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Air Pollution and How You Can Help

by Jeffrey Cedarbaum and Megan Leonard

Air pollution affects everybody and everything. Big automobiles, trucks, and airplanes cause air pollution. Using all that gas and energy is bad for the environment. Heating our homes, burning forests, and big factories also cause pollution. Even burning our waste and garbage can pollute the air.

Healthy air is good for you. If you breathe in polluted air, your lungs may become damaged. It doesn't stop with just one person. Pollution can reach to all living things. When living things breathe and die, they are recycled. Anything that eats or depends on a polluted creature will become polluted.

Pollution needs to be stopped. Everyone can help to prevent it. One way is to ride a bike or walk, rather than drive a car, whenever you can. Be sure not to burn garbage. Contact politicians to stop big factories from using chemicals and burning, which causes pollution. Remember, each person can do something to help stop pollution.

Jeffrey Cedarbaum and Megan Leonard are students in the fifth grade at Garfield Elementary School. They worked during lunch recesses to write this article along with a teacher, Amanda Adrian.

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