Garvick's Pita Bread

Yield: 1 servings

2 1/2 c Warm water
1 t Sugar
3 1/2 t Active dry yeast
1/2 t Salt
5 1/2 c Whole wheat flour

Place water and sugar in large bowl and stir. Add yeast and stir slightly. Let rest for 5 minutes. Mix in salt and flour gradually, starting with 3 1/2 cups flour then adding the rest. More or less water may be required, depending on the brand of the flour. Use enough flour to prevent dough from clinging to bowl.

Knead well for 5 minutes. Place a little vegetable oil on palms of hands and smooth all over to prevent crusting. Cover with plastic, then a cotton towel, and allow to rest for 1/2 an hour.

Set oven at 500F. Divide dough into 8 balls. Roll out each ball into 1/4-inch thickness. Let rest covered for 20 minutes on generously floured table or counter top. Bake on ungreased cookie sheets for 5-8 minutes or until lightly browned. The higher the oven temperature the better the results. May be kept in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for several days or may be frozen.

To warm pita, place on the rack in the oven at 300F for 1-2 minutes.

Tips: Make sure there are no creases in the dough and that the pitas are lying flat on the cooking sheet.

Carefully open the oven door! At a temperature of 500 degrees, you'll get a blast of super hot air in your face. I speak from experience. :)

Source: The Kitchens of

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