Happiness Pandemic (HP101) Hits Worldwide
A Worldwide Epidemic is spreading with enormous speed.
The 'WWO' (World-Wellness-Organisation) foresees billions of people becoming infected within the coming decade!
Here are the most prominent symptoms of this wonderful enlivening 'disease':
- The tendency to let yourself be guided by intuition instead of acting under pressure of fear, forced ideas, and pre-conditioned behaviour.
- A total loss of interest in: judging others, convicting yourself, and preoccupation with things that create conflict.
- A complete loss of the capacity to worry: This is one of the most serious symptoms!
- A continual pleasure in appreciating humans and things the way they are, which weakens one's tendency to want to 'change' others.
- The desire to change oneself so that innate thoughts, feelings, emotions and bodily matters are managed in ways that facilitate only Health, Creativity and Love.
- Repetitive attacks of smiling - a smile that says 'Thank You' and stimulates being at-one with all those around.
- A growing openness towards childishness, simplicity, laughter and happiness.
- More frequent moments of communication with one's Soul in non-duality, that in turn creates the pleasant feeling of fulfilment and joy within.
- Finding pleasure in acting as a Healer who spreads Joy and Light, instead of criticism and indifference.
- The ability to effortlessly live alone, as a couple, with family, or in a community on the basis of equality, without any need to play the role of executioner (or wanting to be sacrificed!).
- A feeling of responsibility and joy to share with the world one's dreams of an abundant, harmonic, and peaceful future for all.
- Total acceptance of one's own presence on Earth and the will to choose each moment only for what is gracious, good, truthful and alive!
Do you want to continue living in fear, dependency, conflict, dis-ease and conformism?
If not, then at all cost avoid people who display these symptoms; this disease is very contagious!
Medical treatment can temporarily repress the symptoms, although the progress of the disease has very often been inevitable.
There just isn't an 'anti-happiness' Vaccine!
Because this Happiness Pandemic causes a loss of fear of death, the central pillar upon which the beliefs of materialistic modern-day society rest, there is now a risk of societal turmoil with a complete loss of interest in warfare and the necessity to always be 'right'!
Gatherings of happy people who sing, dance, and celebrate life, the emergence of people who celebrate their physical and spiritual healing, crises of extreme joy and even instances of collective emotional vent, are all now at hand!
Please infect others with 'HP101' where ever you go...
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