What Price Growth?
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"What price growth...?"

Slow down the pace of growth

In a period of unregulated growth and horrendous assaults on the environment, I see one small ray of opportunity.

In a recent Olympian there was a story about a courageous hearing examiner who ruled that a proposed 65-acre shopping complex was a no go because it would harm the Grass Lake wetlands.

I live on the west side, near 11th Avenue and Overhulse, in a quiet peaceful neighborhood.

Recently approved, or about to be approved within one mile of this nice area, now zoned for one house each 5 acres, are two large churches, each with parking spaces for more than 200 cars and four housing developments for a total of about 200 densely packed houses. ·

To my knowledge, the Thurston County Commissioners have never turned down any application for a building or development permit. Many times, they take about two minutes to do this, with a system that will take no comments from the public.

Now I have a suggestion to save Thurston County time and money. Just have automatic approval for each and every permit

The building and construction industry gets very good value for its campaign contributions for county commissioners.

The only way we can have slow, well-planned growth and respect for the environment is to "throw the rascals out in November."

Robert S. First/Olympia

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Updated 2007/01/26 19:10:38

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