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"walking the Ancient Path..."

Prayers for the Labyrinth

for before walking
Let us pray:
Loving God, you have heard many prayers here, both spoken and unspoken.
Please help us open our hearts and minds as we pray and meditate on our walk and help us leave behind all the "stuff" that blocks our hearing Your "still small voice" and experiencing Your love for all.

for after walking
Labyrinth Walk Closing Prayer (at 6:45)
Oh God, As we go out into the world, give us strength on our life's journey That we might dare rebirth and shape a world that welcomes gentleness, a world that dances with joy, a world shaped not simply for ourselves, but for all living beings yet to come. - - Amen

Weekly Prayer
For peace in [your country]
For the victims of violence everywhere
For those struggling for peace and justice
For churches in conflict situations
For a world without war and violence

Lead me from death to life,
from falsehood to truth,
Lead me from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.
Lead me from hate to love,
from war to peace,
Let peace fill our beings,
our world and our universe. Amen.
-- World Prayer for Peace
Vancouver Assembly of the World Council of Churches

Weekly Prayer from the Faithstreams daily email
I am heeding your invitation to come close,
to listen carefully,
to hear your loving,
spirit-renewing words.
Help me to experience your sure,
everlasting love. Amen.

  • Peter Wallace Out of the Quiet - Responding to God's Whispered Invitations

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    Updated 2015/01/06 10:44:24

    ...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...