discuss possible theme ideas. Meetings happen 1-2 times a year.

Celebration Set up/Take Down Coordinator

Ensures that there are volunteers for the set up and take down team each Sunday when we meet in person.

Celebration Set up/Take Down Team

Arrives around 4:30 and sets up chairs, the rug, and pillows, helps set up the altar, the lamps, the candles and begging bowl.

Chanting Group Leader (by Jo Curtz Sept. 2021)

The group meets for an hour once a week, with exceptions, on Hal Spencer's deck. The leader picks and leads chants, plays guitar and informally facilitates a bit of conversation. Ted Ryle is often a substitute leader for this group, Pandemic update: We did not meet during winter or early spring, 2020/21, and the group is not currently listed in Wavelinks due to COVID precautions and lack of space on Hal's deck.

Children's Room Assistant & Children's/Youth Teacher Assistant (by Peg Henry)

The helper for either call would be contacted either ahead of CIC gathering, or perhaps that evening to fill in if paid staff needed additional support due to large turnout or needy group dynamics benefitting from another presence.

Children's Snack Coordinator (by Gordon White)

For each of the 3 CIC calendar quarters (Sept. to Dec./Jan. to March/March to June):
  • Just before each quarter begins: send out an email for volunteers to sign-up to provide snacks during the quarter, using a "pages document" with all Sundays listed for that quarter.
  • Each Friday before Celebration that week, send a reminder to the person who signed up.
  • Types of snacks include rice crackers, popcorn, baby carrots, apple slices, etc.
This Call takes about 3 hours per quarter of the CIC Celebration year.

Community Support Team (9-24-21 by Sabra Hull)

CIC has a tradition of providing short-term or occasional support to folks in our community during times of need. The purpose of our team is to coordinate that care.

What We Do:

  • Receive and clarify the requests for help
  • Bring the request to the community through email, announcements, & Wavelinks
  • Coordinate the delivery of the service by communicating with the volunteers and the requester.

Kinds Of Help (But do not let this list limit your ideas!) include but are not limited to:

  • Providing meals to a person or family
  • Providing rides to CIC , appointments, other events
  • Help with technology
  • Heavy lifting
  • Help with access to the recordings of the CIC celebrations
  • Errands
  • Occasional Light household help (fixing a leaking faucet, installing a donated airconditioner) for someone who has no other options for assistance


The frequency of requests and general activity for the Community Support Team is variable and unpredictable, as is life. Sometimes an individual will need an intensive pulse of support due to their circumstances, and sometimes months will go by with no requests. The CIC Community is generally very responsive to requests, and only rarely is it challenging to find help for a Community member in need.

Nature Of The Work

The Community Support Team works collaboratively. We communicate amongst ourselves when a request arises, and decide who among us is willing and able to coordinate the request, or how coordination will be shared.


  • Occasionally there are requests and the volunteers' availability or ability falls short of the expressed need.
  • We are typically not able to provide long term care, medical care, ongoing financial help
  • Sometimes a requester needs help in creatively envisioning a solution that does NOT involve CIC
How to contact the Support Team:

Community Support Team Coordinator

Provides leadership, convenes team meetings.

Computer Tasks Assistant (by Thad)

Can help with computer jobs being done for CIC, when needed

Connections Committee (by Hugh O'Neill, Cindy Guertin-Anderson, Megan Parke July 2021)

Hires/evaluates staff; conflict resolution; conduct annual evaluation by CIC members :

When hiring is done, the committee helps with the structure and the process and some of the paperwork (e.g. job descriptions). This can take several hours depending on the amount of hiring we need to do. The other main task is to help resolve disputes or disharmony between CIC members or within the community. This task varies with the situation. In one example, several meetings with CIC members were involved, an agreement with next steps was reached and some monitoring was completed.

Once a year, CC collaborates to develop, edit, distribute, collect, analyze and summarize the CIC Annual Evaluation. We then present to Town Hall. This takes several hours once per year.

Dances of UNIVERSAL PEACE- LEADER: (by Jo Curtz Sept. 2021)

When there is a Dance of Universal Peace to be included in a celebration, the celebration leader consults with a dance leader to pick the dance and discuss how it will fit into the service. The dance leader notifies musicians, and works with them to practice the music before the celebration. During the pandemic there have been few dances actually danced, since we are not together in person, but the dance chants have been used fairly often. Sometimes a dance leader is asked to come up with some alternative movements which might work on Zoom.

