Shelton Farmer's Market 9/22/12

Ready to dance Ready to dance with Hips Ahoy Tambourine dance Ahyazain with two student dancers Ahyazain Ahyazain Born This Way Born This Way Born This Way Dancing to Majesty of Dawn Majesty of Dawn Zill dance to Nado Walk like an Egyptian Walk Like an Egyptian Farhat Shabab duet Kashani Kashani Dancingly Yours Dancingly Yours Hips Ahoy Hips Ahoy pirate dancers Hips Ahoy Mas Uda with Hips Ahoy Skirt dance with both troupes Keep a Weather Eye Open.... Skirt dance with both troupes Wadeelo Salamy We put a spell on you TA DA! Impromptu lesson after the show The lesson requested by the audience Posing after the show

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All rights reserved. USA. No part of this publication may be used for selling, promoting, products and or services, soliciting clients, or for any other commercial purpose. Furthermore, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by means electronic, or mechanical, including photocopies, recordings, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher and owner known as Kashani and or also known as "Mas Uda".

Page last updated 2013/05/01 12:34:56

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