Donate for sustainability for Limbe, in northern Haiti

Past Events


June 10th - How to Grow Your Own Produce - Maintenance and Harvest

People's Food Coop: 3029 SE 21st St, Portland, OR
7 - 9 pm

June completes our planting of the summer vegetable garden and then it is time to focus on maximizing the harvest. For the urban gardener, this may mean optimizing a small space to produce as much food as possible. We will discuss strategies for optimizing yield of your vegetable crops throughout the growing season. We will highlight the best types of trellises for plants that like to grow up.

These classes are available as as individual events ($25 each) or as an entire_series ($100).

To register, contact Marisha Auerbach:, or call (503) 454-6656. You can also register online at:

May 6th - How to Grow Your Own Produce - Warm-Season Crops, Edible Flowers, and Attracting Pollinators

People's Food Coop: 3029 SE 21st St, Portland, OR
7 - 9 pm

In May, the weather typically gets warmer and many flowers begin to bloom. We will discuss reliable varieties of warm season crops to grow in your garden and ways to maximize microclimate and production. Many of these plants require insects for pollination. You will learn about pollination, pollinator insects, and flowers that are useful for attracting these special critters. Many of these flowers have multifunctions. We will highlight edible flowers, their functions in landscapes, and recipes.

These classes are available as as individual events ($25 each) or as an entire_series ($100).

To register, contact Marisha Auerbach:, or call (503) 454-6656. You can also register online at:

April 8th - How to Grow Your Own Produce - Cole Crops, Greens, & Soil-Building

People's Food Coop: 3029 SE 21st St, Portland, OR
7 - 9 pm

April is a key time for all of the Cole Crops, such as Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower, Collards, and Cabbage. It is also a time of planting greens. As many plants are being planted in the garden during this month and the months to come, we will highlight soil building strategies in this class.

These classes are available as as individual events ($25 each) or as an entire_series ($100).

To register, contact Marisha Auerbach:, or call (503) 454-6656. You can also register online at:

Online Permaculture Design Course

presented by Oregon State University’s Department of Horticulture

March 31 - June 13


Our Online Permaculture Design Certificate Course is taught at a college level, and is among the most academically rigorous PDC's on the planet. Students have intensive interaction with multiple instructors, and a low student-teacher ratio.

The focus is on the Permaculture design system: it's fundamental tools and strategies that can be applied at scales from the home garden to city block to village to farm. Although rooted in horticulture and agriculture, Permaculture design is interdisciplinary, touching on a wide range of subjects including regional planning, ecology, animal husbandry, appropriate technology, architecture, and international development.

This certificate course takes students on a journey to design the site of their choice, where the curriculum and assignments all build towards the creation of an integrated site design.

The course consists of narrated slide shows by experienced Permaculture instructors, educational video tours with knowledgeable guides, and interactive assignments, working towards the completion of a Permaculture site design.

Students present their work on individual blogs, which are visible for other students to comment on, and through discussion boards the community of learning is encouraged.

This is a non-credit course offered through Oregon State University's Professional and Non-Credit Education. The student receives a Permaculture Design Course Certificate, but without registering for credit with OSU.

Instructors: Andrew Millison, Marisha Auerbach, Jason Gerhardt

Cost: $750



The Financial Permaculture and Local Business Summit

March 10 - 14, 2014
Miami, Florida

Join community investment/finance experts, Permaculture designers and sustainability entrepreneurs for a dynamic gathering focused on building resilient local economies. Learn skills for addressing the economic and ecological challenges of 21st century. This integrative learning environment includes the design of four Permaculture enterprises in the Miami area, replicable in your home community.

Keynote speakers: Gary Paul Nabhan, Eric Toensmeier, Elizabeth U, and Judy Wicks

Hosted by Earth Learning, and The Financial Permaculture Institute.

To register: Visit or contact

March 4th - How to Grow Your Own Produce - Indoor Seed-Starting, Early Plantings, and Perennial Crops

People's Food Coop: 3029 SE 21st St, Portland, OR
7 - 9 pm

In March, it is time to begin planting seeds both outdoors and indoors. This session will focus on those early plantings and the varieties that perform best for our climate. Perennial vegetables can be transplanted at this time. Since many perennial vegetables are new to gardeners, Marisha will share about growing and cooking some of her favorite types. Seed catalogs and other resources will be available as references for each participant to make a personalized planting calendar.

These classes are available as as individual events ($25 each) or as an entire_series ($100).

To register, contact Marisha Auerbach:, or call (503) 454-6656. You can also register online at:

February 4th - How to Grow Your Own Produce - Planning, Design, & Framework

People's Food Coop: 3029 SE 21st St, Portland, OR
7 - 9 pm

This opening session will focus on garden planning and design. From the Macro perspective to the microclimate, we will discuss Permaculture design strategies that can maximize your yields and diversity of crops throughout the season. Fruit trees, berry bushes, and other large landscaping elements will be discussed as the framework for creating the context for your space. Each participant is encouraged to come with a base map of their site. Please contact Marisha if you need support before class to have this available.

These classes are available as as individual events ($25 each) or as an entire_series ($100).

To register, contact Marisha Auerbach:, or call (503) 454-6656. You can also register online at:

How to Grow Your Own Produce (Five Class Series)

When: Tuesday evenings: February 4, March 4, April 8, May 6, and June 10, 7 - 9 pm

Where: People's Food Coop: 3029 SE 21st St, Portland, OR

"Timing is Important"
-- Masanobu Fukuoka

This workshop series is designed to help you maximize your yields and endeavors in the garden by providing an overview of key activities to engage in at the right time each month from February through November.

Facilitator Marisha Auerbach has spent many years observing and interacting in her garden and in the greater bioregion. She has been growing most of her own produce year round for the past decade. Each month, she will provide participants with a road map for the month ahead. We will discuss different subjects that are pertinent to the garden each month with supported handouts.

These classes are available as as an entire series ($100) or as individual events ($25 each).

To register, contact Marisha Auerbach:, or call (503) 454-6656. You can also register online at:

February 4th - Planning, Design, & Framework
This opening session will focus on garden planning and design. From the Macro perspective to the microclimate, we will discuss Permaculture design strategies that can maximize your yields and diversity of crops throughout the season. Fruit trees, berry bushes, and other large landscaping elements will be discussed as the framework for creating the context for your space. Each participant is encouraged to come with a base map of their site. Please contact Marisha if you need support before class to have this available.

March 4th - Indoor Seed-Starting, Early Plantings, and Perennial Crops
In March, it is time to begin planting seeds both outdoors and indoors. This session will focus on those early plantings and the varieties that perform best for our climate. Perennial vegetables can be transplanted at this time. Since many perennial vegetables are new to gardeners, Marisha will share about growing and cooking some of her favorite types. Seed catalogs and other resources will be available as references for each participant to make a personalized planting calendar.

April 8th - Cole Crops, Greens, & Soil-Building
April is a key time for all of the Cole Crops, such as Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower, Collards, and Cabbage. It is also a time of planting greens. As many plants are being planted in the garden during this month and the months to come, we will highlight soil building strategies in this class.

May 6th - Warm-Season Crops, Edible Flowers, and Attracting Pollinators
In May, the weather typically gets warmer and many flowers begin to bloom. We will discuss reliable varieties of warm season crops to grow in your garden and ways to maximize microclimate and production. Many of these plants require insects for pollination. You will learn about pollination, pollinator insects, and flowers that are useful for attracting these special critters. Many of these flowers have multifunctions. We will highlight edible flowers, their functions in landscapes, and recipes.

June 10th - Maintenance and Harvest
June completes our planting of the summer vegetable garden and then it is time to focus on maximizing the harvest. For the urban gardener, this may mean optimizing a small space to produce as much food as possible. We will discuss strategies for optimizing yield of your vegetable crops throughout the growing season. We will highlight the best types of trellises for plants that like to grow up.

9th Annual Permaculture Design Course

February 10 - 22nd, 2014
at Maya Mountain Research Farm,
in San Pedro Columbia, Toledo, Belize

come to Belize...

Travel far south; to the back of beyond; to a remote valley accessible only by dugout canoe. Study permaculture surrounded by a lush, productive forest of edibles, medicinals and tropical hardwoods. Eat organic food, sleep in dorms powered by renewable energy, bathe in a sparkling pure river...

The course will be held from February 10th through February 22, 2014. This is a certificate course that follows the standard established 72 hour curriculum. This year's teachers will be Albert Bates, Nicole Foss, Marisha Auerbach, and Christopher Nesbitt. The course costs USD1250, and that covers all food and lodging, field trips (with the exception of fees to National Parks or Archeological sites) and material for the course. You can read bios of the teachers at our web site,

The venue of Maya Mountain Research Farm is one of Central Americas oldest permaculture farms. It is a former cattle and citrus farm that has been rehabilitated into a lush tropical food forest. Accommodations are simple, but clean, with photovotaic powered lights in every room. It is truly a wonderful place to learn about permaculture, whether you are new to permaculture or have several design courses under your belt. This is a good opportunity to see permaculture principles and practices as MMRF is the result of thought, design work and decades of work.

For Details, or to register, please see or contact Christopher at

Ven a Belice...

10 de 22 Feb 2014
Curso de Diseño en Permacultura
Montaña Maya Research Farm

a guided tour of NGO projects in the region immediately precedes, for those who can come early.

Soil Improvement Techniques: A Permaculture Approach to Tending & Building Soil

Saturday, February 1, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The George Center for Community, 2212 NE 125th St., Seattle, Washington

$12 in advance, $15 at the door

This evening's presentation will inspire and inform you with permaculture strategies to build soil. Learn about the critters that live in the soil and how they make nutrients available for plants. Learn strategies for enhancing their habitat and thus, increasing nutrients in your soil. We will discuss a diversity of ways that you can use local resources and plants to enhance your fertility in your garden beds including:

  • Sheet Mulching
  • Compost
  • Compost Teas
  • Vermiculture
  • Hugelkultur
  • Manures
  • Green Manures
  • Terra Preta
  • Mycology
  • Effective Microorganisms
  • Dynamic Accumulators

    To register, please visit: Pre-registration is encouraged!

    For questions, please contact Marisha at

    On Facebook at:

  • Seed Swap!

    Wednesday, January 29, 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
    People's Food Coop, 3029 SE 21st Ave, Portland

    Let's get together and share seeds for the 2014 season!

    January 25 is National Seed Swap Day! But we thought we'd have our seed swap coincide with the People's Food Coop Farmer's Market.

    For the seed swap to go well, please do the following:

    Bring seeds to offer into the swap. It's a seed swap, not a seed giveaway. While we'd like to focus primarily on vegetables, medicinals and other "functional" species, seeds for ornamentals are cool too, if that's you're thing. Please make sure they're labeled as to species and variety (and also open-pollinated vs. hybrid, if known). Please don't bring unknown seeds or seeds that are too old to germinate reliably. You could consider seeds that are more than 6 years old, too old. If your seeds are between 2-4 years old, we may want to combine them with other seeds for making seedballs. Bring containers to take seeds home in (small jars, empty seed packets, empty teabag packets, etc.)

    If you do not have seeds to share, no problem. Just make sure to save seeds from the seeds you gather and bring them back for next year's seed exchange!

    That's about it! Some masking tape, markers, and other useful tools for labeling seeds will be provided, but feel free to bring your own too.

    Feel free to share widely. The more the merrier!

    Note: The way the seed exchange will work: ALL seeds will be placed out on tables, by category, and we will observe the honor system. If you have unopened packets of seed that you would like to share part of, please separate out what you want to keep prior to coming.

    No GMO or fumigated seeds, please...

    23rd Annual Lost Valley Educational Center
    Permaculture Design Course

    with Jude Hobbs, Rick Valley, and Marisha Auerbach
    certified by the Permaculture Institute of North America (PINA)

    January 3 - 16, 2014
    At Lost Valley Education Center, near Eugene, OR

    Permaculture offers a positive response to the uncertainties of the future. It is a method of design that offers ways for you to create permanent culture by conscious, sustainable use of resources in all aspects of living. The time to plan for a resilient and prosperous future is now.

    Course Topics Include:

  • Permaculture Ethics & Principles
  • Mapping & Design Exercises
  • Natural Cycles & Pattern Recognition
  • Observation & Site Analysis
  • Garden Design & Establishment
  • Useful Plants & Planting Strategies
  • Water Harvesting, Management & Conservation
  • Soil Building & Ecology
  • Animals in the System
  • Forests, Agroforestry & Tree Crops
  • Eco-Building & Appropriate Technology
  • Urban Permaculture & Village Design
  • Cooperative Economics

    Cost: $1350 including accommodations and prepared organic meals.

    To register, contact Colin at (541) 937-3351 or visit

    Register now to reserve your space in this inspiring and informative course!

    Lost Valley is an intentional community and nonprofit educational center, dedicated to living, learning, and teaching sustainable, ecologically-based culture in Dexter, OR. Our 87 acres in the foothills of the Cascades, 20 miles SE of Eugene, offer forests, a natural meadow, organic gardens, hiking trails, a pond and a creek.

  • Wildlife in the Garden, Nourishing Soups, and Planning for the Coming Year

    Class 10 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    Tuesday, November 5, 2013
    Location TBA, Portland, OR

    $25 per class

    In November, the weather has become cold and the garden has been put to bed. However, the birds, insects, and other critters still need habitat to keep them around. During this class, we will discuss ways to encourage these allies to stick around in your garden. By having active food webs in the garden, we invite collaboration and enhance fertility cycles on site. As this is our final class for 2013, this class will provide juicy information to help you begin planning for the 2014 garden season. We will also highlight nourishing soup recipes from local herbs, veggies, and stocks. As always, this class will highlight what is happening in the garden in November, how to tend to your garden, and prepare for the coming month. Handouts will include a to do list for the month, information on wildlife, soup recipes, and other pertinent information.

    For more information, or to register, visit: or contact Marisha at

    Thurston County Presents...
    Organic Land Care Accreditation Training

    November 4th - 8th, 2013
    Olympia, WA

    Thurston County, in cooperation with Oregon Tilth is offering a five-day training for landscape professionals focusing on organic practices including soil biology, Integrated Pest Management, organic weed management, marketing organic land care, stormwater management, toxics and pollution reduction, tree care and more.

