"a bi-monthly journal of environmental news and commentary..."

Spirituality and Nature

by Krag Unsoeld

I once worked for an Outward Bound program running wilderness courses for teenage chemical dependents. We used the Alchoholics Anonymous 12-Step methodology, which emphasizes that there is a higher power without which we are helpless as individuals. One of my co-instructors was a recovering alcoholic, born-again Christian. When she spoke of a higher power it was clear what she was referring to.

One student, a young woman who was a confirmed atheist, came to me during the course to say she wanted to leave. She was sick and tired of "having religion crammed down my throat."

I did not want to lose her. I felt that she had great prospects for benefiting from the course. She was also a positive role model for the other students.

Remembering how triumphant she had felt upon reaching the top of a difficult rock climb I asked, "How did you feel yesterday when you reached the top of the cliff?" "Oh, I felt wonderful! I felt strong!" she said, her face glowing.

"And where did these feelings come from?" I queried. "They came from inside me. They came from all around me. They lifted me up and made me feel powerful!"

"And what created the feelings?"

"I guess it was the cliff, it was being out in the woods ... I guess you could say it was nature that created the feelings."

"Is nature a higher power?" was my final question.

Yes, we agreed, nature could be viewed as a higher power. Even if we both doubted or distrusted prevailing views of monotheist religions, such as Christianity, we could embrace the belief that there is a "spirit" present in nature.

As my student discovered, developing a relationship with this spirit of nature allows us to overcome alienation from ourselves and from each other. It allows us to be fuller and more completely human.

This issue of Green Pages is dedicated to that element of the spirit of nature.

Forums Past and Present

By the time you read this column, you will have already had the chance to attend SPEECH's forum on water reuse and appropriate technology. This forum is an example of SPEECH's continuing efforts to educate the public and generate discussion concerning environmental issues facing us here in the South Sound region.

SPEECH's next forum, coming this fall, will address environmental politics and will be an opportunity for the public to meet candidates for this year's municpal elections. For environmentalists, it's important to remember that many important policy decisions are being made at the level of very local politics.

If you have other ideas for forums, please let us know your suggestions.

Picnics, Parties, Celebrations

SPEECH is hoping to organize some social get togethers this summer and fall. One idea is to have environmental groups and the general public meet for a picnic some time in August. It would be a chance to come together to socialize and ponder our environmental futures.

SPEECH also plans to host a more formal affair where we could have catered food, live music and dancing. It would be an opportunity to just let down your hair and have FUN!

March 2000 will mark the 10th anniversary of SPEECH. This will be certainly be cause for celebration. We will definitely have some sort of gathering in honor of this occasion. Keep your eyes open for more on this!

Krag Unsoeld is the President of the Board of SPEECH.

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