SPEECH President's Message
by Janine Gates As this issue goes to press, local and regional election races are still to be decided that will influence our leadership on a variety of South Sound's environmental issues. Issues of community significance include the proposed biomass incinerator in Mason County, the biomass gasification feasibility study currently underway at The Evergreen State College, the cleanup of Budd Inlet and Puget Sound, updates to our shoreline master plans, and growth and development in Thurston County. There's a lot one can do to influence these conversations. In this issue, we begin to explore and recognize the work being accomplished by local tribes. Native people of the Pacific Northwest are leaders in finding solutions to the problems we are all facing as a human race and as cohabitants of the planet with animals, fish, plants and other life forms. This will be a critical relationship and conversation we need to have to ensure that we work together for the best outcomes. Within the SPEECH organization, we have, as promised, devoted more time internally to having quality monthly board meetings with measurable results to report at each meeting and have made progress in several areas. All SPEECH meetings are open to the public and we invite your attendance and ideas. Our green Green Pages distribution boxes that you see around town will soon be cleaned up and have a new label on them identifying them as belonging to SPEECH. We have also have created an exciting Adopt-A-Box program. SPEECH has noticed a reduction in suitable locations for the free distribution of alternative media publications and this is one way to maintain our presence. The Green Pages has been in circulation throughout the region for 20 years thanks to the efforts of many people, and now, we're trying to "think outside the box!" This program will allow you to adopt a Green Pages box as a volunteer or a sponsor. This is an opportunity for individuals, organizations, or businesses to help maintain Green Pages "newspaper" racks and keep them free of vandalism and stocked with the current issue. Benefits in becoming a valued Adopt-A-Box participant includes recognition with your name, business or organization honored not only in the Green Pages, but also on the box (if desired). As always, if you see a Green Pages box in need of attention, please let us know. If you have other ideas or locations for distribution, or would like to help distribute the Green Pages in your neighborhood, please contact us! Janine Gates is president of SPEECH and can be reached through her website at http://www.janinegatesphotography.com or her Olympia news blog at http://www.janineslittlehollywood.blogspot.com