Dance Schedule
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About Us

About The Olympia Contra Dance Community

The Olympia Contra Dance Community (OCDC) is a State of Washington non-profit corporation, with an all-volunteer Board of Directors.

In addition to organizing the usual First and Second Saturday dances, OCDC also sponsors a bi-annual New Year’s Eve Dance, Cascade Promenade events in March, and an annual fundraiser dance, potluck and silent auction in May.

OCDC Funds

All money from admission and the May fundraiser goes to paying bands, callers, sound people, supplies and all overhead for the dance. By guaranteeing payment to the bands and callers, we ensure we get the best for our events. So our costs are fixed, regardless of how much is collected at the door.

The expenses for a 3 or 4 piece band and caller from outside the Olympia area
Band: $240 + $20 travel allowance = $260
Caller: $80 + $20 travel allowance = $100
Sound: $80
Rental fee for the hall: $75
Insurance: $15
TOTAL: $530

At the full $9 admission price, it takes 60 dancers to cover the expenses for one dance... and we rarely get that kind of attendance. The difference is made up through the annual fundraiser dance and silent auction.

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Revised 2017/01/17 13:45:10

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...