every life matters... What You Can Do
Please make markers for the memorial. This is the memorial's greatest need.
Funding the memorial is also important at this time. Please be generous.
Helping Iraqis on the ground in Iraq
- Collateral Repair
- The Collateral Repair Project is a grassroots effort, bringing Iraqis and coalition citizens together in order to create solutions in response to the terrible damage done to Iraqi civilians. We work in partnership with an Iraqi team who determines how we can best help improve the stability of some of the millions of Iraqis whose lives have been devastated by the US led invasion.
- No More Victims - bringing war-injured Iraqi children and a parent to the United States for medical care
- Operation Iraqi Children - sends school supply kits, along with more than half a million toys and thousands of Arabic-language books, shoes, blankets, backpacks and sets of sports equipment, all of which have been distributed to Iraqi children by our troops
- Middle East Children's Alliance
Helping Iraqis in the United States
Visit the Project Sponsor & learn about FOR's incredible work for peace
Visit the Project Supporters
Projects of "Of Like Mind"