Offstage 2014

5/12/2014 - at the Beats Show at Urban Onion - relaxing! 5/18/2014 - Lacey Fun Fair - lunch out 5/18/2014 - Lacey Fun Fair - done with the show! 5/23/2014 - going away party for Cordelia and the Wee Goth 5/23/2014 - Happy Wee Goth 5/23/2014 - going away party for Cordelia and the Wee Goth 5/23/2014 - going away party for Cordelia and the Wee Goth 5/23/2014 - Wee Goth takes flight? 5/23/2014 - going away party for Cordelia and the Wee Goth 5/31/2014 - workshop with Tempest 5/31/2014 - workshop with Tempest 6/1/2014 - sword workshop with Saqra 6/7/2014 - Going away party for Cordelia and the Wee Goth 6/7/2014 - Going away party for Cordelia and the Wee Goth 6/7/2014 - Going away party for Cordelia and the Wee Goth 6/9/2014 - what to do with the fabric? 7/5/2014 Cordelia's empty house party 7/5/2014 Cordelia's empty house party 7/5/2014 Cordelia's empty house party - Goofy 7/5/2014 Cordelia's empty house party - trying to keep up with Jack 7/5/2014 Cordelia's empty house party - Maja 7/5/2014 Cordelia's empty house party - Kashani 7/5/2014 Cordelia's empty house party - Cordelia 7/17/2014 - hot tub at Cindy's! 7/19/2014 - Fife Red Robin after Med Fest 7/25/2014 - Mira and Maja at Forza 8/26/2014 - new triangle tassel belts! 9/1/2014 - Kashani's annual BBQ we made pirate pants! 9/28/2014 - friends and family - finished eating the main course 9/28/2014 - friends and family - I wanna See you belly dance 9/28/2014 - friends and family - More of I wanna See you Belly Dance 9/28/2014 - friends and family - and more of the same dance 9/28/2014 - friends and family - Nialah Tarab 9/28/2014 - friends and family - starting ?Mexico? 9/28/2014 - friends and family - Nado 9/28/2014 - friends and family - gift from my gals 9/28/2014 - friends and family - ayhazain 9/28/2014 - friends and family - Mira Mahsati's solo 9/28/2014 - friends and family - Kashani's solo 9/28/2014 - friends and family - baskets 9/28/2014 - friends and family - make sure that sword is balanced 9/28/2014 - friends and family - balancing our baskets 9/28/2014 - friends and family - end of the evening clean up

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Page last updated 2013/05/01 12:34:56

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