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"US-Nicaragua Solidarity Since 1988"

Past Events

Monthly meetings:

Everyone is welcome to participate in TSTSCA's small but active Steering Committee meetings, which provides overall planning, organizing and decision-making. The Steering Committee meets almost every month, usually at 7:00 pm preceded by a 6:30 pm potluck. Locations vary, so please contact us for time and location of the next meeting. (See the CONTACT US page.)

Annual rummage sale:

While our fundraising relies rely mostly on checks mailed to our PO box (See DONATE page), we also hold an annual rummage sale, typically in February at Lincoln Elementary School's gym. See the PAST EVENTS link below for recent information. Our 2014 rummage sale is scheduled for 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday February 1, 2014, in the gymnasium behind Lincoln Elementary School, 21st Avenue SE & Washington Street SE, Olympia. When we get closer to that date, look for information about it on this website.

Perennial plant sale:

In May 2013 we enjoyed great success with selling starts of perennial plants that were donated for this benefit fundraising event. See the PAST EVENTS link below for information about it. Inspired by 2013's success, we are likely to organize another plant sale in spring of 2014. When we get closer to the spring of 2014, look for information on this website.

Spectacular sale

Saturday, May 4 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
117 Thomas St NW on Olympia's Westside, between Harrison and 4th Avenue.

Sale of perennial plants and bushes, tomato and vegetable starts, strawberry plants, raspberry canes, and oyster mushroom kits!

The Thurston-Santo Tomas Sister County Association is hosting our 7th annual plant sale fundraiser for university scholarships for youth in our sister town in Nicaragua. Please support these young people in staying to strengthen their community. Since 2010, 27 students have graduated and 12 more are currently studying different career pathways.

Thank you for supporting this life-changing project!
Stock up on cool plants!
Bring your friends!
Buy plants as gifts for other people!

Email tstsca@gmail.com soon if you have plants to donate, especially vegie starts, or are able to volunteer.

Or donate directly through PayPal ($40 per month per student) on our website: https://oly-wa.us/TSTSCA/

Student Delegation to Santo Tomas

Thursday, October 2nd, 4:00 pm
Wednesday, October 22nd, 4:00 pm
on campus in Sem II A2109

Students from The Evergreen State College are invited to participate in the 11th student delegation to Santo Tomas, Chontales, Nicaragua for ten weeks in spring quarter. Students with at least an intermediate level of Spanish language skills and a desire to put their education into action can apply to study abroad in the context of the long standing relationship between Santo Tomas and Olympia. One central purpose of these delegations is to strengthen the sister county relationship and students are expected to represent the spirit of cooperation embodied in that connection.

There will be a community service component, continuing language and literature study, seminars and a substantial academic project. Students will live with families and participate fully in daily life in a small town in rural Nicaragua. There will be an info session on Thursday, Oct. 2nd at 4pm and again on Wednesday, Oct. 22nd at 4 pm on campus in Sem II A2109. Applications are due by November 10th. Please email tstsca@gmail.com for more details.

Students selected will participate in a winter series of trainings covering subjects key to our organization (consensus building, privilege/anti-oppression, history of the CDC / TSTSCA), subjects pertaining to academic success while in Nicaragua (ethnographic writing, free trade policy, Nicaraguan history, current Nicaraguan politics), as well as other pre-departure issues related to health (immunizations, etc) and safety.

Travel with a Purpose

Wednesday, October 22, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Olympia Community Center 222 N. Columbia, Room 101.

The Thurston-Santo Tomas Sister County Association is pleased to announce that we will be hosting another Community Delegation to Nicaragua in the summer of 2015.

Delegates will spend up to 3 weeks in Nicaragua, the majority of which will be spent in Santo Tomas. We will visit and volunteer in projects such as the children's free lunch program, the library, several preschools, the health clinic, the model farm, youth programs and Lincoln Elementary's sister school Rúben Darío. Some interpretation support and Spanish language classes will be available as well. Homestays provide the visitors opportunities to share in the daily lives of Nicaraguan families; many previous delegates have maintained lifelong relationships with their hosts. Delegations from Santo Tomas to Olympia have provided Olympians the opportunity to reciprocate hospitality.

