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Become a Sound Steward Naturalist

Stream Team is bringing back the Sound Steward Naturalist Program.  The program was started in 1997 and ran for three years using volunteer educators to lead walks around downtown's shoreline.  2011 is significant because it is the 100-year anniversary of the "big dig": the harbor dredging that altered Budd Inlet in a dramatic way by making a deeper harbor and filling in Swantown Slough.  Many dredgings would follow that altered the shoreline even more so that no freshwater streams enter lower Budd Inlet without going through a pipe or dam.  Curious to learn more about Olympia's historical land use, the state of our water quality, impacts of sea level rise, our shoreline habitats, and salmon recovery? Then sign up for Sound Stewards! Sound Stewards will be trained to lead tours of East Bay and Percival Landing.  Tours will take about an hour and will be scheduled on select weekends and week day evenings from May to September. The basic training will cover: Budd Inlet geology, estuary habitat, history, industry, land use, water quality, marine life, and how to lead a hike and talk using an outline script and props. Training will begin in March; dates and training location TBA. Interested people should contact Patricia Pyle at ppyle@ci.olympia.wa.us.

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Updated 2015/01/07 21:14:22