"Serving the South Bay area, strengthening individuals, families and communities through service, education, and community events." Membership
We welcome all community members to get involved by becoming a Grange member! Become more involved, participate in Grange decisions, and show your support for our community hub.
Join the South Bay Grange: Enrich Lives, Build Community!
Enhance Family & Community Bonds: Be part of a movement that strengthens relationships and enriches lives.
Affordable & Local Venues: Enjoy a range of events, classes, and dances right in your neighborhood without breaking the bank. The Grange is an affordable location for important events like weddings, graduations, memorial services, and other special occasions.
Community Involvement: Seize unique opportunities for leadership and make a meaningful impact in your community. Serve as a South Bay Grange Board Member or in Open Officer
positions. Or give your time as a volunteer to help on committees and events.
Historical Preservation: Be a part of current project efforts preserving our historic South Bay Grange for future generations.
Get The Most Out of Your Membership: Benefits include an assortment of discounts on insurance and much more: Travel & Entertainment, Hearing Services & Devices, Financial Planning & Home Protection, Shopping, Technology, Shipping & Business Services, Insurance, and Prescription & Medical Care.
Multi-level memberships are as follows:
- South Bay Grange Member ($46/year) Includes annual voting opportunities for officers and board positions.
- South Bay Grange Family Membership: $98.00/year. Includes family members within one household and annual voting opportunities for officer and board positions.
To join as a member or to learn more, text or call:
The South Bay Grange Membership, Outreach and Facebook Committee Chairs: Shannie Jenkins 360-970-6228 or Sandy Mode at 360-481-5251
For more information on our Washington State Grange, visit The Washington State Grange.
To apply for membership, return a completed membership form (one for each individual or family membership) emailed to southbaygrangewa@gmail.com or mail to South Bay Grange #250, PO Box 4460, Olympia WA 98501
Then submit payment at the payment link below.