Requirement for this Call is that the person be a mentored leader for the Dances of Universal Peace. (See their website for info.) In CIC, Jo Curtz is a dance mentor and Ted Ryle is a mentor in training.

Dharma Group, Convener (by Betty Hauser July 2021)

Sends out Zoom link on Friday before Saturday Dharma. The Zoom is set up so people can enter at any time. Keeps track of the time: we meditate for 20 minutes, read and discuss for a while, then meditate for 20 more minutes.

The texts are chosen by the participants, usually written by Buddhist teachers. The discussion is organic so some days there is a lot of discussion and some days very little.

Donations Shepherd (by Pat Starzyk Sept. 2021)

The Donations Shepherd manages the donations account, which receives donations to CIC that aren't part of a pledge or a specific benevolence item.

People donate money via PayPal, checks or, if they have a WSECU account, by direct transfer. The Donations Shepherd transfers the money into the donations account, and sends an acknowledgement card to the donor to thank them, letting them know that this card can be used for tax purposes. The donation stays in this Donations account unless the donor requests that it go to the Operating Budget or to Benevolence Fund. Sometimes the money is used for special projects, approved by Town Hall - for example: lunches for the Interfaith Works Shelter, paying for groceries when we have a family in sanctuary, and funds given to a musician for setting up our music for Zoom.

If a donation is made in honor of someone an email is sent to notify that person, unless the donor requests otherwise, or the honoree is deceased.

Sometimes there are special projects, like the lunches for the Interfaith Works Shelter, and these donations are transferred to the Benevolence Fund so the Benevolence Treasurer can write the checks. The Donations Shepherd doesn't write checks since there is limited activity.

Drum Circle Convener

Drum Circle meets outdoors about once a week, (during pandemic). In non-pandemic times we meet indoors at TUCO. Convener opens the room and sets up the chairs. Welcomes everyone, especially anyone new - and provides any needed guidance.

Edit Ft Flagler/Retreats Binder

Collect/organize information about how to lead a retreat at Ft Flagler or Millersylvania. Binder includes what info to send out to CIC, timelines, meal preparation directions, and printouts for posting chores and rules and sign-up sheets.

End of Life Circle Conveners (by Karen Lohmann, Hilarie, Leeann )

Examples of work done in this Call:
  • Karen Lohman, Hilarie, Leeann and others have made presentations/workshops to small groups on Advance Care Planning,
  • Spoken with folks & answered questions about end of life planning, funeral options, options for afterdeath planning, and about Karen's home funeral/ home vigil services.
  • Have offered grief support to those who are experiencing a loss, or anticipating a loss of a loved one.
  • Visited with CIC members in the hospital (also part of Karen's Chaplain work.)
  • Witnessing of the end of life story for CIC members.
  • Led Celebrations on the topic of Death and Dying.
  • Promotion of education about death, and normalizing of death as a part of the life cycle.

Financial Audit: (by Betty Hauser, Pat Starzyk July 2021)

Gather the books from the 3 treasurers. We have an audit form that we use, but basically what we do is go through the books and make sure that all the treasurer entries agree with the bank statements. Then assure that the beginning balance plus income minus expenditures equals the ending balance.

Finance Shepherd

The function of the Finance Shepherd:
  1. Member of the CIC Steering Circle
  2. Communicate to the community the financial health of CIC via reports at Townhall and Annual Meeting
  3. Propose a budget
  4. Annual Meeting
  5. Calendar
The Finance Shepherd is a member of the CIC Steering Circle (SC), along with the Minister, Town Hall Facilitator, Call Shepherd, and Clerk. The 5 member Circle meets monthly, or so. The SC sets the agenda for the following Town Hall (TH).

Financial reports are generated for every Town Hall and for most Steering Circle meetings: The treasurer makes available bank balances and two spreadsheets, one for expenses, and the other for income, or pledges received. The Finance Shepherd interprets the data and generates a summary spreadsheet report for the Community. This report includes the amount spent on line items, remaining funds, bank balances, and a comparison between the percent of available budget funds and the percent of the remaining year. These reports are stored in the CIC Google Drive under "Finances"

During the later part of September, a draft budget for the following year is made. This draft budget is projected from expenses of the current year. This DRAFT budget proposal is presented to the SC, adjusted, and then presented to TH for discussion and approval. Once the DRAFT annual budget for the upcoming year is approved by TH, then the Pledge Drive begins by the Pledge Shepherd. Pledges from members and participants fund CIC expenses. If pledges fall short, the draft budget is amended at the Annual Meeting in January.