    Participants who complete the training, pass an examination, and agree to program policies will be eligible for Oregon Tilth Organic Land Care Accreditation.

    Cost: $550 (Early registration discount: $495, before October 2nd.)

    Registration online or download the flyer and registration form (pdf)

    Participants in the training are eligible for accreditation with an additional $100 examination fee.

    Call 503-378-0690

    Garlic, Cover Crops, & Compost

    Class 9 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    Tuesday, October 8, 2013
    Location TBA, Portland, OR

    $25 per class

    October is a time for returning inward and thinking about nourishing the soil for the future garden. This class will highlight soil building method including mulches, composting, leaf mold and more. We will discuss types of cover crops for building soil tilth and fixing nitrogen. Garlic goes in the ground this month for summer harvest. We will talk about the different types of garlic and best varieties for our region. As always, this class will highlight what is happening in the garden in October, how to tend to your garden, and prepare for the coming month. Handouts will include a to do list for the month, information on soil building methods, and other pertinent information.

    For more information, or to register, visit: or contact Marisha at

    Putting Up the Harvest

    Class 8 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    Tuesday, September 10, 2013
    Location TBA, Portland, OR

    $25 per class

    The abundance from the garden and orchard is coming in and it is time to put it up for storage in the winter. In this class, we will discuss the key ways to store food for the winter including: canning, dehydration, fermentation, & freezing. A key component of this class will be focused on how to assess what your family will eat in the winter and the space that you have available for storage. The last of the winter crops should be in the garden by Equinox so we will cover the last of the plantings. As always, this class will highlight what is happening in the garden in September, how to preserve your harvest, and prepare for the coming month. Handouts will include a to do list for the month, information on canning and food preservation, and other pertinent information.

    For more information, or to register, visit: or contact Marisha at

    Learning from the Most Sustainable Place on Earth
    with Cuban Permaculturist Roberto Perez

    Wednesday, August 21, 7 pm - 9pm 2013
    TaborSpace, 5441 SE Belmont Street, Portland, Oregon 97215

    Benefit Donation $15 - $20
    A benefit for the Eleventh International Permaculture Convergence Scholarships

    Santa Barbara Permaculture Network hosts Roberto Perez, Cuban environmental educator featured in the award winning documentary, "The Power of Community, How Cuba Survived Peak Oil" currently in the U.S. promoting the 11th International Permaculture Convergence (IPC11) to be held in Cuba in November of 2013.

    The Living Planet Report from the World Wildlife Fund in 2007 identified Cuba as the only sustainable country in the world. The study involved two key parameters for measuring sustainable development, a commitment to "improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems". Cuba was the ONLY country on earth to achieve satisfactory benchmarks in both criteria for sustainable development.

    Formerly importing most of its food, Cuba's agriculture is now 95% organic, with the city of Havana producing over 60% of its own fruits and vegetables within the city's urban spaces. At the same time, Cuba has been engaging in a massive reforestation campaign, and has invested massively in alternative energy production, with a focus on solar and biofuels.

    A small island nation with 11,000,000 people, struggling with poverty, devastating tropical storms, and the U.S. Embargo, how did Cuba achieve these goals and distinction? What can we learn from Cuba's struggles and successes?

    Born in Havana in 1970, Roberto Perez is the Environmental Education & Biodiversity Conservation Program Director of the Antonio Núñez Jiménez Foundation for Nature and Humanity, the oldest environmental organization in Cuba. A graduate of the University of Havana with a degree in Biological Sciences, he later did post graduate specialization in Community Based Natural Resources Management at the University of Nova Scotia, Canada.

    Roberto has been part of the Cuban Permaculture movement since its introduction in the country in 1993 after the so called "Special Period", caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union when Cuba lost access to oil, fertilizers, pesticides, and virtually all trading partners that the small island nation depended on to survive, facing economic collapse overnight. Roberto has traveled extensively presenting Cuba's approach to sustainable living in the face of declining petroleum and other non-renewable resources.

    As part of the Cuban Organizing Group for the upcoming International Permaculture Convergence in November, Roberto is touring the U.S. in support of scholarships for IPC11 attendees from sometimes cash poor, but skill rich countries and USA , wanting to attend and share their work & projects with other Permaculturists from around the world.

    Traditionally International Permaculture Convergences take place every 2 years and switch between continents & hemispheres. Past host sites have been Australia, USA, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Nepal, Croatia, Brazil, Africa & most recently Jordan in the Middle East.

    More Info, (503)454-6656,,

    More Info:

    The Power of Community, How Cuba Survived Peak Oil Documentary

    Short Video of Roberto Perez Explaining the Special Period in Cuba

    The Eleventh International Permaculture Conference & Convergence (in English & Spanish)

    Antonio Núñez Jiménez Foundation for Nature and Humanity the oldest environmental organization in Cuba.

    Seedsaving and the Winter Garden

    Class 7 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    Wednesday, August 1, 2013
    Woodstock Neighborhood, Portland, OR

    $25 per class

    In August, it is time to save seeds. The weather has been dry and many plants are ripening their seed. This workshop will cover the basics of saving seed and offer you the opportunity to gather some hands-on experience.August is a key month to get many starts in the ground for harvest in the winter and early spring. We will highlight key varieties and garden planning. As always, this class will highlight what is happening in the garden in August, how to preserve your harvest, and prepare for the coming month. Handouts will include a to do list for the month, information on seedsaving, and other pertinent information. This workshop will include hands-on seedsaving in Marisha's garden.

    For more information, or to register, visit: or contact Marisha at

    The Seed Exchange at the Oregon Country Faire

    July 12 - 14, 2013
    Oregon Country Fairgrounds, Veneta, OR
    Ag Alley, Energy Park

    A seed exchange is a hub for generating community food security. The diverse community at the Oregon Country fair represents unique microclimates from Cascadia and beyond. Many of us already cherish heirloom seed varieties and grow them in our gardens year after year. This is our third year at the fair, offering free heirloom seeds and seedsaving information to the greater community. This booth holds the intention as a space for faire family to share and expand the surplus from our gardens as we provide a location for exchange of the diverse varieties of unique seed. We offer a non-commercial grassroots way for people to learn how and have the supplies to save seed.

    Please spread the word to your friends and family who will be attending the fair! You can "like" us on Facebook and spread the word there too.

    For more information, contact Marisha at

    Berries, Herbs, and Water Catchment

    Class 6 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    Monday, July 1, 2013

    Meet at Marisha's house in the Woodstock Neighborhood of Portland, OR. Register for directions.

    $25 per class

    This workshop will focus on different types of fruiting crops that are available right now. We will taste different varieties and discuss recipes and ways to put up the harvest of berries. In addition, many herbs can be dried for tea or medicine. practices for collecting and drying herbs for your home. Our bioregion has a long drought period during the summer. We will talk about water catchment and how to determine what type of system would work best for your household. As always, this class will highlight what is happening in the garden in July, how to preserve your harvest, and prepare for the coming month. Handouts will include a to do list for the month, herbs for tea, and other pertinent information. This workshop will be offered outdoors in a locations to be announced, in the Woodstock Neighborhood of SE Portland.

    For more information, or to register, visit: or contact Marisha at

    How to Grow Your Own Produce - The Workshop Series

    July - November (Five Class Series)
    With Marisha Auerbach,
    at various locations - see workshop descriptions below
    Back by Popular Demand!

    This next collection of classes of Marisha's workshop series is designed to help you maximize your yields and endeavors in the garden by providing an overview of key activities to engage in at the right time each month from July through November.

    Facilitator Marisha Auerbach has spent many years observing and interacting in her garden and in the greater bioregion. Each month, she will provide participants with a road map for the month ahead.

    These classes are available here as an entire series ($100) or as individual events ($25 each). See workshop descriptions below for more details.

    Register at

    Permaculture Design Course

    Dates: Jul 22 - Aug 3, 2013
    Location: Alderleaf Farm, Monroe, WA
    Staff: Marisha Auerbach, Steve Nicolini, & Jenny Pell

    Learn how to work with nature to create a more sustainable world!

    Earn a Permaculture Design Certificate while gaining hands-on experience on our permaculture farm and wilderness campus. The Permaculture Design Course is a two week course focusing on permaculture design principles, ecology, and sustainable living skills.

    Learn about:

  • Permaculture ethics, principles, & strategies
  • Sectors, zones, and micro-climate analysis
  • Food forests & companion planting
  • Organic food gardening
  • Building with natural materials
  • Animal husbandry
  • Mushroom foraging & propagation
  • Rainwater harvesting & water retention
  • Sustainable resources & alternative energy
  • Pond management & aquaculture
  • Plant propagation, pruning, & grafting
  • Soil building & sheet mulching
  • Nature studies & ecology
  • Landscape design & planning

    The course blends permaculture principles with a holistic knowledge of nature where theory is put into practice. You gain the knowledge and skills needed to design and implement sustainable living systems in balance with natural ecosystems. Each class day is a blend of instruction and experiential learning with projects on the farm and in the forest.

    Through this course you become proficient at applying nature-based permaculture design for both personal and professional use, to promote healthy communities and a meaningful, fulfilling lifestyle. Upon completion of the course, you receive a Permaculture Design Certificate, an internationally-recognized credential for sustainability consulting.

    The course takes place at Alderleaf Farm in Monroe, WA. Our beautiful 15 acre property is nestled in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains 35 miles east of Seattle. It is an evolving model of environmental sustainability and features our classrooms, office, two homes, cabins, ponds, a large creek, forested land, pastures, many gardens, chickens, sheep, and food forests.

    The Permaculture Design Course at a Glance:

    Location: Based out of our campus in Monroe, WA in the Seattle / Puget Sound Region of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest.

    Duration: Twelve class days from July 22 through August 3, 2013. Class run all day with evening sessions and a Saturday break mid-course.

    Course Fee: $1195. Includes all instruction and on-site camping.

    Suggested Reading: Permaculture: A Designer's Manual by Bill Mollison, Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability by David Holmgren, and The New Self Sufficient Gardener by John Seymour.

    To Register, Visit:

    Questions / More Information: Please visit Feel free to contact Alderleaf if you need further information.

  • Permaculture Design Course
    at Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus
    with Marisha Auerbach and Connie Van Dyke

    Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
    Tuesday, June 25 - Thursday, September 5
    5 pm - 10 pm

    This permaculture design certification program will cover internationally recognized permaculture curriculum in the convenient setting of two evenings a week at the Portland Community College Rock Creek Campus, Curriculum includes: the principles of permaculture, observation and landscape analysis, patterns, ecological planning and design methods, organic food production and food security, natural soil improvement, integrated animal systems, water: harvesting, conservation, and management, forest gardening, techniques and design strategies for both urban and rural applications and sustainable human settlements. 100-hour intensive course combining theory with practical hands on learning. This course includes lectures, discussions, hands-on, slide shows, field trips and design projects.

    Come join us for the first permaculture course at the Portland Community College Rock Creek Campus where we will begin to leave a living legacy by applying permaculture design in a community college setting.


    Maintenance & Harvest

    Class 5 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    June 4th, 2013
    Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont, Portland, OR

    $25 per class

    June completes our planting of the summer vegetable garden and then it is time to focus on maximizing the harvest. For the urban gardener, this may mean optimizing a small space to produce as much food as possible. We will discuss strategies for optimizing yield of your vegetable crops throughout the growing season. We will highlight the best types of trellises for plants that like to grow up. Each participant will leave with a maintenance plan for the upcoming month in their garden.

    For more information, or to register, visit

    Warm Season Crops, Edible Flowers, & Attracting Pollinators

    Class 4 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    May 7th, 2013
    Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont, Portland, OR

    $25 per class

    In May, the weather typically gets warmer and many flowers begin to bloom. We will discuss reliable varieties of warm season crops to grow in your garden and ways to maximize microclimate and production. Many of these plants require insects for pollination. You will learn about pollination, pollinator insects, and flowers that are useful for attracting these special critters. Many of these flowers have multifunctions. We will highlight edible flowers, their functions in landscapes, and recipes. Each participant will leave with a planting plan for their warm season crops and a personalized strategy for attracting pollinators in their garden.

    For more information, or to register, visit

    Cole Crops, Greens & Soil Building

    Class 3 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    April 2nd, 2013
    Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont, Portland, OR

    $25 per class

    April is a key time for all of the Cole Crops, such as Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower, Collards, and Cabbage. It is also a time of planting greens. As many plants are going in during this month and the months to come, we will highlight soil building strategies in this class. Please come with a list of items that you have access to for building soil fertility. You will leave this class with a soil fertility management plan.

    For more information, or to register, visit

    Online Permaculture Design Course

    with Andrew Millison & Marisha Auerbach

    April 1, 2013 - June 7, 2013 Oregon State University Extended Campus

    This online Permaculture Design Certificate Course focusses on the Permaculture design system: it's fundamental tools and strategies that can be applied at scales from the home garden to city block to village to farm. Although rooted in horticulture and agriculture, Permaculture design is interdisciplinary, touching on a wide range of subjects including regional planning, ecology, animal husbandry, appropriate technology, architecture, and international development.

    This certificate course takes students on a journey to design the site of their choice, where the curriculum and assignments all build towards the creation of an integrated site design.

    The course consists of narrated slide shows by experienced Permaculture instructors, educational video tours with knowledgable guides, and interactive assignments, working towards the completion of a Permaculture site design.

    Students present their work on individual blogs, which are visible for other students to comment on, and through discussion boards the community of learning is encouraged.

    This is a non-credit course offered through Oregon State University's Professional and Non-Credit Education. The student receives a Permaculture Design Course Certificate, but without registering for credit with OSU.

    To register, visit or call 800-667-1463

    Indoor Seed-Starting, Early Season Plantings, & Perennial Crops

    Class 2 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    Tuesday, March 5, 2013
    Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont, Portland, OR

    $25 per class

    In March, it is time to begin planting seeds both outdoors and indoors. This session will focus on those early plantings and the varieties that perform best for our climate. Perennial vegetables can be transplanted at this time. Since many perennial vegetables are new to gardeners, Marisha will share about growing and cooking some of her favorite types. Seed catalogs and other resources will be available for each participant to make a personalized planting calendar. Please come with a list of foods that your family eats throughout the year.

