from Benjamin Franklin

Habit #1 Appreciation (Or Gratitude) - Notice the blessing in everything, big and small. Dwell on the beauty in all I see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Realize that everything is a gift from the Almighty and is put there in order to enjoy and learn from.

Habit #2 Positive Speech - Judge the value of my words before I speak. Speak only what may benefit others and myself. Avoid evil speech/gossip.

Habit #3 Tranquility, Peace, Patience - Interpret everything quietly without undue confusion, excitement, or anger. Be not disturbed at trifles or at accidents common or unavoidable. Whatever is happening in life, be patient. Determine the lesson to be learned in every challenge in order to become elevated. Control anger.

Habit #4 Righteousness - Do unto others as you'd have done unto you, and as they desire to be done unto. Wrong none by doing injuries. Be just by accepting my duties and responsibilities.

Habit #5 Gentleness - The words of the wise are spoken softly and peacefully.

Habit #6 Respect/Honor Others - Be extremely careful with the honor and feelings of others. Strive always to make the other person feel good about himself/herself.

Habit #7 Physical Health - Exercise daily and eat with health and moderation.

Habit #8 Quickness - Do all I need (or have) to do without wasting time (procrastination) and with maximum productivity per moment. Cut off all unnecessary actions. Focus.

Habit #9 Resolution - Resolve to perform what I ought/have chosen to perform, without fail. Act with consistency, as well as persistency. Be diligent.

Habit #10 Order/Cleanliness - Keep all living and working environments both clean and in order. Be organized. Clean, file, straighten up as soon as necessary and right away. A place for everything and everything in its place.

Habit #11 Thrift/Frugality - Use money wisely and for the benefit of all (to do good for others and myself) and with no waste.

Habit #12 Truthfulness - Be truthful in all that I say (based on motivation/intent).

Habit #13 Humility - Understand that I have great ability, but that that ability is a gift from the Ultimate Source of all. Recognize my own weak points in order to improve upon them, but do not dwell on the faults of others. Be a servant-leader.

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