Annual meeting: occurs at the end of January and most of the pledges have been recorded. Annual meeting is also when the community checks in with itself and a big part of that is the budget for the year. A more finalized budget is presented and the community at the annual meeting comes to consensus and the budget is approved. Afterwards the minister's contract is signed by a representative from town hall and the minister.

Calendar of Events for FInance Shepherd:

  • September
    • make a very "drafty" budget for the next year
    • Present to SC
    • Present to Town Hall for approval
    • Monthly budget report SC and TH
  • October
    • Pledge Shepherd leads a Sunday Celebration/pledge drive kick off
    • Monthly budget report SC and TH
  • November
    • Monthly budget report SC and TH
  • December
    • Monthly budget report SC and TH
  • January Year end budget report
    • Annual Meeting, Budget approval

Fundraiser Committee:

The committee was organized in 2022 to develop new ideas for how CIC can supplement the Fall Salmon Sale to provide sufficient funds for CIC's monthly food costs at The Community Kitchen, (about $400 per month in 2022). An added goal is to create events that many CIC members can participate in and experience the joy of working together for the "sake of the whole world".

The 2022 committee brainstormed many new ideas, resulting in the first new fundraiser: the October 2022 "Movie Night in the Barn". For this event, the committee outlined the project plan, and recruited and led teams of volunteers to accomplish specific tasks.

Gompa Caretaker

Hal and Donna Spencer have a heated room off of their garage which they make available for CIC groups to meet.


Volunteer once a month on a rotation basis. Greeters arrive around 3:30 to roll out the greeting table, get the badges set up, and put out a sign-up for new people to be added to the newsletter mailing list, as well as cold weather donations box. Then it's just a matter of greeting and handing out badges. If there's a new person/people, give them a copy of the order of celebration, ask them to sign the book and see if they want to get the newsletter. Then if it's not too busy, chat with them a bit or just encourage them to take a seat. If Corey's around (which he usually is), introduce them to him if he's not deep in conversation.

Interfaith Works Program Council Delegate: (Karen Tvedt, Ted Ryle, Jonnel Anderson Aug. 2021)

Interfaith Works strives to create and promote cooperative relationships between diverse faith communities; promotes mutual respect and understanding between diverse faith communities; combines efforts of faith communities and other nonprofit organizations to perform charitable and educational services that benefit our greater community.

The Program Council includes delegates of faith community member organizations, and affiliate members. Its purpose is to promote cooperative relationships among diverse faith communities and affiliate members; propose, plan, and carry out the projects, programs, and events of Interfaith Works as approved by the Interfaith Works Board of Directors; act as liaison between Interfaith Works, members, and the wider community; and advise the Board of Directors regarding critical decisions.

All Faith Community Delegates shall: serve on one advisory council and attend its meetings; speak for and vote on behalf of their faith community; act as a liaison between Interfaith Works and their faith community; and advise the Board of Directors of Interfaith Works regarding critical decisions. Decisions are made during meetings by majority vote of those delegates at a meeting or their proxies, at which a quorum is present. The Program Council meets monthly except July, August and December.

Jonnel Anderson, Ted Ryle and Karen Tvedt currently share responsibility for representing CIC on the Program Council with the understanding that CIC has only one vote during the Annual Meeting and other times when the Program Council votes. The time commitment for Program Council meetings is approximately two hours a month. Committee participation and reporting back to CIC likely averages another two hours a month.

Labyrinth Walk Convener

In non-pandemic times we meet indoors at TUCO once a month. Convener opens the room and sets up chairs, table, candles, and music. We greet folks as they arrive. Then after it is over we put everything away.

Medical Equipment Shepherd (by Donna Spencer)

Maintains a limited number of medical items belonging to community members that are available for lending. The equipment is mostly used post surgery when items such as a cane, commode, walker, or shower bench would be helpful. If you are in need of this type of medical equipment, contact Donna Spencer @ 360 292- 9354 or email her at donnaspencer50@comcast.net

Meditation Group Convener

Every Tuesday at 10am we meditate for 25 minutes, then do individual check-ins, a short reading, followed by a 10 minute meditation. It's set up so people can enter at any time.