    For more information, or to register, visit

    Bountiful Berries of Oregon

    Sunday, February 24th, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
    Portland Nursery, 9000 SE Division, Portland, OR

    What's better than eating fresh berries? Picking them from your own backyard! Marisha Auerbach, of Cascadia Permaculture Institute, will teach you how to integrate a variety of berries into your home landscape, including native species. Marisha will go over the basics of variety selection, care and maintenance, and give great tips and techniques for successs. She will cover blueberries, brambles (raspberries, blackberries, and boysenberries), strawberries, and various native berries such as huckleberries and elderberries.

    For more information, visit Portland Nursery's website at:

    How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    One Tuesday per month, February 5th - June 4th, 2013
    Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont, Portland, OR

    $100 for the 5 class series, or $25 per class

    "Timing is Important"
    -- Masanobu Fukuoka

    This workshop series is designed to help you maximize your yields and endeavors in the garden by providing an overview of key activities to engage in at the right time each month from February through June.

    Facilitator Marisha Auerbach has spent many years observing and interacting in her garden and in the greater bioregion. Each month, she will provide participants with a road map for the month ahead. Each class will end with interactive time for expanding on your garden design and recieving feedback both from Marisha and your classmates.

    These classes are available here as an entire series ($100) or as individual events ($25 each).

    For more information, or to register, visit

    February 5th - Planning, Design, & Framework

    This opening session will focus on garden planning and design. From the Macro perspective to the microclimate, we will discuss Permaculture design strategies that can maximize your yields and diversity of crops throughout the season. Fruit trees, berry bushes, and other large landscaping elements will be discussed as the framework for creating the context for your space. Each participant is encouraged to come with a base map of their site. Please contact Marisha if you need support before class to have this available.

    March 5th - Indoor Seed-Starting, Early Season Plantings, and Perennial Crops

    In March, it is time to begin planting seeds both outdoors and indoors. This session will focus on those early plantings and the varieties that perform best for our climate. Perennial vegetables can be transplanted at this time. Since many perennial vegetables are new to gardeners, Marisha will share about growing and cooking some of her favorite types. Seed catalogs and other resources will be available for each participant to make a personalized planting calendar. Please come with a list of foods that your family eats throughout the year.

    April 2nd - Cole Crops, Greens, & Soil-Building

    April is a key time for all of the Cole Crops, such as Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower, Collards, and Cabbage. It is also a time of planting greens. As many plants are going in during this month and the months to come, we will highlight soil building strategies in this class. Please come with a list of items that you have access to for building soil fertility. You will leave this class with a soil fertility management plan.

    May 7th - Warm-Season Crops, Edible Flowers, and Attracting Pollinators

    In May, the weather typically gets warmer and many flowers begin to bloom. We will discuss reliable varieties of warm season crops to grow in your garden and ways to maximize microclimate and production. Many of these plants require insects for pollination. You will learn about pollination, pollinator insects, and flowers that are useful for attracting these special critters. Many of these flowers have multifunctions. We will highlight edible flowers, their functions in landscapes, and recipes. Each participant will leave with a planting plan for their warm season crops and a personalized strategy for attracting pollinators in their garden.

    June 4th - Maintenance and Harvest

    June completes our planting of the summer vegetable garden and then it is time to focus on maximizing the harvest. For the urban gardener, this may mean optimizing a small space to produce as much food as possible. We will discuss strategies for optimizing yield of your vegetable crops throughout the growing season. We will highlight the best types of trellises for plants that like to grow up. Each participant will leave with a maintenance plan for the upcoming month in their garden.

    Planning, Design, & Framework: Design of the Garden in February

    Class 1 of How to Grow Your Own Produce: The Workshop Series

    Tuesday, February 5, 2013
    Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont, Portland, OR

    $25 per class

    This opening session will focus on garden planning and design. From the Macro perspective to the microclimate, we will discuss Permaculture design strategies that can maximize your yields and diversity of crops throughout the season. Fruit trees, berry bushes, and other large landscaping elements will be discussed as the framework for creating the context for your space. Each participant is encouraged to come with a base map of their site. Please contact Marisha if you need support before class to have this available.

    For more information, or to register, visit

    Integrating Edibles in Your Landscape

    Saturday, February 2nd, 1:00 pm
    Portland Nursery, 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR

    You can make your landscape not just beautiful, but productive, too, if you integrate edible plants in your design! Learn to think beyond the separate raised vegetable bed and grow edibles throughout your garden. Marisha brings a permaculture approach to design, and can help you think of your home garden as a system itself.

    For more information, visit Portland Nursery's website at:

    The Financial Permaculture and Local Business Summit

    January 21-25, 2013
    Miami Dade College, Miami, Florida

    Join community investment/finance experts, Permaculture designers and sustainability entrepreneurs for a dynamic gathering focused on building resilient local economies. Learn skills for addressing the economic and ecological challenges of 21st century. This integrative learning environment includes the design of four Permaculture enterprises in the Miami area, replicable in your home community.

    Keynote speakers: Jude Hobbs, Eric Toensmeier, Jonathan Cloud, Emily Kawano and David Rose

    Hosted by Earth Learning, Financial Permaculture Institute, the South Dade Economic Council, and Miami Dade College.

    To register: Visit or contact

    Online Permaculture Design Course

    with Andrew Millison & Marisha Auerbach

    January 9, 2013 - March 22, 2013
    Oregon State University Extended Campus

    This online Permaculture Design Certificate Course focusses on the Permaculture design system: it's fundamental tools and strategies that can be applied at scales from the home garden to city block to village to farm. Although rooted in horticulture and agriculture, Permaculture design is interdisciplinary, touching on a wide range of subjects including regional planning, ecology, animal husbandry, appropriate technology, architecture, and international development.

    The combined Hort 285 & 286 certificate course takes students on a journey to design the site of their choice, where the curriculum and assignments all build towards the creation of an integrated site design.

    The course consists of narrated slide shows by experienced Permaculture instructors, educational video tours with knowledgable guides, and interactive assignments, working towards the completion of a Permaculture site design.

    Students present their work on individual blogs, which are visible for other students to comment on, and through discussion boards the community of learning is encouraged.

    Oregon State University's online Permaculture course can be taken as an introduction to Permaculture (Hort 285) or as the full internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate Course (Hort 285 + Hort 286).

    To register, visit or call 800-667-1463

    22nd Annual Lost Valley Educational Center
    Permaculture Design Course

    certified by the Permaculture Institute of North America (PINA)

    December 3 - 16, 2012
    Near Eugene, OR

    Permaculture offers a positive response to the uncertainties of the future. It is a method of design that offers ways for you to create permanent culture by conscious, sustainable use of resources in all aspects of living. The time to plan for a resilient and prosperous future is now.

    Course Topics Include:

  • Permaculture Ethics & Principles
  • Mapping & Design Exercises
  • Natural Cycles & Pattern Recognition
  • Observation & Site Analysis
  • Garden Design & Establishment
  • Useful Plants & Planting Strategies
  • Water Harvesting, Management & Conservation
  • Soil Building & Ecology
  • Animals in the System
  • Forests, Agroforestry & Tree Crops
  • Eco-Building & Appropriate Technology
  • Urban Permaculture & Village Design
  • Cooperative Economics

    Cost: $1325 including accommodations and prepared organic meals.

    To register, contact Marisha Auerbach (503) 454-6656 or

    Register now to reserve your space in this inspiring and informative course!

    Lost Valley is an intentional community and nonprofit educational center, dedicated to living, learning, and teaching sustainable, ecologically-based culture in Dexter, OR. Our 87 acres in the foothills of the Cascades, 20 miles SE of Eugene, offer forests, a natural meadow, organic gardens, hiking trails, a pond and a creek.

  • 2nd Annual Inland Northwest Permaculture Conference

    November 9 - 11, 2012
    Missoula, MT

    For more information, visit

    15th Annual Northwest Ecobuilding Guild Retreat

    October 19 - 21, 2012
    Port Orchard, WA

    The "buy local" phenomenon is in full swing. Fortunately, in the Pacific NW, we have an abundance of local food, timber products, and even solar manufacturers. We are also fortunate to have an abundance of local green building experts right within our borders.

    The NWEBG's community consists of many locally and nationally-recognized pioneers pushing the envelope, bringing sustainability to all aspects of community.

    The 15th Annual Member Retreat has assembled a collection of local experts to compliment our Keynote, Elaine_Gallagher_Adams, of the Rocky_Mountain_Institute with her talk on Reinventing_Fire.

    Save the Date!
    October 19-21, 2012

    The 15th Annual Member Retreat has assembled a collection of local experts to complement our Keynote, Elaine Adams:

  • Marisha_Auerbach - How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2.5 Years
  • Dan_Wildenhaus, Jason_Lear, Tom_Balderston, & Geoff Gamsby - From Market to Market Place: 2020 Refit and Beyond
  • David_Hymel & Marilyn_Jacobs - Rain Garden Design in the Pacific NW: A Hands-On Charrette
  • Jon_Alexander & Dan_Whitmore - Very Advanced Framing
  • Jon_Alexander - Smart Phone Apps for Green Builders
  • Cate O'dahl - Producing Videos to Promote Your Business
  • Dylan_Lamar - Passive House Case Studies
  • Tom_Campbell - Turning Low Impact Development into Positive Impact Development
  • Doug Kennedy - Creating the Ultimate Home Maintenance Manual
  • Jeff_Finn - The Electric Vehicle: The Multi-Purpose Power Tool
  • Dan_Wildenhaus - Navigating Ventilation Requirements for Contractors
  • Rob_Harrison - Segue Stories


    October 19 - 21, 2012, Join us for the best Green Building education, networking, and professional fun in the Pacific Northwest!

    Online Registration begins July 1st! Register_Early_and_SAVE! $299 Early Bird Rate for the full weekend retreat registration!

    That's TWO nights lodging and all meals! Inspirational speakers on Saturday and Sunday! Registration opens July 1st - be sure to save your seat! You won't want to miss this!

    EcoBuilding 2012 is open to everyone. Early_registration_is_only_$299_for_Guild_Members Don't miss this money-saving opportunity!

  • Introduction to Permaculture

    with Marisha Auerbach and Leonard Barrett

    4 Monday evenings
    October 15, 22, 29, & November 5, 2012
    7 pm - 9:30 pm

    TaborSpace 5441 SE Belmont
    Portland, OR


    Want to learn more about Permaculture, but not ready for a full design course?

    Permaculture principles and design tools can be utilized to re-envision just about any aspect of human settlements in new and exciting ways that not only meet our present needs, but actually enhance the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In other words, Permaculture goes beyond mere sustainability (leaving things no worse than you found them), to regenerativity (leaving things much better than you found them.)

    This workshop, taught over four 2 1/2 hour evening sessions, is intended to give participants a thorough overview of this whole systems approach to the design of human infrastructure, from gardens and housing to work and local economics. This is the perfect opportunity for folks who have not had the time or resources to invest in a 72-hour certificate course, but would like to obtain a firm understanding of the basic underpinnings of Permaculture.

    Participants will learn about a wide range of permaculture strategies through lecture, slideshow, and interactive activities. The information taught in the course is, by nature, applicable across contexts and scales, from single urban lots and blocks, to regional planning, as well as many "invisible structures" such as local economies, community organizations, etc.

    Topics will include:

  • Principles & Ethics in Design
  • Zone and Sector Analysis
  • Urban Strategies
  • Local Economics
  • Edible Landscaping
  • Greywater & Rainwater Systems
  • Compost and Soil Building
  • And much more! For more information, visit:

  • Please join us at the

    2012 Northwest Permaculture Convergence!

    October 5-7
    Fort Flagler State Park, Marrowstone Island, WA
    (near Port Townsend and the Olympic Peninsula)

    Registration & Information at:

    This year's theme is 'Permeating the Main Stream', everyone is welcome!

    Join advocates, activists, farmers, teachers, and interested people from all over the northwest bioregion for the 5th annual gathering to celebrate grass-roots ecological culture. This year's theme explores models and methods for infusing tactics of sustainable design throughout all facets of everyday life in the 'regular' world. Meals and lodging on a spectacular wooded bluff overlooking the Puget Sound are included, plus countless opportunities to connect and celebrate!

    The Convergence is a combination of an educational conference and a social networking gathering, and features formal and informal presentations on diverse aspects of ecologically aware living. Permaculture stands for both 'permanent culture' and 'permanent agriculture', and relates to practices from gardening, to site design, to organizational and economic development. Its principles and tactics can be readily applied by anyone seeking to develop greater self-reliance and foster local resilience in the face of changing global and economic climates.

    The Convergence will feature presentations by teachers and practitioners from all over the region, including Jude Hobbs (Cascadia Permaculture Institute), Michael Pilarski (Friends of the Trees), Andrew Millison (Beaver State Permaculture), Marisha Auerbach (Herb'n Wisdom), and many more. Beginning and advanced topics will be available for people of all levels of experience. Project spotlights will include the Port Townsend Ecovillage and the Beacon Food Forest, a design under construction in Seattle that hopes to become the largest and most diverse food orchard on urban public land in the country!

    Convergence highlights will also include a variety of hands-on skillsharing and craft activities, evening music and entertainments, and shared meals from abundant local food. Group camping and dorm accommodations are available, and children are more than welcome! Most of all, this may be your best chance this year to connect with a vital extended community network of engaged and ecologically aware people.

    For more information, visit

    Seedsaving as an Activist Practice

    Saturday, September 29, 2012, 7 - 9 pm
    Shoreline Community College, 16101 Greenwood Ave N., Shoreline, WA


    Seedsaving gives us the unique opportunity to dance with life and play a distinct role in our nourishment. We can nurture plants for the special qualities that sustain us in uncertain futures. As corporations attempt to take control of our genetic diversity, seed saving becomes an important political act. Come join us to learn how you can take responsibility for your own food supply by saving your own seed from your garden. We will be discussing harvest of cultivated and native seeds as well as flowers and vegetable crops. Seed saving is a great localized buffer against the globalization of our food supply as it encourages diversity & increases the resilience in our gardens to pests and diseases.