Got kids? Children who've traveled with us to Santo Tomas have had particularly wonderful experiences, with many of them returning as young adults to rekindle the friendships they formed years earlier.

Interested? To find out more, attend our introductory presentation on Wednesday, October 22, from 7-9 pm, at the Olympia Community Center 222 N. Columbia, Room 101. You'll see photos and hear stories from previous delegations, as well as dates and costs of the trip. No RSVP is needed, but if you have questions in the meantime you can e-mail us at tstsca@gmail.com.

Perennial Plant Sale Benefits Our Sister Community in Santo Tomas, Nicaragua

Saturday May 4 and Sunday May 5, 2013
10:00 am - 2:00 pm each day in West Olympia

Large, healthy starts of fifty varieties of perennial plants will be on sale at very modest prices to benefit the Thurston-Santo Tomas Sister County Association (TSTSCA) from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm on Saturday May 4 and Sunday May 5 at a convenient location in West Olympia.

TSTSCA is a genuine grassroots effort founded in 1988 in Olympia, Washington, and Santo Tomas, Chontales, Nicaragua. TSTSCA supports ing a number of projects there, including a children's free lunch program, a small library with support for homework, and college scholarships. TSTSCA also organizes delegations from Olympia to Santo Tomas and from there to here.

The group works actively all year around and needs a constant flow of financial support to keep it all running. Now you can simultaneously help TSTSCA while you make your own yard look better for years to come! Visit TSTSCA's benefit perennial plant sale at a convenient location on Olympia's West Side (Jean Eberhardt's front yard, 117 Thomas Street NW (just south of W Harrison, west of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church's parking lot) from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm on both Saturday and Sunday May 4 and 5.

TSTSCA volunteer George Hartwell raises an amazing variety of perennial plants and is donating many in decent-sized pots (along with starts of a few shrubs) so you can take them home and plant them with confidence. Many more than 100 plants of about fifty varieties will be available for sale, including a few exotic ones. If you want to ask about a particular species of perennial plant, call George Hartwell at 459-1079.

Also, some local artists will set up tables (weather permitting) at the plant sale and donate 25% of their proceeds to TSTSCA.

For information about the plant sale or about TSTSCA, contact Maureen Hill at (360) 786-9505 or tstsca@gmail.com.

see flyer#1 or flyer#2

Winter Rummage Sale!

Saturday, Feb. 9th, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Lincoln Elementary School's gym, 213 21st Ave. S.E.

Donate your gently used items!
The Thurston-Santo Tomas Sister County Association will host its annual "garage sale" from Olympia. Proceeds from the event will help support a modest public library and children's free lunch program and college scholarships in our sister town in Nicaragua.

Please support these critical projects by donating:
collectibles, books, music, cameras, jewelry, tools, clean clothes and linens, toys, framed art, lamps, furniture (no couches) electronics (but no computers, monitors or TVs), small working appliances, gizmos and other kitchen items.

Your tax-deductible donations need to be dropped off at the school gym between 4 and 7 p.m. on Friday February 8th. Plan to come back to the sale the next morning to buy cool stuff at great prices! For more information on donations or to volunteer, call Maureen at 786-9505 or email MaureenH313@comcast.net

Skills to Save Women's Lives in Rural Nicaragua
Dorothy Granada Speaks

Tuesday May 15, 7:30 pm
at Traditions Café

Nicaraguan Delegation that's coming to Olympia!


During 2011 the "Thurston - Santo Tomas Sister County Association" (TSTSCA) accomplished a lot with our partners in Santo Tomas, Chontales, Nicaragua. We list some of our accomplishments in our fund raising letter. Your voluntary efforts and financial support will determine how much we can accomplish in 2012.
Check out our fund_raising_letter and use our response_form.

Fundraising Garage Sale

Thurston - Santo Tomas Sister County Association's Fabulous Winter-Time GARAGE SALE

Saturday, January 21st, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Lincoln Elementary School Gym, 21st & Washington Street SE, Olympia

For more information: (360) 480-8720 or (360) 786-9505 or mlecalhoun@gmail.com

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Updated 2022/04/28 12:53:18

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...