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Intermediate/Troupe Class

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00
Debbi's Dance, 6715 Martin Way E, Olympia, 98516

Beginner Class

Thursdays 6:30-7:30
Mas Uda studio, SE of Lacey. Contact Kashani for directions.

Kashani at Sheridan Market in Lake Forest Park

May 3 -

Hasani's on line hafla

May 11 -

Lacey Fun Fair

May 19th, at St. Martin's University, Lacey WA

Basic Zill Workshop

This is a very basic zill workshop at Mas Uda Studio, SE of Lacey (contact Kashani for directions)- we'll go for as long as there is interest. $20 per person. We'll start very basic and progress from there, depending on the level of the students. I suggest Saroyan zills if you need to purchase zills. There will be a FEW extras available for use at the workshop. To register, contact Kashani Berube here on FB

South Bay Grange's Strawberry Festival

June 15 - South Bay Grange, Olympia WA

Hasani's Raq the Harbor

July 20 - Gig Harbor WA

Thurston County Fair

August 4 - Lacey WA

Past Events

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All rights reserved. USA. No part of this publication may be used for selling, promoting, products and or services, soliciting clients, or for any other commercial purpose. Furthermore, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by means electronic, or mechanical, including photocopies, recordings, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher and owner known as Kashani and or also known as "Mas Uda".

Page last updated 2023/05/21 17:09:50
...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...