"a bi-monthly journal of environmental news and commentary..."

Natural Learning Needs Newbies

Have you ever wanted to be a part of a grassroots collective in Olympia, while learning how to run a unique publication? Here is you chance to get involved with a local independent publication in collaboration with Olympia Free School.

Free School aims to provide classes, workshops, programs, and events committed to free, non-coercive, and non-hierarchical education, and promotes a safe environment supportive of self-directed learning - for all ages. For the past two years, Natural Learning has been the medium for informing the community about classes and other educational alternatives.

Natural Learning currently needs to fill three coordinator positions to make Free School's catalog a continual, dependable, and useful publication of the community.

Experience with non-profit groups in the areas of writing, fundraising, editing, advertising, or publishing are beneficial, but certainly not required.

The first position is the Editing Coordinator, who is responsible for communicating with Assistant Editors and Free School staff. Some duties involve collecting content (via email), and making final edits before the publication is sent off to the Layout Coordinator.

The second position is the Layout Coordinator, who is in continual contact with the Editing Coordinator. Other duties involve preparing images, content, and advertisements for the purpose of print. The Layout Coordinator delivers the final product for publishing.

The third position is the Advertising Coordinator, who communicates directly with local business sponsors in order to cover print costs. Some duties involve introducing new businesses to the sponsor package, maintaining positive relations with existing sponsors, dropping off and mailing invoices, managing all account transactions, and sending advertisements (primarily electronically) to the Layout Coordinator.

All of these positions may also be accommodated as Internship possibilities. If interested, Free School will be glad to provide energy into showing you new skills - after all, it is the Olympia Community Free School!

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Updated 2015/01/07 21:14:22