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Creative Community Festival

The Creative Community Festival at the Evergreen State College will be held on Saturday, May 22 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event is the final day of the ninth annual Synergy Conference. Synergy, the sustainable living conference organized by the students of Evergreen, brings together a creative community that will collaborate to achieve a common goal.  Together we can establish sustainable systems to address the needs of equity, ecology and economy. We succeed when each member of our resilient community works passionately to inspire and support one another throughout our transition to self-sufficiency.

The goal of this festival is to invite the South Puget Sound community to discover their capacity to foster change. This year, our festival will include a musical performance by Dana Lyons, a well-known folk singer from Bellingham. He will also be teaching a lecture on youth leading the sustainability movement. The Flaming Eggplant Cafe will be open to serve locally sourced, delicious meals. After the fair is over, there will be two speakers in the Evergreen gym: Antwi Akom, a professor from San Fransisco University who is an expert on climate change, the green economy and social justice; and Angela Davis, an amazing and powerful activist for social justice.

There will be a $20 admission charge at the door to hear keynote speakers. Advance tickets are $15 at Rainy Dat Records, $5 for students. Contact mailto:cleanenergy@evergreen.edu for more information.

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