Donate for sustainability for Limbe, in northern Haiti

Lilí Starts raises and sells annual vegetable starts to the backyard gardener, ready for planting in the garden. Our vegetable varieties are selected and grown to excel in our local climate, to extend our growing season, and to generate abundant harvests for the home gardener throughout the seasons.

Lilian Matlock and Marisha Auerbach, co-proprietors of Lilí Starts, have a passion for gardening and assisting their neighbors to grow nutritious vegetables to supplement their diet at home. They have an eye on the most delicious and ornamental heirloom varieties of vegetables and a vast knowledge of how and when to plant them, care for them, and use them to cook delicious meals.

Many backyard and hobby gardeners have limited space in their garden and limited time to spend planning it. Our seasonally selected, ready to plant vegetable starts will provide you with a reliable harvest and boost your potential yield throughout the growing season. Our newsletter will assist you with garden planning and offer you knowledge on how to tend to your plants to achieve maximum yields.

Contact us at or phone 503-893-8073.
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