Pesto Onion Bread Pudding

About 3 to 4 cups of stale sourdough bread cut into small cubes.
2 eggs scrambled
1 tablespoon of pesto
1 cup of milk.

Put in a bowl to soak, pushing the bread cubes down as much as possible. Cover and put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Dice 1/2 onion`
Dice a medium tomato About a 1/2-1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese. (not sure exactly how much I threw in.)

Preheat the oven to 400 F. Take a 9 inch cake/pie pan and spray or grease. Take the bread mixture out of the fridge and evenly put about half into the pan. Top with tomatoes, onions and some cheese. Add the rest of the bread soaking up as much liquid as you can and pour the rest on top. Put the rest of the tomatoes and onions on top. Put a dozen small dabs of pesto in places and then cover with the rest of the mozzarella. Push down lightly so it's flat and denser. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Let cool for 3-5 minutes before cutting. (it will be sizzling/bubbling when you take it out.)

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Updated 2024/07/12 10:08:16 by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...