    For more information, visit

    Fall 2012 Bastyr University

    Holistic Landscape Design Certificate Program

    Cultivate your love of plants and the planet into a unique and important skill set that combines ecological landscape design, regenerative, local food systems and community garden apothecaries.

    Be part of the REAL grassroots healthcare movement!

    Bastyr's Certificate in Holistic Landscape Design (CHLD) is 1-year, four-season program that uniquely integrates:

  • Convenient Friday evening & weekends format
  • Site visits, regional experts, guest instructors and hands-on education
  • Over 140 hours dedicated to the ecological principles & practices of Permaculture Landscape Design
  • More than 30 hours focused on the theory and practice of Rudolph Steiner's Biodynamic farming methods
  • Horticulture series focused on the cultivation and utilization of a wide variety of medicinal & edible plants from various traditions and cultures
  • Emphasis on the Soil-Foodweb through classes like Soil Ecology, Mycology, Biointensive IPM & Plant Health
  • Skills for creating a livelihood working with plants through classes like Horticultural Business Practices, Horticultural Research & Grant Writing and the HLD Practicum

    Electives include:

  • Herbal Medicine Making for All
  • Asian Medicinal Plant Horticulture
  • Medicinal Field Botany & Plant Identification
  • Herbal Medicine throughout Oregon
  • Cascade Herb Experience
  • Flower Essences
  • Introduction to Aromatic Medicine
  • Whole Foods Production
  • The Chef's Pantry
  • Northwest Herbs
  • Ethnobotany

    Pre-requisites courses include college level Plant Biology/Introduction to Botany and Organic Gardening coursework or equivalent experience/competencies
    Federal financial aid is available for those who qualify.

    For more information, check out

  • Oregon State University's Department of Horticulture presents:
    Advanced Permaculture Design Practicum ONLINE

    Join in this project-based teaching that builds on the curriculum of the Permaculture Design Course. Each student chooses a design project track from one of four areas: broad scale rural farm or ranch, urban neighborhood or community development, educational institution or organization, or commercial property and business development. Students will conduct an in-depth site analysis and draft a design document to be completed halfway through the course. The document will be reviewed and a research topic assigned to fill in knowledge gaps related to the design. The student will revise all or part of the design based on the research, creating an extensive project portfolio and receiving instructor and student feedback throughout.

    This course is run through the OSU extended campus Blackboard system and consists of narrated and animated PowerPoint and video presentations, assignments, selected readings and videos, and written feedback as well as one-on-one video chat communication. Students will post their assignments on blogs and will receive feedback from an instructor and other students. Students will have the opportunity to meet the instructor in person or through video chat at the beginning of the research anddesign revision stages of the course.

    Advanced Permaculture Design Practicum is for PDC graduates who want to deepen their design fluency in a guided and supportive structure. Whether you went through your PDC as an OSU student or through another organization, this course will enhance your Permaculture design literacy and give you more confidence to design professionally in a diversity of situations.

    Instructor: Andrew Millison & Marisha Auerbach

    Please contact with questions:

    Cost: $744

    Dates: Sept.24-Dec.7

    3 College Credits are available for this course


    If you took a PDC other than Hort 285/285 at OSU, please contact Andrew Millison before you register. Thanks!

    West Coast Women's Permaculture Gathering

    September 21-23
    Near Ashland, Oregon

    Sowing the Seeds of Women's Leadership and Growing a Revolutionary Paradigm.

    The gathering will be near Ashland, Oregon at the beautiful and serene Camp Latgawa and Retreat Center The site is an hour NE of Ashland, OR. Camp Latgawa is in a beautiful, wooded area of the Rogue National Forest. Two gentle flowing creeks and towering evergreens provide a peaceful setting. Bunk/dormitory style facilities are heated and have restrooms and showers either in the cabin or nearby. The 2011 WCWPG was held May 20-22 in Cazadero California. The first Women's Permaculture Gathering was at Quail Springs in May of 2009.

    First Annual Small Farm School

    September 8, 2012 from 8am - 5pm
    Clackamas Community College in Oregon City.

    Registration is open until August 17 or spaces fill. The program and complete registration information are available at:

    Small Farm School is an all day event for beginning farmers and small acreage landowners.

    Field and classroom workshops will address small farm topics such as crop and livestock production, direct marketing, small-scale equipment, and soil and water conservation. Experienced farmers, Extension agents, Conservationists, and other agricultural professionals will teach the workshops.

    We'd love to see you there, please pass the word along to anyone you think would be interested. Check out the flyer on the website.

    Small Farm School is presented by OSU Extension in cooperation with Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District and Clackamas Community College.

    Seedsaving as an Activist Practice

    Wednesday, September 5, 6 pm - 9 pm
    Marisha's Home, Woodstock Neighborhood, Portland, OR

    Cost $30, includes seeds

    Seedsaving gives us the unique opportunity to dance with life and play a distinct role in our nourishment. We can nurture plants for the special qualities that sustain us in uncertain futures. As corporations attempt to take control of our genetic diversity, seed saving becomes an important political act. Come join us to learn how you can take responsibility for your own food supply by saving your own seed from your garden. We will be discussing harvest of cultivated and native seeds as well as flowers and vegetable crops. Seed saving is a great localized buffer against the globalization of our food supply as it encourages diversity & increases the resilience in our gardens to pests and diseases.

    This workshop is a hands-on opportunity to actively learn how to harvest seed. Each participant will go home with some seeds for their own garden.

    To register, visit:

    Attracting Beneficial Insects to Your Garden
    presentation by Marisha Auerbach

    Saturday, July 21st, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Portland Nursery, 505 SE Stark, Portland OR

    info: 503-231-5050 cost: free

    Join Marisha Auerbach, of Cascadia Permaculture Institute, for this fabulous opportunity to familiarize yourself with beneficial insects in your garden. Beneficial insects perform specific ecological functions such as pollination and natural pest control to enhance the productivity of your garden! In this class, you will become familiar with these important critters and some of the plants that you can grow to entice them into your garden. Contact Portland Nursery to register:

    Attracting Beneficial Insects to Your Garden

    presentation by Marisha Auerbach

    Saturday, May 26th, 1 pm - 2:30 pm
    Portland Nursery, 9000 SE Division, Portland, OR


    Join Marisha Auerbach, of Cascadia Permaculture Institute, for this fabulous opportunity to familiarize yourself with beneficial insects in your garden. Beneficial insects perform specific ecological functions such as pollination and natural pest control to enhance the productivity of your garden! In this class, you will become familiar with these important critters and some of the plants that you can grow to entice them into your garden. Contact Portland Nursery to register. This class will be repeated (without slides) at the Stark location of Portland Nursery on Saturday, July 21.

    The Planet Repair Institute is thrilled to announce our 2012

    Join us to learn about soil remediation, water harvesting, food systems, forest gardening, natural building techniques, urban ecology and foraging, plant propagation and grafting techniques, small scale energy systems, block repair, community mapping and collaborative design methods and much much more!

    The course will take place over eight weekends between June and October.

    Instructors include Mark Lakeman, Mighk Simpson, Hannah Poirier, Marisha Auerbach, Leonard Barrett, Matt Bibeau, Connie van Dyke, Eva Edleson, Oliver Kellhammer, Dave Boehnlein, and Daniel Lerch.

    Cost for the course is sliding scale $600-800.
    Save $50 with early bird registration prior to May 1st.
    Scholarship opportunities also available.

    For more information visit:


    Montana Permaculture Design Course

    April 19 - May 4, 2012
    Location: 'Place of Gathering', Dayton, Montana
    SW end of Flathead Lake


  • Michael "Skeeter" Pilarski, Friends of the Trees Society
  • Marisha Auerbach, Herb'n Wisdom
  • With special guest Sepp Holzer, The Krameterhof, Austria
  • Plus local guest instructors

    A two-week immersion course which will cover the standard permaculture design course curriculum with a special emphasis on the Inland Northwest as well as Sepp Holzer's permaculture techniques. Graduates are entitled to use the word "Permaculture" in pursuit of livelihood or for educational purposes.

    Sepp Holzer will be consulting on the development of the land where the course will be held. Holzer will give the class a presentation on this thinking/recommendations during the 2nd week of the course. Course participants are also encouraged to attend Sepp's two public lectures on May 3 in Whitefish and on May 5 in Missoula. Both places are about an hour's drive from the course.

    Michael Pilarski is a farmer, wildcrafter, educator, and the founder of Friends of the Trees Society in 1978. He has lived in the Inland Northwest since 1972 and is the most active permaculture teacher in the region. He has taught 22 permaculture courses in the US and abroad.

    Marisha Auerbach is one of the Northwest's most active permaculture teachers and has taught 22 permaculture courses within and outside the region. She is most familiar with the Maritime Northwest climate with a specialty in food security, forest gardens, and home-scale food production.

    Tuition for the 15 day permaculture design course is $1495 or a daily rate of $150/day.
    Early Registration Bonus:
    Payment received by December 31, 2011 is $1295 or a daily rate of $130/day.
    Paypal payment can be made at:
    Tuition includes instruction, permaculture design course certificate, camping, meals, and curriculum materials. Indoor accommodations available for extra cost.

    For more information about the course, contact:
    Michael Pilarski
    Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild
    PO Box 826
    Tonasket, WA 98855
    (509) 486-4056 or

  • How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2.5 Years: A (r)Evolution Disguised As Organic Gardening

    Presentation by Marisha Auerbach

    Wednesday, April 11, 7:00 pm
    TaborSpace 5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215


    In the Maritime Northwest, it is possible to grow all our own produce year-round with limited time to establish a system and limited effort. As petroleum becomes more expensive, this sort of system can provide an example to support our evolution to a more sustainable society. Marisha Auerbach specializes in converting properties from grass to to a perennial forage system. A perennial forage system functions much like a natural ecological system, and yields year round produce with minimal work. These systems are developed to meet the needs of the inhabitants on site. Marisha provides most of her diet and income from her garden and has surplus produce and crafts to give away and trade for other supplies.

    This presentation is an invitation for you to visit Marisha's gardens through slides and lecture. She will be discussing how you can work towards self-reliance in produce if you have property to work with as well as guerrilla tactics to grow more food and flowers in the greater community. This lecture offers an opportunity to create cultural change through gardening.

    This slideshow will be an updated version, including Marisha's experience and reflections on moving to Portland last year in mid-June and reflections on growing in a tiny urban yard last growing season. We hope you can join us...

    This presentation is sponsored by the Portland Permaculture Meetup.

    To register, please visit:

    Basics Of Permaculture Design

    With Marisha Auerbach

    Saturday, March 17, 9 am - 5 pm
    Gibson Hall, 105 Newport Way Northwest, Issaquah, WA

    Marisha Auerbach visits Issaquah to teach a day-long hands-on Basics of Permaculture course that includes soil building, plant guilds, and creating a foraging landscape. A tour of local pea-patches to observe what is coming in early spring will top off the day. Participants will leave with seed starts, recipes for building soil and inspiration to maximize food production in their gardens and communities. Brown bag lunch. Event co-sponsored by Sustainable Issaquah and the City of Issaquah Resource Conservation Office.

    More info and tickets at

    How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2.5 Years: A (r)Evolution Disguised As Organic Gardening

    Presentation by Marisha Auerbach

    Friday, March 16, 6 pm - 8 pm
    King County Library Service Center
    960 Newport Way NW, Issaquah, WA


    In the Maritime Northwest, it is possible to grow all our own produce year-round with limited time to establish a system and limited effort. As petroleum becomes more expensive, this sort of system can provide an example to support our evolution to a more sustainable society. Marisha Auerbach specializes in converting properties from grass to to a perennial forage system. A perennial forage system functions much like a natural ecological system, and yields year round produce with minimal work. These systems are developed to meet the needs of the inhabitants on site. Marisha provides most of her diet and income from her garden and has surplus produce and crafts to give away and trade for other supplies.

    This presentation is an invitation for you to visit Marisha's gardens through slides and lecture. She will be discussing how you can work towards self-reliance in produce if you have property to work with as well as guerrilla tactics to grow more food and flowers in the greater community. This lecture offers an opportunity to create cultural change through gardening.

    This slideshow will be an updated version, including Marisha's experience and reflections on moving to Portland this year in mid-June and her tiny yard. We hope you can join us...

    This presentation is sponsored by Sustainable Issaquah and the City of Issaquah Resource Conservation Office

    Marisha is also teaching an 8-hour permaculture class with hands-on in Issaquah on the day following this event. For registration or more information, visit

    Cool Season Gardening in the Maritime Northwest
    Presentation and discussion with Marisha Auerbach

    Sunday, February 12th, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    West Hills Friends Church, 7425 SW 52nd Ave., Portland, OR

    Sponsored by Transition Westside Portland
    Requested donation $15, no one turned away for lack of funds

    Join us this evening to learn about growing vegetables during the cooler months of the year. The time from fall equinox to spring equinox in our climate requires unique strategies to meet our dietary needs. Marisha will share the various vegetables that she has grown and harvested during these months to extend the growing season and her harvest. We will also discuss strategies for storing and preserving the summer harvest for winter nourishment.

    For more information, contact Kelly at

    Value Added Floral, Nursery, and Medicinal Herbs

    Consumer Trends and Market Diversification Opportunities for Specialty Crop Producers

    Wednesday, February 1, 2012, 9:00AM to 4:30PM
    WSU Mt. Vernon Research Center
    16650 State Route 536, Mount Vernon, WA 98273011

    The Northwest Agriculture Business Center will provide an interesting and engaging day in which participants will learn about the current market and product trends in the floral, nursery and medicinal herb category, what to consider in the development of these products, and how to meet food safety and regulatory requirements.

    Medicinal Herbs, Business and Market Development Opportunities in the Puget Sound Region

    Presenter-Marisha Auerbach, Owner Herb N' Wisdom, Adjunct Faculty for Bastyr University and Oregon State University
    Nationally, consumers spent more than $12 billion on natural supplements last year--nearly double the amount spent in 1994, and sales continue to grow at better than 10% a year. Marisha will provide information and recent data on the nation's top medicinal herbs under cultivation and fine-tune it for this region based on her ten years of experience in cultivation, permaculture, and agroforestry.

