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Water Works
Water to Drink
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. . . from our friends . . .

This page is for some of the feedback we have gotten from our friends and other visitors to this website. Send us your comments or contributions for posting.

Life is strange.
Like living water, it ebbs and flows,
Carries us as flotsam along with it.

-- Chris D. in Oregon

...do you know how many references there are to water in the bible?


God is compared to a refreshing river, the Holy Spirit is called the River of Life, Jesus said to the lady at the well in Samaria "I have the water of eternal life, drink from me and you will never thirst again"

Psalm 23 is many peoples favourite psalm, one that depicts peace and protection "The Lord is my Shepherd, I will not be in want, me makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul"

Baptism is the act of submersing yourself below water, a symbol of death to the worldly life, and new birth into spiritual life, as well as cleansing away of sin.

We are born out of an amniotic sac of water, we are 70% water. We can survive maximum 52 days without food before we die, yet only 3 days without water, and life gets very hard after only 1 day....

and there are hundreds more bible references to water.

Phil, M.D., Ireland

Ecosystem Song

I can eke out a living, I can eke out a song,
I can “eek” out a warning if things go wrong,
I can sneek out windows or doors to stay alive,
But with no ecosystem, nobody survives...

Willow and Sage

Willow wisp and desert sage
Spoke of water tales --
One lamented soggy roots
The other, blowing gales.
Teary-eyed, the willow said:
"I'm so wet, I could cry."
Sage's parched voice answered him:
"My throat seems always dry."

-- Chris Doyle (Frontliner, Zigzag Ranger District, Mt. Hood)

compliments of J, DeArman, Peninsula Wilderness Club
China Three Rivers Gorge Dam

Yangtze River

Compliments of Carola Berendts, Switzerland

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Updated 2009/09/20 13:59:02

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...