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How to Make a Hugelbed

By Pat Rasmussen

Hugelbeds only need to be watered a couple of times in the summer, saving water. They act like a nurse log in the forest. The wood holds water and releases it and nutrients to the plants.

They can be built on a driveway. Renters can have a garden then pick it up and take it with them when they move.

1) Dig down 5-10 inches and save the soil to put on top.

2) Line with wood scraps. Use alder, maple, fir and other such woods, not cedar. Avoid logs that grow when put in the ground like cottonwood and willow. Scrap lumber is fine but not wood that has been painted or treated with chemicals.

3) Add the soil on top.

4) Add compost on top of the soil.

For more information contact Edible Forest Gardens: Pat Rasmussen patr@crcwnet.com 509-669-1549 www.oly-wa.us/edibleforestgardens.

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