3 Tricks to Instantly Change Your Mood and Motivation

If you like quick results, you're going to love this week's featured tips. Instead of waiting a few days, or even a few minutes to work, these ideas will change your mood and your motivation the second they're put to use.

1. The Mind/Body Connection

More often than not, how you move mirrors how you feel. For instance, when you're feeling down and depressed, how would you describe the way in which you use your body?

Do your shoulders slump, do you let out heavy sighs, do you sink in the shoulders and look down at the floor?

What about when you feel happy and excited? How do you use your body then? Are you more active and animated? Sitting upright and looking forward?

If you want a quick change in the way you feel, get moving. It's one of the fastest and most effective things you can do to affect your mood and motivation.

Take a brisk walk, shake out your arms and legs, and carry yourself as if you're full of life and energy because in no time at all, you will be.

2. What Are You Focusing On?

You experience what you think about most. Have you ever heard these words before? If not, it's a good idea to write them down and never forget them because they hold a key to living a happier, more successful life.

If you asked a friend who was feeling down what they were thinking about, chances are their focus would be on the problems in their life, the things that weren't going their way.

And if you asked a friend who was feeling on top of the world the same question, you'd get a very different answer. Their focus would be on the new and exciting opportunities that lie ahead or the things for which they are grateful.

With this bit of information in hand, you've got a proven method for going from a state of sadness to happiness in an instant - simply change your focus.

Don't wait for your thoughts and focus to come around and bring you the feelings you desire. Consciously choose what to think about - right this instant - and you'll experience a transformation in how you feel just as fast as you can think it.

Can You Answer Life's Greatest Question?
Right about now you might be saying to yourself, 'Getting motivated sounds great, but what if I don't know what I want to get motivated to do? What if I don't know what I really want?'

This is one of the most important questions you'll ever ask, but if you're like most people, the answers you need are difficult to find.

However, there is a solution. There is actually a proven method to tapping into your unique path to happiness and uncovering all of your goals, dreams, and true purpose in life. If you'd like to finally discover what you were meant to do and what it will take to make you truly happy, visit the address below:


3. What Do You Have to Say?

After moving your body and changing your focus, what's the final step to turning around your mood and triggering your motivation? The words inside your mind.

Listening in on the self-talk of someone who can't seem to change or improve would leave you with an internal script full of defeat and disaster.

'Nothing ever goes my way.' 'Why do I always screw things up?' 'When will I learn that I'm not every going to be happy?'

With words such as these racing through their minds, they have no choice but to feel unmotivated and depressed.

Fortunately, this is a cycle you can personally turn around in seconds. All it takes is another conscious choice - the choice of which words you allow into your mind.

Right this instant, put a stop to any negative scripts you have running and replace them with language that speaks directly to what you have to be grateful for and why you can, in fact, live a better life.

You don't have to wait around for a better mood or powerful motivation to come to you. By taking control of your body, your focus, and the words inside your head, you can trigger the state of mind you need as quickly as you can think, act, and feel.

My Best,

Jason M. Gracia
Founder, Motivation123™

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