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Summary of Comprehensive Plan Revision Schedule

Compiled From Government Planning Materials

by Keith Cotton

Local jurisdictions have revised their schedules for comprehensive plan amendments to allow for better coordination and a shorter review process.

Comprehensive Plans provide a design for growth and development within certain jurisdictional boundaries. They identify what transportation and other public facilities are needed to meet the needs of population growth. These plans are the framework for zoning and other development regulations.

The Thurston County Comprehensive Plan manages development of rural, unincorporated areas of the County—land outside of urban growth areas that surround cities. City comprehensive plans regulate development within city limits. Joint plans, shared by county and city, affect all properties within a city’s urban growth area boundary and outside of city limits. There are six joint plans in Thurston County for the urban growth areas around Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Yelm, Tenino, and Rainier. These joint plans are adopted by both the city and Thurston County to keep zoning and development consistent.

As mandated by the Growth Management Act, city and county comprehensive plans may be amended only once per year. This allows amendments to each plan to be considered at the same time so that their cumulative effects can be evaluated. The process for amendment proposals brings a decision in six or seven months.

In addition to applications from the public, amendment proposals can also be initiated by city staff, planning commissions, city councils, county commissioners, or other jurisdictions. There are two types of Plan amendments. Quasi-judicial amendments change the Future Land Use Map designation, and typically the Zone Map designation, for a specific property or group of properties. Legislative amendments change the text or policy content of the Plan and apply generally to the community. These may or may not include related text changes to development regulations.

Under the revised application schedule, the amendment proposal deadline is around December or January. The review process begins within a month of application. The planning commission holds a hearing on the proposal in June and a final decision is made by an executive body (city council, board of commissioners) in July.

For example, scoping for the City of Olympia’s amendments will begin in early 2001. In January, the City Council will decide which amendments to forward to the Planning Commission for consideration. Then, there is a period of development for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. In February, public review of the SEIS will commence, culminating with the public hearing to be held sometime around the beginning or middle of March.

The public may comment on amendment proposals by attending public hearings or by submitting comments in writing. More information about each jurisdiction’s process is available through their planning departments.

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