Implementation is Key

Traveling is one of the best things you can do to broaden your horizons and add to your body of knowledge. There's nothing like seeing new places, and meeting new people to help introduce new thoughts and concepts into your brain.

Plus, you never know who you'll meet!

On a family trip to Club Med in Cancun, for example, we were hanging out in the bar (it was a vacation, after all) and, as is common there, we started talking with whoever happened to be sitting near us.

In this case, it was a guy named Naveen and his wife Anu. We had seen them around, and their kids were roughly the same age as our own. In the course of the conversation, Naveen and started talking about business and marketing and what it takes to be successful.

I asked him what he felt was the most important factor in business success, and, without missing a beat, he said, "Implementation is key - it's the only thing that matters."

Essentially, you can have great ideas, the best resources, and a definite plan, but if you don't execute, nothing happens.

I had to agree with him for two reasons. First, this is one of the main concepts I teach in my live programs, in our learning resources, and in our coaching groups. Nothing happens until someone takes action. Period.

The second reason? At the end of our conversation he handed me his business card. Turns out Naveen was Naveen Jain, the founder and CEO of InfoSpace and Intelius, and at one time was ranked #141 on the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans.

With a track record like that, you have to figure he knows something about what it takes to be successful.

Even if you don't make it on to that list yourself, one thing is certain: you have to take action to make something happen. And any action is better than no action at all. The sales call that you let pass by might be the one you need to make a quote on. The thank-you card you don't send could make the difference between someone recommending you to a friend or perhaps not. So for today, pick one thing extra you can do - something you can implement - and make it happen.

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