    Cut Flower Growers School, Building a Viable Business and Capturing Local Markets

    Presenter-Diane Szuchovathy, co-owner of Jello Mold Farm and founding member of the Seattle Growers Wholesale Market (a regional floral producer marketing Cooperative)
    Most consumers aren't aware that more than 80% of the cut flowers sold in the U.S are imported. As well as sharing some land and water stewardship strategies that can help to capture the local sensibilities of the Puget Sound region's consumers, Diane will share the nuts and bolts of her farming, production, and business operation's experience.

    Tickets must be purchased in advance from the NABC website

    The Presenters:

    Marisha Auerbach:
    Marisha has been actively practicing, studying, and teaching Permaculture in the Pacific Northwest for over a decade, specializing in food production, herbalism, seedsaving, ecology, and useful plants. She graduated from The Evergreen State College in 1998 and continued her studies to receive a Diploma of Herbal Studies from the Australasian School of Herbal Studies in 2000. Marisha is passionate about creating land-based businesses that focus on medicinal herbs and other useful plants. She has developed a number of businesses, including Queen Bee Flower Essences and Growing Greetings plantable cards. Marisha currently teaches an Online Permaculture Program at Oregon State University and is adjunct faculty for the Certificate in Holistic Landscape Design program at Bastyr University.

    Please Note: Due to an unexpected family obligation, our original presenter Jenny Perez, Herb Garden Manager for Bastyr University is unable to present. Fortunately, Jenny put us in touch with Marisha who will bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and useful information to our workshop.

    Diane Szukovathy:
    Diane owns and operates Jello Mold Farm in Mount Vernon, WA with her husband, Dennis Westphall. They use sustainable growing practices to produce a wide variety of field and hoophouse grown annuals, perennials and woody crops. They purchased their seven acre farm in 2000. Coming from a background in fine arts, graphic design and 15 years experience in landscape design, construction and maintenance, Diane brings a creative and diverse approach to flower farming and marketing. She serves on the Board of the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers as Northwest Regional Director and is President of the Seattle Wholesale Growers Market Cooperative, a 20 member trade association which facilitates direct marketing of member produced floral crops to florists, shops and businesses in the greater Seattle area.

    For more information see Product Development on the course webpage.

    Cost: $95 general registration / $85 with PSFN Member discount (membership will be verified). Includes box lunch and handouts

    Class is limited to 25 attendees For more information or questions, please contact

    Jeff Voltz,

    Introduction to Permaculture series

    with Leonard Barrett & Marisha Auerbach

    Thursday evenings, January 26 - February 23
    TaborSpace: 5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR

    Want to learn more about Permaculture, but not ready for a full design course?

    Permaculture principles and design tools can be utilized to re-envision just about any aspect of human settlements in new and exciting ways that not only meet our present needs, but actually enhance the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In other words, Permaculture goes beyond mere sustainability (leaving things no worse than you found them), to regenerativity (leaving things much better than you found them.)

    This workshop, taught over five 2 1/2 hour evening sessions, is intended to give participants a thorough overview of this whole systems approach to the design of human infrastructure, from gardens and housing to work and local economics. This is the perfect opportunity for folks who have not had the time or resources to invest in a 72-hour certificate course, but would like to obtain a firm understanding of the basic underpinnings of Permaculture.

    Participants will learn about a wide range of permaculture strategies through lecture, slideshow, and interactive activities. The information taught in the course is, by nature, applicable across contexts and scales, from single urban lots and blocks, to regional planning, as well as many "invisible structures" such as local economies, community organizations, etc.

    Topics will include:

  • Principles & Ethics in Design
  • Zone and Sector Analysis
  • Urban Strategies
  • Local Economics
  • Edible Landscaping
  • Greywater & Rainwater Systems
  • Compost and Soil Building
  • And much more!


    Thursdays Jan. 26th - Feb. 23 2012 from 7:00-9:30 PM (Total of 12.5 hours over five sessions)

    To register, visit:

  • Online Permaculture Design Course
    with Andrew Millison & Marisha Auerbach

    Oregon State University Extended Campus

    January 6, 2012 - March 23, 2012

    This online Permaculture Design Certificate Course focuses on the Permaculture design system: fundamental tools and strategies that can be applied at scales from the home garden to city block to village to farm. Although rooted in horticulture and agriculture, Permaculture design is interdisciplinary, touching on a wide range of subjects including regional planning, ecology, animal husbandry, appropriate technology, architecture, and international development.

    The combined Hort 285 & 286 certificate course takes students on a journey to design the site of their choice, where the curriculum and assignments all build towards the creation of an integrated site design.

    The course consists of narrated slide shows by experienced Permaculture instructors, educational video tours with knowledgable guides, and interactive assignments, working towards the completion of a Permaculture site design.

    Students present their work on individual blogs, which are visible for other students to comment on, and through discussion boards the community of learning is encouraged.

    To register, visit or call 800-667-1463

    Movie Showing: Sepp Holzer's Permakultur

    Monday, January 2, 2012, 7:00 pm
    TaborSpace, 5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR

    $5.00 suggested donation

    Sepp Holzer was blazing new trails in permaculture theory and practice before it even had a name. He has consulted with projects on six continents, but is best known for his own homestead in the Austrian alps, Krameterhoff. There, at an altitude of over 4500 feet, he has masterfully transformed a rocky alpine slope into a diverse farm that produces an abundant array of fruits, vegetables, grains, and animal products.

    This is a short video, around 40 minutes, so discussion and networking will be encouraged afterwards.

    To register, or for more information, visit:

    21st Annual Lost Valley Educational Center Permaculture Design Course
    with Jude Hobbs, Rick Valley, & Marisha Auerbach

    December 1 - 14, 2011
    Near Eugene, OR

    Permaculture offers a positive response to the uncertainties of the future. It is a method of design that offers ways for you to create permanent culture by conscious, sustainable use of resources in all aspects of living.

    The time to plan for a resilient and prosperous future is now.

    Course Topics Include:

  • Permaculture Ethics & Principles
  • Mapping & Design Exercises
  • Natural Cycles & Pattern Recognition
  • Observation & Site Analysis
  • Garden Design & Establishment
  • Useful Plants & Planting Strategies
  • Water Harvesting, Management, & Conservation
  • Soil Building & Ecology
  • Animals in the System
  • Forests, Agroforestry, & Tree Crops
  • Eco-Building & Appropriate Technology
  • Urban Permaculture & Village Design
  • Cooperative Economics


    Jude Hobbs has 30 years experience in the design & teaching fields, utilizing whole systems design to generate environmentally sound solutions that inspire sustainable actions. Jude shares her extensive practical experience by teaching workshops & courses in the US & Canada. She has developed curricula for diverse learning styles with techniques that are inspiring & information rich. Jude is a Field Director for the Permaculture Institute (USA) and co-tends 7 acres in Cottage Grove, Oregon where there are abundant micro-climate.

    Rick Valley is Lost Valley's land steward, and a licensed landscape contractor, designer & nurseryman. He has consulted for communities such as CoHo Cohousing in Corvallis, OR, and Linnea Farm in British Columbia. During 30 years of permaculture teaching & design experience, Rick has co-taught the first design courses in Oregon, Canada, Belize, and Alaska. His favorite parts of the permaculture whole are food forests and shaping earth to enhance wetlands & store water.

    Marisha Auerbach has been actively teaching permaculture for the past 13 years with experience in both rural and urban areas. As a food security activist, Marisha's international permaculture work has taken her to Vietnam, Nicaragua, and Haiti.

    Cost: $1250 including accommodations and prepared organic meals.

    To register, contact Marisha Auerbach (503) 464-5565 or

    Register now to reserve your space in this inspiring and informative course!

    Lost Valley is an intentional community and nonprofit educational center, dedicated to living, learning, and teaching sustainable, ecologically-based culture in Dexter, OR. Our 87 acres in the foothills of the Cascades, 20 miles SE of Eugene, offer forests, a natural meadow, organic gardens, hiking trails, a pond, and a creek.


  • Learn How To Make Your Own Herbal Medicine!
    with Marisha Auerbach & Stephanie Dougherty

    Sunday, November 20
    HARP: 2926 Ne Flanders St, Portland, OR

  • 10 am - 1 pm: Herbal Teas, Tinctures, Salves, & Oils
  • 2 pm - 5 pm: Herbal Remedies to Soothe Your Throat
    Cough Syrup, Cordials, Lozenges, Facial Steams

    $75 for both classes, or $40 each

    For more information, or to register, contact
    Stephanie Dougherty at (503) 704-1810 or

  • Inland Northwest Permaculture Conference, Nov 4-6

    Spokane, Washington
    Spokane Falls Community College

    Bringing together permaculture people from around the Inland Northwest as well as people who are working towards a positive future in related fields. The theme is 'Exploring Pathways to a Positive Future' and there will be lots of workshops on practical topics and pathways to get us there. We anticipate around 40 presenters and 60 workshops. Our vision is an annual conference that moves around the Inland Northwest. There is always something historic and magical about the first one of an event series. We expect permaculturists and interested people to attend from around our vast region. Because of the vastness of the Inland Northwest (and ruggedness of much of it) there has not been much communication between permaculture people in the region. INPC aims to increase communication and collaboration. Symbiotic, mutually-beneficial relationships are a hallmark of permaculture. If you are interested in permaculture and live in the Inland Northwest then you should strongly considering attending the INPC in November.

    Details at

    Event page on Facebook

    How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2 1/2 Years: An (r)Evolution Disguised as Organic Gardening
    slideshow presentation by Marisha Auerbach

    Friday, November 4
    Tacoma, WA
    King's Books
    218 St. Helen's Ave.
    7 pm - 9 pm
    $10 - $7 sliding scale

    In the Maritime Northwest, it is possible to grow all our own produce year-round with limited time to establish a system and limited effort. As petroleum becomes more expensive, this sort of system can provide an example to support our evolution to a more sustainable society. Marisha Auerbach specializes in converting properties from grass to to a perennial forage system. A perennial forage system functions much like a natural ecological system, and yields year round produce with minimal work. These systems are developed to meet the needs of the inhabitants on site. Marisha provides most of her diet and income from her garden and has surplus produce and crafts to give away and trade for other supplies.

    This presentation is an invitation for you to visit Marisha's gardens through slides and lecture. She will be discussing how you can work towards self-reliance in produce if you have property to work with as well as guerrilla tactics to grow more food and flowers in the greater community. This lecture offers an opportunity to create cultural change through gardening.

    This slideshow will be an updated version, including Marisha's experience and reflections on moving to Portland this year in mid-June and her tiny yard. We hope you can join us...

    For more information or to register, contact Kelda Miller at (253)370-9946 or

    Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment
    With Mark Lakeman & Marisha Auerbach

    Wednesday, October 5: Sacramento, CA

    This presentation will provide a detailed, "how-to" overview of numerous "repair" strategies that engage local communities in the re-visioning and re-creation of cities and neighborhoods. Drawing from City Repair models such as "intersection repair" and 'block repair", we will learn numerous principals and strategies for building local community networks, developing urban agriculture systems, and numerous other concepts for grassroots-style, sustainable urban transformation.

    For more information, contact Jane Gray at:

    Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment
    With Mark Lakeman & Marisha Auerbach

    Monday, October 3: San Francisco, CA

    This presentation will provide a detailed, "how-to" overview of numerous "repair" strategies that engage local communities in the re-visioning and re-creation of cities and neighborhoods. Drawing from City Repair models such as "intersection repair" and 'block repair", we will learn numerous principals and strategies for building local community networks, developing urban agriculture systems, and numerous other concepts for grassroots-style, sustainable urban transformation.

    For more information, contact Jane Gray at:

    Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment
    With Mark Lakeman & Marisha Auerbach

    Tuesday, September 27 - October 1: Los Angeles, CA

    • Full day Guerrilla Gardening Workshop on Thursday, September 29
    • Full day Placemaking workshop on Saturday, October 1
    This presentation will provide a detailed, "how-to" overview of numerous "repair" strategies that engage local communities in the re-visioning and re-creation of cities and neighborhoods. Drawing from City Repair models such as "intersection repair" and 'block repair", we will learn numerous principals and strategies for building local community networks, developing urban agriculture systems, and numerous other concepts for grassroots-style, sustainable urban transformation.

    For more information, contact Jane Gray at:

    Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment
    With Mark Lakeman & Marisha Auerbach

    Sunday, September 26: Ojai, CA

    This presentation will provide a detailed, "how-to" overview of numerous "repair" strategies that engage local communities in the re-visioning and re-creation of cities and neighborhoods. Drawing from City Repair models such as "intersection repair" and 'block repair", we will learn numerous principals and strategies for building local community networks, developing urban agriculture systems, and numerous other concepts for grassroots-style, sustainable urban transformation.

    For more information, contact Jane Gray at:

    Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment
    With Mark Lakeman & Marisha Auerbach

    Saturday, September 24: Santa Barbara, CA

    This presentation will provide a detailed, "how-to" overview of numerous "repair" strategies that engage local communities in the re-visioning and re-creation of cities and neighborhoods. Drawing from City Repair models such as "intersection repair" and 'block repair", we will learn numerous principals and strategies for building local community networks, developing urban agriculture systems, and numerous other concepts for grassroots-style, sustainable urban transformation.

    For more information, contact Jane Gray at:

    Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment
    With Mark Lakeman & Marisha Auerbach

    Monday, September 19: Big Bend, CA

    This presentation will provide a detailed, "how-to" overview of numerous "repair" strategies that engage local communities in the re-visioning and re-creation of cities and neighborhoods. Drawing from City Repair models such as "intersection repair" and 'block repair", we will learn numerous principals and strategies for building local community networks, developing urban agriculture systems, and numerous other concepts for grassroots-style, sustainable urban transformation.

    For more information, contact Jane Gray at:

    Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment
    With Mark Lakeman & Marisha Auerbach

    Sunday, September 18: Eugene, OR

    This presentation will provide a detailed, "how-to" overview of numerous "repair" strategies that engage local communities in the re-visioning and re-creation of cities and neighborhoods. Drawing from City Repair models such as "intersection repair" and 'block repair", we will learn numerous principals and strategies for building local community networks, developing urban agriculture systems, and numerous other concepts for grassroots-style, sustainable urban transformation.

