10 Ways to Stress Less

By Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD

Bet this will surprise you: Average stress levels in North America went down in 2011. According to a national survey, on a scale of 1 to 10 they dropped a full point, from 6.2 to 5.2.

Apparently, we're getting used to living with constant stress -- not good. However, we're also getting better at stress management -- good! Not a wiz yet at how to reduce stress? Try our top 10 ways to get some stress relief.

  1. Take a time out. Step away from whatever's making every muscle tense. Even 10 minutes helps. Here's what a little deep breathing can do for you.
  2. Walk. Or dance, lift weights, do yoga. Exercise gives you a break and undoes some of stress's bad biological effects. Choose exercise over alcohol.
  3. Talk. Vent to someone close.
  4. Meditate. Or do 10 minutes of deep breathing twice a day.
  5. Laugh. Call your funniest friend, catch a favorite sitcom, or watch crazy-cat videos online. Make a "happy friend" date.
  6. Let it go. Is there someone who always gets to you? Take a deep breath and move on. The person you're letting off the hook is you.
  7. Keep lavender and lemon around -- sprays, oils or the real things. Their calming scents are proven relaxants. Consider an aromatherapy massage.
  8. Play with a pet. Just stroking a four-legged friend lowers stress and blood pressure. Find out how your pets can help you live longer.
  9. Squeeze tight. Scrunch up every face or body muscle for 15 seconds, then release. Repeat. Contraction-relaxation unknots you.
  10. Accentuate the positive. At night, focus on three good things that happened today. Be grateful. Say thanks. A lot. Life is good.

Chill out! Take those old records off the shelf for some music therapy.

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