The Convener sends out a Zoom link on Monday before the Tuesday morning gathering. The announcement includes who will do the reading. The Convener ensures there are readers, & keeps track of the time during the meeting.

Ministers of Presence (by Karen Lohmann)

When called upon by a Community member, they listen to concerns and issues with non-judgemental, loving presence, & sometimes offer advice.

Phone Directory: Online Data Updater

Receives updates from the Phone Directory Compiler, updates the file and then posts it on the website.

Phone Directory Compiler

Solicits updates from members at least once a year, either via email or by passing around a directory during Celebration.

Makes corrections/additions and sends them to our Phone Directory Online Data Updater.

Pledge Shepherd

The function of the PLEDGE Shepherd:
  1. Initiate the annual pledge drive with a celebration in October
  2. Track pledges and follow up with members. Make announcements at CIC and in Wavelinks, using the pledge thermometer graphic.
  3. Follow up with members who haven't yet pledged, and maybe approach new participants.
Pledge Drive: During the later part of September, a draft budget for the following year is made by the Finance Shepherd. This draft budget is projected from expenses of the current year. This DRAFT budget proposal is presented to the SC, adjusted, and then presented to TH for discussion and approval. Once the DRAFT annual budget for the upcoming year is approved by TH, then the Pledge Drive begins. Pledges from members and participants fund CIC expenses. If pledges fall short, the draft budget is amended at the Annual Meeting in January.

Pledge Sunday Celebration occurs mid to Late October and is led by the Pledge Shepherd. Themes from the past have included a rotating pot Luck on Zoom, plays featuring stories about giving and generosity, potluck analogies, a little summary of CIC anticipated expenses for the upcoming year. During this time members and participants email, write down, or communicate to the Pledge Shepherd the amount they wish to pledge for the year. Pledges are not necessarily one time payments but are often given throughout the year. They are promises to pay over the course of the year. Many people are now making monthly automatic payments, but still need to confirm their yearly contributions to balance the budget. PLEDGE INFORMATION AND AMOUNTS ARE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. JUST THE TREASURER, PLEDGE SHEPHERD, FINANCE SHEPHERD, AND MAYBE A DESIGNATED ASSISTANT KNOW WHO GIVES AND HOW MUCH.

Often, follow up is required to ensure all pledges for the current year are received. This information is recovered from the pledges-received spreadsheet. An email or two to the pledgers is sometimes required. Sometimes pledges cannot be honored by the member, and that's ok. Follow up is important because if there is a surplus of pledge funds compared to expenses, the extra income helps finance the following year. This excess is called "carry over."

For the remainder of the calendar year, the Pledge Shepherd verbally reminds folks to pledge during CIC announcement time and submits written updates in the Wavelinks newsletter. Pledge drive progress is recorded and presented using a pledge thermometer graphic. As the year closes, follow up with members who have not yet pledged, are contacted. Also new participants and members can be approached at this time.

Annual meeting occurs at the end of January and most of the pledges have been recorded. Annual meeting is also when the community checks in with itself and a big part of that is the budget for the year. A more finalized budget is presented and the community at the annual meeting comes to consensus and the budget is approved.

Calendar of Events

  • September
    • Finance Shepherd makes a very "drafty" budget for the next year.
  • October
    • Pledge Shepherd leads Sunday Celebration/pledge drive kick off
    • Track down outstanding pledges
    • Record pledge amounts for next year
    • Announcements at Celebration and in Wavelinks
  • November
    • Track down outstanding pledges
    • Record pledge amounts for next year
    • Announcements at Celebration and in Wavelinks
  • December
    • Track down outstanding pledges
    • Record pledge amounts for next year
    • Announcements at Celebration and in Wavelinks
    • Check if all possible pledges for following year have been made
  • January
    • Track down outstanding pledges
    • Check if all possible pledges for the year have been made
    • Record pledge amounts for next year
    • Announcements at Celebration and in Wavelinks
February through June (or Sept.?) - the Pledge Shepherd continues to track pledges that have not yet come in and make reminders via Wavelinks and perhaps phone calls/emails.

Potluck Coordinator

Announces pot lucks, (random, solstice, Passover...) encourages folks to bring table cloths etc. At times suggest adding a pot luck to a celebration. May bring extra plates and serving utensils, napkins, etc. and coordinates a clean up effort afterward.