    For more information, contact Jane Gray at:

    Fall 2011 Bastyr University seeds the Holistic Landscape Design Certificate Program

    Cultivate your love of plants and the planet into a unique and important skill set that combines ecological landscape design, regenerative, local food systems and community garden apothecaries.

    Be part of the REAL grassroots healthcare movement!

    Bastyr's Certificate in Holistic Landscape Design (CHLD) is 1-year, four-season program that uniquely integrates:

    Convenient Friday evening & weekends format

    • Site visits, regional experts, guest instructors and hands-on education
    • Over 140 hours dedicated to the ecological principles & practices of Permaculture Landscape Design
    • More than 30 hours focused on the theory and practice of Rudolph Steiner's Biodynamic farming methods
    • Horticulture series focused on the cultivation and utilization of a wide variety of medicinal & edible plants from various traditions and cultures
    • Emphasis on the Soil-Foodweb through classes like Soil Ecology, Mycology, Biointensive IPM & Plant Health
    • Skills for creating a livelihood working with plants through classes like Horticultural Business Practices, Horticultural Research & Grant Writing and the HLD Practicum
    • Electives include:
      • Herbal Medicine Making for All
      • Asian Medicinal Plant Horticulture
      • Medicinal Field Botany & Plant Identification
      • Herbal Medicine throughout Oregon
      • Cascade Herb Experience
      • Flower Essences
      • Introduction to Aromatic Medicine
      • Whole Foods Production
      • The Chef's Pantry
      • Northwest Herbs
      • Ethnobotany
    Pre-requisites courses include college level Plant Biology/Introduction to Botany and Organic Gardening coursework or equivalent experience/competencies

    Federal financial aid is available for those who qualify

    For more information, check out or
    Contact Jenny Perez, Bastyr Herb Garden Manager & CHLD Director
    (425) 602-3153 or

    Tacoma's 2nd annual Permaculture Design Course
    With a focus on Urban Issues and Advanced Design

    Eight weekends spread between September 2011 and February 2012 Sliding Scale $900 - $700. Some worktrades available.

    Permaculture is a solutions-oriented approach to sustainable living. It honors diverse earth-based traditions while nurturing a positive vision of our collective future.

    Topics: perennial gardens, self-reliance skills, food forests, wildcrafting, emergency preparedness, pattern design, soils & composting, analog ecosystems, appropriate technology, natural building, animal habitats, design for villages, right livelihood, urban watersheds - all with an urban focus

    When: Fridays 7-9pm, Saturdays & Sunday 10am-5pm on the following weekends
    9/9-11, 9/23-25, 10/7-9, 11/4-6, 12/2-4, 1/14-16, 2/3-5, 2/17-19


    • Most Friday evenings: Kings Book's, 218 St. Helens, Tacoma
    • Weekends: First Congregational, 918 Division, Tacoma
    Cost: $900-$700 Sliding scale. Includes tuition, handbook, lunches.
    Contact: Patricia 253-565-2599,
    Childcare available: we're still working out details

    Website: and

    Seedsaving Retreat Weekend at the Wild Thyme Farm

    with Marisha Auerbach and Forest Shomer

    Friday August 26 - Sunday, August 28
    7 pm Friday - 3 pm Sunday
    Wild Thyme Farm, Oakville, WA (outside of Olympia, WA)

    $160, if registered by 7/22 - early bird discount
    $175, if registered by 8/12
    $200, if registered after 8/12

    Seed saving gives us the unique opportunity to dance with life and play a distinct role in our nourishment. We can nurture plants for the special qualities that will sustain us in uncertain futures. By saving seeds, we ensure that our garden seeds are adapted in a changing climate. We can learn how to breed varieties for the unique traits that we enjoy most.

    As corporations attempt to take control of our genetic diversity, seed saving becomes an important political act. Come join us to actively learn how you can take responsibility for your own food supply by saving your own seed from your garden. We will be discussing and engaging in harvesting of cultivated and native seeds as well as flowers and vegetable crops. Seed saving is a great localized buffer against the globalization of our food supply as it celebrates our unique microclimates and encourages diversity while increasing the resilience in our gardens from pests and disease.

    This workshop has an active hands-on component. You will be saving lots of different varieties of seeds and each participant will go home with a small collection gathered from this event. Please join us to learn about how to select and save seeds from your garden.

    For more information, or to register, contact Marisha Auerbach at 503-454-6656 or

    Northwest Herbal Faire

    August 19-21

    Providing educational, networking and marketing opportunities for the herbal community and general public in a fun and festive atmosphere!

    • Over 100 workshops
    • Over 70 teachers - herbalists, healers, wildcrafters and health practitioners
    • Herbal Marketplace, 50+ vendors
    • Entertainment, musicians, singing and dancing
    • A fun-filled weekend of camping
    Held at the Fire Mountain Scout Camp in the Skagit Valley, between Seattle and Bellingham.

    The 11th Northwest Herbal Fair (NWHF) will be held August 19-21 near Mount Vernon, Washington after a five-year hiatus. The NWHF is herbal education galore amid a festive tribal atmosphere.

    Some facets of the Northwest Herbal Faire include:

    • Enhancing Community and Sharing Knowledge
    • Continuing Education
    • An Introduction to Herbal and Natural Medicine
    • Making Your Garden Grow
    For more information, visit:

    The Olympia Village Building Convergence

    August 11 - 14

    Imagine living in a beautiful neighborhood that you have designed and co-created with your neighbors. The Olympia Village Building Convergence (OlyVBC) envisions Olympia as a network of neighborhood villages that share, preserve and celebrate culture, skills and resources; honoring the earth and building resilience for future generations. Their mission is to organize a cohesive effort that invites the Olympia community to engage in meaningful conversation and creative placemaking, a process that involves shaping public spaces in a way that creates a sense of communal stewardship.

    This year, the OlyVBC will take place from August 11-14 all over town. There will be community projects taking place during the day, and evening events full of inspiration and entertainment. All projects are founded on developing strong local relationships, social capital and equity, placemaking, ecological design, supporting the local economy, and creating our village.

    Many successful neighborhood projects begin with a few inspired individuals. The key to any community project, however, is to shift that inspiration to a whole community and involve all of the stakeholders throughout the whole process. OlyVBC is in search of sites for neighborhood projects.

    For more information, visit:

    Please forward far and wide.....
    We seek lots of participation for this year to be a success!

    The Seed Exchange - A New Booth at the Oregon Country Fair in Energy Park

    Friday, July 8 - Sunday, July 10
    Veneta, OR

    A seed exchange is a hub for generating community food security. The diverse community at the Oregon Country fair represents unique microclimates from Cascadia and beyond. Many of us already cherish heirloom seed varieties and grow them in our gardens year after year. We are a new booth this year, offering free heirloom seeds and seedsaving information to the greater community. This booth holds the intention as a space for faire family to share and expand the surplus from our gardens as we provide a location for exchange of the diverse varieties of unique seed. We offer a non-commercial grassroots way for people to learn how and have the supplies to save seed.

    If you are not going to the Oregon Country Fair and would like to donate seeds for this endeavor, please contact Marisha Auerbach at 503-454-6656 or

    Food Forest Workshop
    with Marisha Auerbach and Kelda Miller

    Friday, April 29 - Sunday, May 1, 7 pm Friday - 3 pm Sunday
    Wild Thyme Farm, Oakville, WA (outside of Olympia, WA)

    $160, if registered by 3/28 - early bird discount
    $175, if registered by 4/15
    $200, if registered after 4/15

    Food production and ecology come together in the permaculture concept of a food forest. Using nature as our template, these intentional ecosystems offer an abundance of food, medicine, habitat, and so much more. Please join us for this workshop and learn how you can apply permaculture principles in a high-yielding orchard with diverse understory and minimize your work over time. Learn design strategies for creating guilds, smooth succession, and ease in harvest. Attract wildlife and grow plants that create self-renewing fertility for your garden.

    This workshop will discuss the permaculture concept of Food Forests. We will discuss species selection, community dynamics, various methods of implementing a Food Forest for the home landscape. We will spend the afternoons with hands-on work in the Food Forest to implement some of the techniques discussed.

    Instruction will include slideshows, discussion, lecture, tours, and hands-on practicums

    More info, and to register:
    Marisha Auerbach 360-273-7117

    Urban Permaculture

    Sunday, April 17, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Portland Nursery


    Do you think permaculture concepts can't work in the city? Think again! In this unique workshop, Marisha Auerbach, of the Cascadia Permaculture Institute will provide fabulous suggestions for incorporating permaculture and ecological principles into your urban lifestyle. Topics will include: urban design strategies, small-scale food production, soil -building techniques, water strategies, and community food production. Seeds will be shared in this class to help kick start your spring gardens. You will receive an extensive list of helpful resources for support during the growing season. Come join us to learn how you can incorporate permaculture principles into your life while enhancing your connections with nature and your neighborhood!

    For more information, or to register, visit

    Attracting Beneficial Insects to Your Garden

    Saturday, April 2, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
    Portland Nursery, Portland, OR

    Join Marisha Auerbach, of the Cascadia Permaculture Institure, for this fabulous opportunity to familiarize yourself with beneficial insects in your garden. Beneficial insects perform specific ecological functions such as pollination and natural pest control to enhance the productivity of your garden! In this workshop, you will become familiar with these important critters and some of the plants that you can grow to entice them into your garden.

    For more information, or to register, visit

    Permaculture Design Course
    With Kelly Simmons, Marisha Auerbach, and guests

    March 12 - 20th & 15 - 27th, 8:30 am - 6 pm
    Raindrop Retreat Center, Bellevue, CO (near Ft. Collins)

    $950 non-residential, $1200 residential

    Rocky Mountain Sustainable Living Association and Home Grown Food are thrilled to offer a 12-day, intensive Permaculture Design Course certification near Fort Collins.

    This well-rounded permaculture course is an excellent opportunity to build community and get your heart, hands and head engaged in learning how to design sustainable communities and systems through permaculture -- an ecological design system inherently rooted in nature and applicable virtually everywhere: gardens, homes, businesses, communities, and relationships.

    Permaculture teaches the language of nature, how to communicate within the systems we depend on, and how to redesign them with innate intelligence that supports life and abundance. The full certificate course, led by seasoned permaculture instructors, is offered over 12 days in northern Colorado at the mouth of the Poudre River Canyon. This site is located on 30 acres, offering numerous hands-on, practical how-to's, for course participants. A greater consciousness of the interconnectedness of human life with the environment is the next great learning curve that we are all a part of.

    Raindrop Retreat Permaculture Project

    Course Program broadly covers:

    • Permaculture design principles & installation
    • Organic growing methods (vegetable gardens, herbs, animals, fruit)
    • Rural land management (orchards, pastures, trees, water systems)
    • Ecological building, 'waste' recycling & renewable energy systems
    • Sustainable community design
    • Wildlife habitat & degraded land restoration
    • Wild craft & nature connection
    Registration in advance at
    Cost: $950 registered and paid in full by Jan. 20th - $1200 after 1-20-2011

    Permaculture Credit Union: offers loans for students who wish to take a Permaculture Design Course and cannot afford the program fees. Call 866-954-3479 to talk to a credit union representative or apply online at:

    {^font color=red^}CANCELLED{^/font^}
    {^center^} Reduce your ecological footprint.
    Learn permaculture, food production, and energy efficiency for your home and community.

    Permaculture Design Course

    February 27 - March 20, 2011
    Wild Thyme Farm, Oakville, WA

    Marisha_Auerbach , Dave_Boehnlein ,
    and Kelda_Miller
    Special Guests include:
    Michael_"Skeeter"_Pilarski , Jenny_Pell , Rick_Valley , Leonard_Barrett , Mark_Lakeman ,
    John Henrikson, Kirk_Hanson , and more...{^/center^}

    Globally, we are experiencing unpredictable changes in climate, economy, and resources. Through intentional design, we can anticipate what adaptive skills will be necessary for a joyful and abundant future. In this permaculture design course, students will be immersed in strategies to build community resilience and respond to uncertainties of the future. Our stellar teaching team will offer an over 144-hour permaculture curriculum with a focus on hands-on skill-building in food production, plant propagation, and energy systems. The Wild Thyme Farm, a premier permaculture demonstration site, offers an immersion in examples of beautiful and productive polyculture gardens, a 100 acre FSC certified forest, and strategies for rural revitalization. Through presentations, slides, games, lectures, field trips, and hands-on opportunities, this permaculture course will offer diverse learning styles to emphasize ways that students can design their lives and engage their communities in strategies for a sustainable future.

    Course Topics Include: {* Permaculture Ethics & Principles * Observation & Site Analysis * Energy Conservation * Natural Cycles & Pattern Recognition * Mapping & Design Exercises * Animal Husbandry * Forests, Agroforestry, & Tree Crops * Soil Building & Ecology * Cooperative Economics * Plants, Propagation & Planting Strategies * Eco-Building & Appropriate Technology * Water Harvesting, Management, & Conservation * Urban Permaculture & Village Design *}

    {^center^} Cost: $1950 including accommodations and prepared organic meals.
    Early bird registration: $1800 by January 15, 2011

    For more information, check out:
    To register, contact Marisha Auerbach
    (360)273-7117 {^/center^}

    The Portland Permaculture Meetup Group presents....

    Permaculture Soil Improvement Techniques: Put Your Carbon Into the Soil, Not the Air

    Tuesday, February 15th
    Taborspace: Copeland Commons Room, 5441 SE Belmont, Portland, OR

    $12 in advance, $15 at the door

    This evening's presentation will inspire and inform you with permaculture strategies to build soil. Learn about the critters that live in the soil and how they make nutrients available for plants. Learn strategies for enhancing their habitat and thus, increasing nutrients in your soil. We will discuss a diversity of ways that you can use local resources and plants to enhance your fertility in your garden beds including:

    • Sheet Mulching
    • Compost
    • Vermiculture
    • Hugelkultur
    • Manures
    • Green Manures
    • Terra Preta
    • Mycology
    • Effective Microorganisms
    • Dynamic Accumulators
    For more information, or to register, visit: or contact Leonard Barrett at

    20th Annual Permaculture Design Certification Program
    at Lost Valley Education Center
    with Jude Hobbs, Rick Valley, and Marisha Auerbach

    December 2 - December 15
    Lost Valley Education Center
    Dexter, OR (near Eugene, OR)

    Permaculture offers a positive response to the uncertainties of the future. It is a method of design that offers ways for you to create permanent culture by conscious, sustainable use of resources in all aspects of living. The time to plan for a resilient and prosperous future is now.

