Peace and rhythm...

Olympia Community Percussion Group Opportunities

Samba Olywa
Samba Olywa meets Sundays 5-7pm Eagles Club

  • Samba Olywa is a percussion and dance group dedicated to creating community through the learning and sharing of samba and other rhythms. Instruments are available. Bring your own water and ear plugs. A $5 contribution is encouraged.
?'s: Juli Kelen,

Crow Drummers
7:30 - 9:00 pm, Tuesdays, contact us for location
  • West African & Mali arrangements taught by Bret Benraven. These are big drums played with stick in one hand & playing bell with other hand. Drums are called kinkeni, sangban, djununba (3 sizes).
?'s: Bret Benraven:

Drum Fun
Wednesdays - 5:30 at the shelter on the waterfront
  • Improvisational percussion circle, a regular part of the Procession of the Species.
?'s: Scott Bishop

Mas Uda dancers
  • We are a group of dancers who have become friends through our dance. We enjoy the sense of community that has developed through our dancing. We love the sounds of the Middle East and greatly enjoy dancing to live music - we are looking for musicians to play a few simple rhythms for us in the Procession of the Species (late April of each year) and we'd love to see Procession musicians develop into a Mid East band to play at other events throughout the year. Our season revs up in April and goes into early fall. Please contact Kashani if you are interested in drumming (other instruments are welcome, too!) for this fun group of dancers. Mas Uda offers all levels of belly dance classes and also zill (finger cymbal) instruction. Classes meet at the Woman's Club at the corner of 10th and Washington Streets. We sponsor benefit events throughout the year, including the first weekend in April - workshops and show to benefit youth oriented organizations.
?'s: Kashani e-mail = 360-459-3694
website =
become a fan of "Mas Uda Dancers" on Facebook

Marimba Ensemble
every other Thursday?
  • multi-part Zimbabwean marimba practice group

Whew! What a list! Any more Olympia community open group percussion opportunities? Hey, we are doing something very RIGHT here in this little community to have so many great groups going!!! YAY!!! :)

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Updated 2025/03/17 20:02:22 by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...