"US-Nicaragua Solidarity Since 1988" About Us
The Thurston Santo Tomas Sister County Association is a non-profit community organization founded in 1988.
Philosophy and Mission
International justice and peace depend on the friendships of people across national, cultural and ethnic boundaries. In the urgent desire to engender peace and heal the effects of past aggression and current economic oppression by the US on the people of Nicaragua and for the mutual benefit of Santo Tomas, Chontales, Nicaragua and Thurston County, Washington, USA, we intend:
- To foster sustained relationships and greater understanding between the peoples of Santo Tomas and Thurston County through the development of personal friendships, community ties, and people-to-people exchanges
- To educate ourselves and our community about the impacts of US foreign policies that cause the dependency and economic deterioration of Central America.
- To promote peace and a just relationship while challenging the imbalance of power and supporting self-determination and self-sufficiency for the Nicaraguan people.
- To help sustain our sister community in its struggle for dignity and hope.