    Course Topics Include:

    • Permaculture Ethics & Principles
    • Mapping & Design Exercises
    • Natural Cycles & Pattern Recognition
    • Observation & Site Analysis
    • Garden Design & Establishment
    • Useful Plants & Planting Strategies
    • Water Harvesting, Management, & Conservation
    • Soil Building & Ecology
    • Animals in the System
    • Forests, Agroforestry, & Tree Crops
    • Eco-Building & Appropriate Technology
    • Urban Permaculture & Village Design
    • Cooperative Economics
    Cost: $1250 including accommodations and prepared organic meals.

    For instructor bios, visit:

    To register, contact Marisha Auerbach (360) 273-7117 or
    Register now to reserve your space in this inspiring and informative course!

    The Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University presents...

    Permaculture Design Certification Course
    With Andrew Millison and Marisha Auerbach

    Every Saturday: October 2 - December 17, 2010
    Portland, OR

    Attend all 11 Saturdays for a Permaculture Design Certificate,
    OR take the 4-day introduction: 10/2, 10/9, 10/16 & 10/23.

    ***** Offered in cooperation with a local Portland School, Master Gardeners, and Oregon State University, this course aims to reach folks with diverse interests, busy lifestyles, and families. The extended format offers time for digesting the material and incorporating it into your life. It is possible to receive extended education credit from Oregon State University for this course. The full course contains all the necessary curriculum to receive an internationally recognized Certificate of Permaculture Design.****

    This Saturday course caters to diverse learning styles by blending hands-on skills with discussion, design projects, group exercises, games, and presentations from prominent local experts and practitioners.

    You can participate in the entire course to earn a Certificate of Permaculture Design. Alternatively, you may attend the first 4 sessions as an introduction and drop in on any other class or presentation. If you do not attend every session, you can earn the certification by attending the classes that you missed during next year's course.

    Permaculture for Master Gardeners highlights horticultural solutions to the issues of our time, from soil improvement, to maximizing landscape productivity, to designing for healthy water management. Permaculture design is a method of planning that works at all scales from garden to farm and village to city. It is an ethically based holistic design system that uses principles derived from ecosystems, native peoples, and proven strategies to create sustainable settlements and organizations.

    Rooted in agriculture and horticulture, permaculture design is interdisciplinary, touching on many subjects including regional planning, ecology, animal husbandry, appropriate technology, architecture, and international development.


    • $850: all 11 Saturdays and Permaculture Certification.
    • $350: first 4 Saturdays, Introduction to Permaculture
    • $85: each additional class after taking the introduction
    • 10% Couples discount
    • 5% Senior Discount
    • 5% Student Discount
    • 5% For non-polluting travel to every class
    Registration information:

    For more information, contact:

    • Andrew Millison (541)752-9118
    • Marisha Auerbach (360) 273-7117
    Introduction to Permaculture
    Oct. 2: What is Permaculture? - Introduction and Landscape Observation

    Oct. 9: Sense of Place - Permaculture Site Analysis

    Oct.16: Planning for Resilience - The Permaculture Design System

    Oct.23: How Does Your Garden Grow? - Plants and the Permaculture Garden

    The Path to Design Certification
    Oct.30: Spread It, Sink It, Cycle It - Water Management in Permaculture Systems

    Nov. 6: Nourish the Roots - Strategies for Feeding the Soil Food Web

    Nov.13: It Takes a Village - Community and Economics of a Permaculture System

    Nov.20: Feeding the Village - Large-Scale Permaculture Strategies

    Dec. 4: Sustainable Cities - Urban Permaculture

    Dec.11: Permanent Culture - International Development and Relief

    Dec.18: Designers Activated - Summary, Graduation, and Design Presentations

    Annual Northwest Permaculture Convergence

    September 17 - 19
    South Seattle Community College, Seattle, WA

    This year we are forging an exciting new pathway in an urban setting by converging at South Seattle Community College. Camping and home stays will be available. With an 87 acre campus and cabins at nearby Camp Long, this will be an experience of an oasis in the city. Not only are the SSCC gardens and meadows waiting for us, you will find warm and fuzzy interior spaces as well.

    Mark Lakeman, activist architect and urban placemaking guru, will be our keynote speaker this year! Mark has been an instigator of Portland's City Repair and the annual Village Building Convergence there. Other presenters include: Michael Pilarski, Jenny Pell, Marisha Auerbach, Jonathan Scherch, Kelda Miller, Nala Wala, Rick Valley, Chuck Estin, Josho Somine, Dave Boehnlein, Albert Postema, Deston Denniston, Paul Wheaton, Tom Allen, Laura Sweany, and Art Donnelly.

    The Cascadia region's Transition Towns initiatives will be integrating their own summit into the Convergence. SCALLOPS (Sustainable Communities ALL Over Puget Sound) will hold a presence as well. We are very pleased to be making this year's NW Convergence a truly regional event!

    We are building this event as we go. We welcome with open arms all those interested in permaculture, as well as those working in permaculture. Tickets for the 2010 Convergence are $65 through August 1, $85 August 2 through Sept 15, and $100 at the door. Many work trade and volunteer opportunities are available. As in years past, we are asking you to pitch in and do your part to help by volunteering for a couple of hours during the event and bringing your fabulous homegrown food to share.

    Check out: for registration and other details.

    The Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University presents....

    Permaculture Design Certification Course
    With Andrew Millison and Marisha Auerbach
    Portland, OR

    Every Saturday: October 2 - December 17, 2010

    Attend all 11 Saturdays for a Permaculture Design Certificate, OR take the 4-day introduction: 10/2, 10/9, 10/16 & 10/23.

    ***** Offered in cooperation with a local Portland School, Master Gardeners, and Oregon State University, this course aims to reach folks with diverse interests, busy lifestyles, and families. The extended format offers time for digesting the material and incorporating it into your life. It is possible to receive extended education credit from Oregon State University for this course. The full course contains all the necessary curriculum to receive an internationally recognized Certificate of Permaculture Design.****

    This Saturday course caters to diverse learning styles by blending hands-on skills with discussion, design projects, group exercises, games, and presentations from prominent local experts and practitioners.

    You can participate in the entire course to earn a Certificate of Permaculture Design. Alternatively, you may attend the first 4 sessions as an introduction and drop in on any other class or presentation. If you do not attend every session, you can earn the certification by attending the classes that you missed during next year's course.

    Permaculture for Master Gardeners highlights horticultural solutions to the issues of our time, from soil improvement, to maximizing landscape productivity, to designing for healthy water management. Permaculture design is a method of planning that works at all scales from garden to farm and village to city. It is an ethically based holistic design system that uses principles derived from ecosystems, native peoples, and proven strategies to create sustainable settlements and organizations.

    Rooted in agriculture and horticulture, permaculture design is interdisciplinary, touching on many subjects including regional planning, ecology, animal husbandry, appropriate technology, architecture, and international development.

    Pricing: Please register by Sept.1

  • $850: all 11 Saturdays and Permaculture Certification.
  • $350: first 4 Saturdays, Introduction to Permaculture
  • $85: each additional class after taking the introduction

  • 10% Couples discount
  • 5% Senior Discount
  • 5% Student Discount
  • 5% For non-polluting travel to every class

    Registration information:

    For more information, contact:

  • Andrew Millison (541)752-9118
  • Marisha Auerbach (360) 273-7117

    Introduction to Permaculture
    Oct. 2: What is Permaculture? - Introduction and Landscape Observation

    Oct. 9: Sense of Place - Permaculture Site Analysis

    Oct.16: Planning for Resilience - The Permaculture Design System

    Oct.23: How Does Your Garden Grow? - Plants and the Permaculture Garden

    The Path to Design Certification
    Oct.30: Spread It, Sink It, Cycle It - Water Management in Permaculture Systems

    Nov. 6: Nourish the Roots - Strategies for Feeding the Soil Food Web

    Nov.13: It Takes a Village - Community and Economics of a Permaculture System

    Nov.20: Feeding the Village - Large-Scale Permaculture Strategies

    Dec. 4: Sustainable Cities - Urban Permaculture

    Dec.11: Permanent Culture - International Development and Relief

    Dec.18: Designers Activated - Summary, Graduation, and Design Presentations

  • Permaculture Design Certification Course: InterGenerational Ecovillage Development
    With Penny Livingston-Stark, Rick Valley, Marisha Auerbach, Jay Ma, Greg Landau, John Valenzuela, Max Meyers, and Jon Young

    July 27 - August 13, 2010
    Big Bend Hot Springs,
    2 hrs east of Redding, CA

    We are excited to announce this first Holistic Permaculture Design Certification Course with a focus on InterGenerational Ecovillage Development. With a focus on tending the inner, outer, and community landscapes... this course will include the standard 72-hour permaculture design curriculum based upon the original Mollison and Holmgren ideas and design philosophies published in The Permaculture Designer's Manual, as well as be a nourishing retreat and hands-on immersion experience in Ecovillage Design & Development. In addition to the standard Permaculture Design Certification curriculum, we recognize permaculture as a holistic design philosophy expanding in symbiosis with many related fields. Accordingly, this permaculture design course will integrate additional content and activities such as nature awareness, indigenous wisdom, holistic nutrition, embodiment practices, inner work, group process, and much more. During this intensive 17-day course participants will be immersed into an amazing and nourishing learning environment practicing skills to transform our lives and our communities into regenerative systems while contributing to the design & activation of an exciting Ecovillage project, living in community as a village, and experiencing profound personal renewal at this oasis of natural beauty and magic.

    To register, visit

    For questions and more information regarding the course e-mail: or phone: (707) 634-1461

    Seedsaving as an Activist Practice with Marisha Auerbach

    Friday, July 23, 7 pm - 9 pm
    Traditions Cafe, 300 5th Ave. SW, Olympia, WA

    $10 - $7 sliding scale

    Seed saving gives us the unique opportunity to dance with life and play a distinct role in our nourishment. We can nurture plants for the special qualities that sustain us in uncertain futures. As corporations attempt to take control of our genetic diversity, seed saving becomes an important political act. Come join us to learn how you can take responsibility for your own food supply by saving your own seed from your garden. We will be discussing harvest of cultivated and native seeds as well as flowers and vegetable crops. Seed saving is a great localized buffer against the globalization of our food supply as it encourages diversity and increases the resilience in our gardens from pests and disease.

    For more information, or to register, contact, Marisha_Auerbach

    The Seed Exchange, Energy Park, Oregon Country Fair

    July 9, 10, & 11

    A seed exchange is a hub for generating community food security. The diverse community at the Oregon Country fair represents unique microclimates from Cascadia and beyond. Many of us already cherish heirloom seed varieties and grow them in our gardens year after year. We are a new booth this year, offering free heirloom seeds and seedsaving information to the greater community. This booth holds the intention as a space for faire family to share and expand the surplus from our gardens as we provide a location for exchange of the diverse varieties of unique seed. We offer a non-commercial grassroots way for people to learn how and have the supplies to save seed.

    Background Statistics: (Food insecurity means that these households were unsure of where their next meal is coming from)

    • 14.6% of households in the United States were classified as food insecure last year.
    • 13.1% of households in Oregon are classified as food insecure last year.
    • 6.6% of households were classified as hungry, which means that they missed meals or need to make significant choices concerning food.
    • Oregon is among 5 states with the highest food insecurity rate.
    Access to resources, such as seeds and information, could minimize some limiting factors for marginalized families. Individuals who grow more food can share the surplus with their neighbors and local food banks.

    Seedsaving as an Activist Practice with Marisha Auerbach

    Friday, July 2, 7 pm - 9 pm
    King's Books, 218 Saint Helens Ave, Tacoma, WA

    $10 - $7 sliding scale

    Seed saving gives us the unique opportunity to dance with life and play a distinct role in our nourishment. We can nurture plants for the special qualities that sustain us in uncertain futures. As corporations attempt to take control of our genetic diversity, seed saving becomes an important political act. Come join us to learn how you can take responsibility for your own food supply by saving your own seed from your garden. We will be discussing harvest of cultivated and native seeds as well as flowers and vegetable crops. Seed saving is a great localized buffer against the globalization of our food supply as it encourages diversity and increases the resilience in our gardens from pests and disease.

    For more information, or to register, contact, Marisha_Auerbach

    Design and Install a Legal Graywater Filtration System
    with Jenny Pell and special guests

    June 26 -27 in Olympia
    10:00am - 5:00pm

    Everyday, each household dismisses slightly used water from sinks, laundry, and showers (called graywater) to the sewer. This valuable water can be diverted and re-used to water the garden. Graywater may have cleansers and/or food particles in it: with intentional planning, these can be turned into a resource for watering and feeding our gardens. We will design and install a legal graywater system during this workshop, calculate the outflow of water, discuss permits and legal issues, practice plumbing as we install the system, and test it out! During this workshop, we will explore different strategies to install a graywater system in your own home or workplace. (same video as urban yard)

    Course details and registration:
    Or contact Jenny Pell: (206) 949-0496,

    Edible Flowers with Marisha Auerbach

    Saturday, June 19, 1 pm - 2 pm
    Portland Nursery, 9000 SE Division, Portland, OR


    Come join us to delight in the diversity of culinary flowers. Marisha will introduce the class to various types of edible flowers and discuss how you can include them in your diet. Raw and cooked, edible flowers enhance every meal!

