Evening at the Oasis 2009

Mas Uda performing Farhat Shabab Mirabai Lorelai and Stella Noor of the Riskallah Riyad Dance Theatre performing Me Jane Cindy performing Tu Amor Olympia Folk Dance Co-op Riskallah Riyad Dance Theatre performing Rajah Drum! Mystical Oasis Dance Company Mas Uda performing Navassart Kashani Marhaba and Cindy performing Sway Riskallah Riyad Dance Theatre performing In the Hall of the Pharaohs Raq Steady Eddie Mas Uda performing Mastika Jasel Azuul Khayal Mezdulene Mas Uda performing Women of the Well Riskallah Riyad

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Page last updated 2013/05/01 12:34:56

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