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"Reclaiming the Tradition, Bringing Funerals Home..."

Who We Are

Annie McManus

I am a Washington State Certified Counselor in private practice. I have been a Hospice volunteer and participated in home funeral vigils for my own family and friends, prior to choosing to become a Home Funeral Guide. It was those healthy grieving and life-affirming experiences I received while tending to and vigiling with the bodies of those I deeply loved, that profoundly altered the way I viewed after death care. I am deeply grateful to my departed loved ones and to their families, who invited me into the sacred space of caretaking, both during illness and after death. I am changed forever as a result.

I received my Home Funeral Training from Jerrigrace Lyons of "Final Passages", located in Sebastopol, California and Char Barrett of "A Sacred Moment", of Everett, Washington.

Karen Lohmann:

In caring for my father during his terminal illness, my heart was cracked open to the fleeting preciousness of life. Being at the bedside of the dying is a portal to the sacred meaning of life. I have worked for 6 years in Comfort Care Therapies with Hospice providing "Healing Hands" modalities and Flower Essence Therapy to the dying. I received Home Funeral Training with Char Barrett of "A Sacred Moment" of Everett, WA. I work as a Chaplain at Providence St. Peter Hospital. In Spring of 2011, I was ordained as a Reverend in the Zen Peacemaker Order, by Roshi Joan Halifax as part of my graduation from the Upaya Buddhist Chaplaincy Program in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am a mother, grandmother, artist, gardener and a Certified Flower Essence Practitioner.

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Updated 2011/05/02 14:48:44

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...