    To register, contact Portland Nursery at 503-788-9000 or go to the registration page:

    Design and Install a Legal Graywater Filtration System
    with Jenny Pell and special guests

    June 12 - 13 in Seattle
    10:00am - 5:00pm

    Everyday, each household dismisses slightly used water from sinks, laundry, and showers (called graywater) to the sewer. This valuable water can be diverted and re-used to water the garden. Graywater may have cleansers and/or food particles in it: with intentional planning, these can be turned into a resource for watering and feeding our gardens. We will design and install a legal graywater system during this workshop, calculate the outflow of water, discuss permits and legal issues, practice plumbing as we install the system, and test it out! During this workshop, we will explore different strategies to install a graywater system in your own home or workplace. (same video as urban yard)

    Course details and registration:
    Or contact Jenny Pell: (206) 949-0496,

    Permaculture Design Certification Course
    with Marisha Auerbach, Matt Bibeau, Kelda Miller, and friends

    June 11-27, 2010
    Tryon Life Community Farm
    Portland, OR

    A Permaculture Design Course explores sustainable human habitation. We begin with the ethics and principles of permaculture which support a philosophical reverence for life and provide a framework for making healthy choices.

    The objective of this Permaculture Design Course, taught by Marisha Auerbach and others, is to provide a comprehensive overview of sustainable futures, based on permaculture philosophy, techniques, and strategies that one could incorporate into their everyday life, or enhance their career. These courses provide hands-on experience. The intention is to facilitate a systems approach to thinking about different issues, encouraging care for the earth and its inhabitants as a diverse community.

    TLC Farm's two-week intensive Permaculture Design Course course can be taken as residential or commuter. The fee for the non-residential option is $1000 - 850 sliding scale. The fee for the residential option is $1300 -1100. Limited work trade may be available.

    For more information about this course, please see, email or call Matt Bibeau 503-351-2075.

    "The course at Tryon was one of the most cohesive and empowering two weeks of my life."
    "I've learned so much from this course that will change my life!"
    "This was a very inspiring and empowering course. The teachers were amazing"
    -reflections from last year's PDC participants

    How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2 1/2 Years: An (r)Evolution Disguised as Organic Gardening
    slideshow presentation by Marisha Auerbach

    Tuesday, May 25th, Traditions Cafe, 300 5th Ave, Olympia WA
    7 pm - 9 pm
    $10 - $7 sliding scale

    In the Maritime Northwest, it is possible to grow all our own produce year-round with limited time to establish a system and limited effort. As petroleum becomes more expensive, this sort of system can provide an example to support our evolution to a more sustainable society. Marisha Auerbach specializes in converting properties from grass to to a perennial forage system. A perennial forage system functions much like a natural ecological system, and yields year round produce with minimal work. These systems are developed to meet the needs of the inhabitants on site. Marisha provides most of her diet and income from her garden and has surplus produce and crafts to give away and trade for other supplies.

    This presentation is an invitation for you to visit Marisha's garden through slides and lecture. She will be discussing how you can work towards self-reliance in produce if you have property to work with as well as guerrilla tactics to grow more food and flowers in the greater Olympia area. This lecture offers an opportunity to create cultural change through gardening.

    For more information or to register, contact Marisha_Auerbach

    Design and Plant a Multi-functional Rain Garden
    with Marisha Auerbach and Jenny Pell and special guests

    May 23 in Olympia
    10:00am - 5:00pm

    In Western Washington, we get abundant rainfall in the winter and scarce rainfall in summer when we need it most. In the winter, the excess water is directed from impermeable surfaces, like roads, to the stormdrains. In this workshop, we will reroute stormwater into an intentionally designed garden with select plants that produce a yield and enjoy lots of water in the winter as well as tolerate dry summers. We will inoculate our raingarden with mycelium to remediate any contaminants from the roadside. This workshop includes a discussion on working with the city for sustainable retrofits.

    Course details and registration:
    Or contact Jenny Pell: (206) 949-0496,

    Urban Vertical Gardening: Trellises & Arbors
    With Marisha Auerbach and Jenny Pell

    Sunday, May 16, 2010
    11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    OmCulture Studio
    2210 N Pacific Street
    Seattle, WA 98103
    $50.00 per person, some work-trade and barter available

    In this hands-on workshop we will learn techniques for growing climbing edible annuals, perennials and flowers, and build a variety of trellises suitable for balconies, backyards, and urban gardens. Kiwis, cucumbers, grapes, wisteria, roses, hops, beans, peas, berries, and more!

    From an inviting archway twining with hops, to a covered walkway hanging with kiwis, berries, and fragrant flowers, trellises are useful, easy to make and beautiful. Trellising is a practical way to add a variety of desirable features to your home or garden, no matter how large or small your space.

    This workshop is for renters and homeowners! All ages welcome; discounts available for family members.


    • dramatically increase growing area
    • create privacy
    • build "outdoor rooms"
    • serve as a wind-break
    • are beautiful!
    Please pre-register!
    Jenny Pell: (206) 949-0496

    Learn more here:

    How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2 1/2 Years: An (r)Evolution Disguised as Organic Gardening
    slideshow presentation by Marisha Auerbach

    Friday, May 7th, King's Books, 218 St. Helens Ave, Tacoma WA
    7 pm - 9 pm
    $10 - $5 sliding scale

    In the Maritime Northwest, it is possible to grow all our own produce year-round with limited time to establish a system and limited effort. As petroleum becomes more expensive, this sort of system can provide an example to support our evolution to a more sustainable society. Marisha Auerbach specializes in converting properties from grass to to a perennial forage system. A perennial forage system functions much like a natural ecological system, and yields year round produce with minimal work. These systems are developed to meet the needs of the inhabitants on site. Marisha provides most of her diet and income from her garden and has surplus produce and crafts to give away and trade for other supplies.

    This presentation is an invitation for you to visit Marisha's garden through slides and lecture. She will be discussing how you can work towards self-reliance in produce if you have property to work with as well as guerrilla tactics to grow more food and flowers in the greater Tacoma area. This lecture offers an opportunity to create cultural change through gardening.

    For more information or to register, contact Kelda Miller at (253) 370-9946 or

    How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2 1/2 Years: An (r)Evolution Disguised as Organic Gardening
    slideshow presentation by Marisha Auerbach

    Monday, May 3rd, Portland OR
    7 pm - 9 pm
    $10 in advance, $12 at the door

    In the Maritime Northwest, it is possible to grow all our own produce year-round with limited time to establish a system and limited effort. As petroleum becomes more expensive, this sort of system can provide an example to support our evolution to a more sustainable society. Marisha Auerbach specializes in converting properties from grass to to a perennial forage system. A perennial forage system functions much like a natural ecological system, and yields year round produce with minimal work. These systems are developed to meet the needs of the inhabitants on site. Marisha provides most of her diet and income from her garden and has surplus produce and crafts to give away and trade for other supplies.

    This presentation is an invitation for you to visit Marisha's garden through slides and lecture. She will be discussing how you can work towards self-reliance in produce if you have property to work with as well as guerrilla tactics to grow more food and flowers in the greater Portland area. This lecture offers an opportunity to create cultural change through gardening.

    For more information or to register, contact Leonard Barrett at (503) 425-9706 or

    Eat Your Yard: Transform an Urban Yard to Permaculture Garden
    with Marisha Auerbach and Jenny Pell

    May 1 - 2 in Olympia
    10:00am - 4:00pm

    Imagine transforming an urban lawn into an abundant garden in a weekend! This weekend, we will design an average urban yard to a diverse garden that meets the needs of the inhabitants. We will discuss soil preparation, plant selection, strategies for growing food in small spaces, and water saving strategies. We will be planting annual vegetables as well as perennial berries, edible flowers, medicinal herbs, and fruit trees.

    Course details and registration:
    Or contact Jenny Pell: (206) 949-0496,

    Eat Your Yard: Transform an Urban Yard to Permaculture Garden
    with Marisha Auerbach and Jenny Pell

    April 17 - 18 in Seattle
    10:00am - 4:00pm

    Imagine transforming an urban lawn into an abundant garden in a weekend! This weekend, we will design an average urban yard to a diverse garden that meets the needs of the inhabitants. We will discuss soil preparation, plant selection, strategies for growing food in small spaces, and water saving strategies. We will be planting annual vegetables as well as perennial berries, edible flowers, medicinal herbs, and fruit trees.

    Course details and registration:
    Or contact Jenny Pell: (206) 949-0496,

    The following workshops are part of the PERMACULTURE SKILLS WORKSHOPS series...

    Join in the Great Re-Skilling!

    One weekend per month, March - October, in Seattle or Olympia,

    Take one, take them all! Discounts for bulk registration...

    Instructors: Jenny Pell, Marisha Auerbach, and special guests.

    In this 7 month weekend workshop series, you will learn valuable skills that will provide the foundation for sustainable abundance in your homes and neighborhoods.

    We are experiencing rapidly changing global economic and environmental shifts that impact our everyday lives. Each of these workshops showcase design elements that create decentralized, resilient, income-generating, and biodiverse systems that provide for our most basic needs.


    • One workshop - $195
    • Any 3 workshops, prepaid - $600
    • All 7 workshops, prepaid - $1,200
    • Any one person may attend prepaid workshops.
    Course details and registration:
    Or contact Jenny Pell: (206) 949-0496,

    The Only Constant is Change - Get Ready

    Growing Mushrooms in the Home Landscape
    with Marisha Auerbach and Jordan Weiss

    Saturday, April 3
    10 am - 4 pm
    Wild Thyme Farm
    Oakville, WA (45 mins SW of Olympia)
    $75 - $65 sliding scale
    potluck lunch
    pre-registration requested

    Mushrooms are an integral part of the environment in the Pacific Northwest. They are rarely used in landscaping. Permaculture draws on examples from nature to create abundant landscapes based in ecological systems. We would like to invite our fungal allies to return to the garden and assist us in creating abundance through their relationships.

    During this workshop, we will discover the functions of mushrooms in an ecosystem and the different techniques for incorporating them in the home garden. Hands-on projects will include: log culture, establishment of outdoor mushroom beds, mycorrhizal inoculants, and other fun projects. Each participant will go home with an inoculated log.Please join us as we consciously welcome mushrooms into our landscapes and gardens.

    For more information, or to register, contact: Marisha_Auerbach

    Tuesday, Feb 16
    Permaculture: Practical Permaculture Solutions: Techniques For You to Save Money, Energy, and Time in a Changing World
    Transition Olympia
    7:00pm - 9:00pm

    Tonight, Marisha Auerbach will introduce us to Permaculture. Permaculture offers simple strategies to reduce your expenses, save energy, and enrich your life locally through connection with natural principles. Nature provides a grand blueprint of how interconnected systems work together efficiently. We will look at the systems that we use in our lives and how they are affected by fluctuations globally. We will identify solutions that can be applied on the small scale to enrich our lives.

    Sunday, Feb 14
    Permaculture: Practical Permaculture Solutions: Techniques For You to Save Money, Energy, and Time in a Changing World
    Sustainable Burien
    Burien Library

    Tonight, Marisha Auerbach will introduce us to Permaculture. Permaculture offers simple strategies to reduce your expenses, save energy, and enrich your life locally through connection with natural principles. Nature provides a grand blueprint of how interconnected systems work together efficiently. We will look at the systems that we use in our lives and how they are affected by fluctuations globally. We will identify solutions that can be applied on the small scale to enrich our lives.

    Winter Wildcrafting for Medicinal Plants
    A day-long workshop instructed by Michael Pilarski

    Tuesday, January 19
    9:00 am - 6:00 pm
    $75 (limited to 16 participants). Registrants will be sent maps to the workshop location.
    Bring a lunch. Please try to carpool. Let us know if you want, or can offer, a ride.

    This workshop will be held at Wild Thyme Farm near Oakville. The farm is near the Chehalis River floodplain and contains a wide diversity of habitats including forests, pastures, gardens, forest gardens, riparian areas and agroforestry plantings. We will do hands-on wildcrafting and processing of a number of medicinal plants. Devil's club root and rootbark, Oregon-grape root, cottonwood buds, Usnea lichen, lungwort lichen, butterbur root, cascara bark, dandelion root and licorice fern are some of the things we will be looking for. We will discuss other medicinal and useful plants we come across. Information will be wide ranging including sustainability, ecology, ethics, uses, optimum harvesting times, harvesting tools, processing and propagation. Mostly we will be in the wild - experiential. The information is applicable to western Washington in general.

    For more information or to register, contact: Marisha_Auerbach

    Northwest Medicinal Plants: Uses, Ecological Wildcrafting, Cultivation, & Integration into Permaculture Systems
    A day-long workshop instructed by Michael Pilarski

    Monday, January 18
    9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Procession Studio
    311 1/2 Capitol Way N, enter from alley
    Olympia WA

    $60-$40 sliding scale

    The workshop will cover some of the most useful Northwest medicinals such as cascara, devil's club, oregon-grape, lomatium, usnea, osha, and yew, as well as lesser-known ones. We will have fresh and dry botanicals to examine. We will look at these plants in the contexts of sustainable wildcrafting, ethnobotany, ethnoecology, traditional and modern uses, and their uses in ecological restoration and permaculture systems. The workshop will touch on using native medicinal plants in urban, suburban and farm landscapes for production of food, fiber, fuel, and crafts as well as medicine and how these native medicinals can be planted for ecological functions such as windbreaks, sound buffers, erosion control, shade, water retention, etc. We will explore how to bring more wild habitats and native plants into human landscapes in a way that improves the quality of life for people as well as native flora and fauna. A win/win situation. The role of yards, alleyways, forest gardens, riparian zones, farmland, etc. We will look at a range of native medicinals which can be grown at the home scale, at the farm crop scale, for ecosystem restoration and for creating wildcrafting opportunities.

    For more information or to register, contact: Marisha_Auerbach

    Communicating with Fairies, Nature-Spirits and Devas
    with Michael 'Skeeter' Pilarski

    Friday, January 15
    6:30 to 8:30
    Olympia, WA, Traditions Cafe
    300 5th Ave SW
    Olympia, WA
    $10 - $7, sliding scale

    How many kinds of nature spirits and fairies are there? What do they do? How can we communicate with them? Why would we want to? These are some of the questions we will explore. Michael is the founder of the Fairy & Human Relations Congress which has been held in Washington and Oregon annually for the past 9 years. The Congress brings together some of the world's leading fairy communicators. He is the compiler of the "Collected Fairy Manuscripts of Daphne Charters" and has lectured widely on the topic of fairies. No need to register, but an email that you are coming is appreciated.

    For more information or to register, contact: Marisha_Auerbach

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