Samba Olywa Mission Statement

Samba Olywa is an amateur percussion and dance group dedicated to building community through the learning and sharing of Samba.

We provide the opportunity for anyone, regardless of experience, to join us as we take our spirited and joyous energy to the streets and to the stage.

Our Goals and Objectives

Samba Olywa will strive to be accessible to our members and to our community-at-large by remaining democratic, non-hierarchical, and accepting of all levels of commitment and ability. We will therefore:

  • Hold open, well-advertised yearly elections for our Board of Directors.
  • Encourage volunteer musical and dance leadership from within our membership.
  • Publicize our rehearsal times and venues.
  • Prioritize our finances in order to maintain an instrument library that our members can access.
  • arrange for learning opportunities in order to provide the possibility for improvement and skill building for all.
  • Maintain an open atmosphere where members are encouraged to share their questions, thoughts, feelings and ideas, and where everyone's input is valued.

Copyright © 2024 - Samba Olywa - All Rights Reserved
Updated 2012/10/02 14:36:42 by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...