
by Jeffery Combs

So much of our ordinary thinking lapses into habitual pattern with little variation from one day to the next. Our lives mirror this and fall into serial monotony, interrupted by episodes of trouble, panic, and loss. Our lives are consumed by fear and lack of prosperity consciousness, and we get to a place where life has become a struggle. We become conditioned to living in fear!

The opposite of fear is faith. Faith is a whole "science of mind" that takes seriously the dictum of being recreated through a complete renewing of our minds, and not only our minds, but our bodies and souls as well. The opportunity to experience true abundance lies within us, but for this to occur we must agree to attune and orchestrate our thoughts and emotions towards higher purposes and creative ends. We are limited only by our own thought processes. We have been programmed by thoughts of our grandparents, parents, peers, society as a whole, the media, our government (who is in the business of teaching us a job mentality), and most of all ourselves.

Having total faith in ourselves and our outcomes gives us the passion for a whole new probability, along with precise and clear directions for building a new consciousness that states, "I love myself. I deserve to have it all." Having faith allows you the opportunity to be active and creative whereas most people in society "tiptoe quietly through life, arriving safely at their graves" without ever playing the game for fear of being a failure.

It amazes me how many people I personally know, and how many of my clients that I have consulted with, are paralyzed by the four-letter-word f-e-a-r. You have heard the clichés: f-e-a-r stands for 'False Evidence Appearing Real' or 'Fear will always be the thief of your dreams.' Fear is the main reason for the paralyses that stops many women and men from ever getting up off the couch. I hear so often: "If only, I'd like to, next week, next month, next year, or how about next lifetime? I'm not smart enough, old enough, well-off enough," and on and on. Excuses are what these intellectualizations are, a reason not to succeed. Fear causes people to make up excuses, validate reasons why not, and to ask questions that really mean why, not how. Fear causes people not to take action for fear they will be ridiculed, laughed at, and embarrassed. Many people fear success and the responsibilities that they perceive it will bring. A large portion of society has worked itself into a comfort zone and for many it's the "miserable comfort zone."

It takes just as much energy to be fearful as it does to have total faith; probably even more. Look back on the amount of time and effort you have put into situations that were blown out of proportion. I call this "majoring in minor things." I spent the first forty years of my life stressing, projecting, and worrying about the what-ifs of life. In the past few years, "This too shall pass," is an affirmation that I have begun to use almost daily. Look at how many times we have overreacted and blown situations out of proportion. These are only a few examples of fear overriding faith.

There is no margin for fear when 100% faith is required to become successful in whatever job, business, or enterprise you partake. If you fear you will fail then you are absolutely correct. If you are going to try, give it a shot, interested, or curious then don't even get started. Success is a process not a payoff, and you have to take action to become successful. Taking action requires risk. You will meet challenges and have trying moments. You will not be able to change some of the challenges, but you can definitely change how you view situations in the future, and turn fear into faith. Fear and fate do not mix because '1% doubt does not equal 100% faith.' You can't have a little doubt and a lot of faith at the same time. You are either in fear or in faith and it is your option!

-- Jeff Combs

Jeffery Combs is an internationally recognized trainer, speaker, and author in the Network Marketing & Direct Sales Industry. He is the author of the highly inspiring books More Heart Than Talent and Psychologically Unemployable as well as over fourteen other motivational and personal development products.

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