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The Quantum Message Releasing Technique is safe, gentle and unobtrusive. We discuss only what you want to share. Since 90% of our emotions are stored in our subconscious, they can exert their influence on physical tissue causing pain or imbalance. Releasing your stored emotions can encourage your body to heal itself, enabling physical and emotional difficulties to disappear or become easily managed.

Before Your Session
*Clarify what our area of focus will be, or let your Inner Self decide.
*Choose how you would most like to participate in this work - over the phone (Distance) or proxy (Remote)
*Submit Schedule Form

Distance Healing: Over the phone, your interaction can provide valuable feedback. Occasionally, the subconscious will want you to be aware of a specific event to facilitate a complete release.

Proxy Healing: This session will take place while you move through your daily routines and can be extremely beneficial with the release of emotions and identifying structural, immune and nutritional challenges. Remote sessions do not need to be scheduled. It will be done within a couple of days of my confirmation email. I will email a recap of your session highlighting all findings and clearings.

During Your Session

If you choose Distance Healing, at our appointed time, I will phone you and discuss the process and answer questions you may have regarding the process. You will be asked to create a space in your awareness to receive healing in all levels of your body.

Sit back, get comfortable, and breathe deeply. We will be working over a speaker phone and it is best to eliminate any background noise. I utilize muscle testing, asking your body "yes" "no" questions. Feel free to talk and provide feedback. Most appointments will last approximately 30 minutes. Every session is unique and if more time is needed, as your Spirit chooses what to release, we can schedule additional time.

During the session you may feel tingling, goose bumps or temperature changes. Or not. Some clients do not realize until hours, even days later that they feel 'lighter' as if a burden has been lifted.

After Your Session

It may take a couple days to process your release(s). You are energetically processing emotions, growing new cells and you are releasing something called neuro-peptids that were absorbed during the original emotion (explained quite well by Dr. Candace Pert in Molecules of Emotion ). Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, eat juicy fruits and vegetables, take care of yourself. Please be patient with your body's healing process. Allow the flow. You may feel a little subdued, even tired, so schedule your session with that in mind... do not plan a marathon the next day!

After a session most clients claim they feel an enhanced state of harmony and a more positive outlook on life. They may sleep better and find they do not revisit prior emotional patterns. Whether changes are obvious or not, the session is having a healing effect on a subconscious level.

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Updated 2012/10/19 14:06:04

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...