Prayer Support Team

Offers support through prayer for requests from CIC members. This group will practice prayer in a way that is non-directive or connected with any particular religious tradition. Rather, when requested, the group members will foster a sense of connection for the person or situation for which they are praying, and then focus their compassion in this direction. All requests are held in confidence and those making requests will be free from inquiry from those holding these requests.

The team works separately and remotely....that is we receive requests and Corey shares them with the group who each make a point to try to hold and uphold that prayer request either for a set amount of time or over a period of time that they determine sufficient.

The group does not have regularly scheduled meetings but has met in person several times over the past couple of years.

Racial Justice Sub-Committees

Over the summer of 2021 there was development of three different subcommittees who are each beginning work to help us see ourselves as a community more clearly. Who are we? What privileges do we hold? What have been some of our norms related to white supremacy culture? What's missing and what do we want? Each of these questions are part of a process that is unfolding in subcommittees right now and which will eventually offer us tools to better know how and where we might be suited to authentically engage in antiracist work as a community.

The subcommittees are:

  • Assessment of CIC as an organization:
    This aspect of exploration will assist us in understanding our commitments to racial justice that are present, or lacking, in administrative and personnel issues as well as our marketing (website, social media) and associations/relationships with other communities or organizations.
  • Discernment of community privilege:
    Asking questions such as, who are we....racially, gender, economically, age, spiritual/religious background, depth of familiarity with racial justice/equity concepts, rates of home ownership, insurance, savings stability, substance abuse history, etc. Determining areas of held privilege is recommended by Ijeoma Oluo for people wanting to discern the capacities in which they will be most effective as allies or workers for racial justice.
  • Audit of CIC canon:
    An exploration of songs, authors, religious texts, and practices to help us see what are our spiritual and cultural "norms" and examine the ongoing sources that reinforce these norms. Asking questions such as, "What is missing? What or how do we want to be?"

Salmon Sale Coordinator

Works with Gene to decide the date of the sale and how much to charge for the fish, and then publicizes the event. Maintains a contact list of folks who bought fish from CIC last year and reaches out to them. Creates a sales/order form.Takes pre-orders and keeps a tally of them. Works with Gene re: quantities & packaging. On the day of the pickup: helps to bring the fish out of the freezer to folks, takes their money and tracks all the transactions and income. May provide cider and cookies for folks! After the sale: Calculates payment due to Gene, and coordinates with CIC Benevolence Shepherd re: depositing gross income, and paying Gene.

Salmon Sale to benefit Community Kitchen: Donor

For the past 2 years Gene Maltzeff has generously provided Salmon for us to sell as a fundraiser for TCK. Some of the salmon is an outright donation, and some is provided at his cost for us to sell, with all profits benefiting TCK.

Social Justice Committee (by Betty Hauser July 2021)

The Social Justice Committee traditionally organizes the Pride Day activities and leads the MLK celebration. In 2020 we also spearheaded lunches for the shelters. At our meetings we try to keep each other updated on what's happening in Thurston County and make plans to pass on to all of CIC those things we think are appropriate. We usually have a project going which requires planning, etc. during the meeting.

Social Justice Committee Convener (by Betty Hauser July 2021)

Send out Zoom link on Thursday before the Saturday meeting with an agenda if we have one. Lead the meeting.

Songbook Tender

Track the collection of songs in our plastic books and update as needed.

Steering Circle

Steering Circle is comprised of 5 people: the minister, the Town Hall Facilitator, the Town Hall Clerk, the Finance Shepherd, and the Call Shepherd. This group serves as a sounding board for the minister, reviews the budget, and committee reports, and discusses what to present to Town Hall. The role of Steering Circle is primarily advisory, whereas TH is where most decisions are made for the community.

Summer Soiree Coordinator

Encourages folks to create summer gatherings and help them advertise through CIC, and connect them with name of folks interested in attending.

Summer Soiree Promoter

In late Spring: makes announcements at CIC and in Wavelinks to encourage folks to offer to host gatherings during the summer and helps the hosts compose an invitation to place in Wavelinks. Gatherings can include a book club, a singing gathering, a park picnic, a potluck meal, camping together, or another activity of their choosing.

