Awaken In Your Essence
"I feel the tools of yoga are keys to opening to the reality of thriving. My deepest joy comes from witnessing the human heart come to know and love it's truth and share that with others."
Jessica teaches an integrative approach to yoga, somatic movement and women's yoga primarily in Olympia, Washington. She also travels for leading retreats and teaching at teacher trainings the Evergreen State College. She has studied Kundalini yoga in Rishikesh, India and is a Yoga Alliance 500 hr level experienced registered yoga teacher. She is also certified in Hatha yoga and Yoga Trance Dance as taught by Shiva Rea. Dance has always been part of her practice, even before she discovered yoga. She thanks Melissa Michaels, her first mentor, for holding a space and being a mid-wife for her to emerge into life through Somatic movement and creative expression. She is eternally grateful for the heart-opening yogic and feminine embodiment teachings of Sofia Diaz, the Women's Temple teachings of Janis Deluca, and the Essence work of Kim Lincoln. These mentors have inspired her to believe in herself as a vessel of love. Jessica acknowledges that her partner, her family and community have also been sources of inspiration and teachings along her path.
She believes that we all have unique gifts to share and our world is a better place when people feel empowered to share. If we are not already participating in this offering of our gifts, we are probably suffering a lack of direction or connection.
Jessica loves how music can be a direct link to the soul. In her yoga classes you might hear some groovy and uplifting beats to inspire you in moving your body. Music, movement and chanting are as much a part of her classes as yoga postures and meditation are. Our voices freeing up a big part of embracing who we are. A deep joy is hearing shy, quieter folks liberate and raise their voices to the sky while letting go of insecurities of taking up too much space, not sounding perfect, etc, etc...
She is also an experienced bodyworker of 20 years and she has studied and practiced many different healing modalities, including cranio-sacral therapy and zen shiatsu. She is a graduate of the Scherer Institute in New Mexico and completed a year at Boulder College of Massage Therapy as well. She has distilled her practice down to an intuitive and sacred art form that is both subtle and deeply focused. Jessica helps you activate the healing power within you in a deeply supportive space. She holds compassion and presence for one's opening and healing, and is humble to the power and flow of spirit that is not ours to own. The gong, warm river stones, and the highest quality essential oils are incorporated into sessions to inspire, relax and deepen your journey home to yourself.
Please contact Jessica with any questions and/or to make an appointment.
Thank you!