The Community Kitchen (TCK):

On the 2nd Saturday of each month CIC provides a meal to those in need, at the Community Kitchen (located in the Salvation Army in downtown Olympia), as well as to various shelters.

TCK Coordinator

There are 2-3 teams of Coordinators who rotate duties every 2-3 months. Coordinators need to have a Food Handler's Card.
  • Emails volunteers to fill volunteer spots: for shopping, cooking, serving, & delivering the food.
  • Shops for the food, unless a volunteer steps forward
  • Oversees the kitchen and team of volunteers on the 2nd Saturday

The Community Kitchen Volunteers

(Some folks are regular volunteers, others volunteer as they are able. Volunteers are asked to wear a mask when working at the community kitchen. There is not currently an age restriction for being a volunteer, as there was at the beginning of Covid.

It is a lively afternoon of community, cooking and togetherness. We welcome all who are interested to join us for a Saturday!)

  • 1-2 volunteers are needed to shop for the food. This takes about an hour or perhaps less, for the more experienced shopper.
  • The Cooking Shift: A group of about 5 volunteers meets from 2:30 - 4:45PM, to prepare the meal of enchiladas, corn, salad with veggies, chips and salsa and a dessert. Volunteers for this shift will wash and chop vegetables, make enchilada filling, cook the meal and package up some to-go meals. Light cleaning as well as setting up the food for serving is also needed for this shift.
  • The Meal Serving Shift: a group of about 4 volunteers meet from 4:45 - 6:15PM to serve the food to the guests, by lining up and helping dish up the meals. During Covid times all of the meals are served to-go and there is no interacting with the guests, as Staff passes the food to the guests via a passthrough doorway. Light clean up is also needed during this shift.
  • The Meal Delivering Team: 1-2 volunteers deliver a portion of the to-go meals to local shelters. It's helpful to have a vehicle that has enough room for several large boxes, and trays of hot and cold foods.

Town Hall Clerk (by Karen Tvedt Aug. 2021)

The clerk participates as a member of the Steering Circle (SC) and takes minutes for SC and Town Hall (TH) meetings. The minutes focus primarily on action items and decisions made during the meeting. The draft minutes are sent to SC members for review, and once approved by the SC, are posted on the CIC website. At the subsequent SC or TH meeting, the clerk provides a summary of the prior meeting, again emphasizing action items. During the CIC year (September through June), the clerk participates in approximately two meetings each month (four hours total) and spends approximately three hours monthly preparing the minutes. The time commitment is less during the summer, depending on the need for meetings.

Town Hall Facilitator

  • Leads the monthly Steering Circle meeting and Town Hall.
  • Ensures that the Steering Circle and Town Hall agendas are created and sent out to members, with enough time allotted for discussion topics and reports.
  • Facilitates discussions at these meetings, summarizing salient points and verifying the accuracy of the summation.
  • During a meeting: works with participants to ensure that the meeting is flowing, and adjusts the agenda as needed.
  • Helps participants move toward consensus. If we can't reach consensus, works to recognize concerns raised, and facilitate discussion.

Town Hall Regular

Committed to attending monthly Town Hall Meetings

Update Bylaws & Articles of Incorporation

Wavelinks Newsletter Editor

Receives articles from members and from Corey throughout the week, makes the final changes/additions on Monday evening and posts the newsletter by Tuesday.

Wavelinks Newsletter Email Distributor

Using the MailChimp app, the newsletter editor sends Wavelinks to CIC members. Adds/updates the mail distribution list as folks join us or change their email address

Wavelinks/Website Photos

Solicits photos from members of CIC events and posts them in Wavelinks/Adds collections of CIC photos to our CIC Website to share what the CIC community is involved in.

Wavelinks Poetry

Various members find and take turns submitting poems for Wavelinks.

Website Editor

Makes changes to the website when directed by Corey. These are posted to the web-server. May occasionally have to deal with other technical issues that come up.

Welcome Committee

If a Greeter lets you know there's a new person, or you notice a new face or new name on the Guest list, try to meet them and make them feel welcome. You might offer them information or let them know how they can learn more about CIC & perhaps introduce them to Corey, or let him know there's a new person.

Zoom Technician

Connect up Zoom equipment, open Zoom session and admit participants, monitor camera angles, sound levels, and chat box.

Arrive at Celebration 20-30 minutes early, to set things up. Training is required and can involve one or more sessions of working with an experienced Zoom Tech to learn the ropes.

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