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We pour Mycogrow (MycoGrow™ Soluble) around the base of plants as we plant them to encourage good root growth - from Fungi Perfecti. http://www.fungi.com/mycogrow/index.html

"The term mycorrhizal comes from the Greek words mykes, meaning fungus, and rhiza, meaning root. Mycorrhizal fungi are fungi that have developed a symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationship with the root systems of living plants, from garden vegetables all the way up to the trees of the Old Growth forests. Networks of mycorrhizal filaments envelop the seedling’s root structure, supporting the plant’s own ability to utilize water and nutrients in the soil. This relationship encourages healthy, vigorous growth—naturally."

Comparison of Plants

Local Puget Sound organic farmer John Moss performed an experiment with his crop of onions, treating one bed with MycoGrow™ to see how it would compare to his other beds. The results were impressive!

Fungi Perfecti’s MycoGrow™ products are designed for everyone from the home gardener/landscaper to the professional forestry manager, promoting faster growth, speeding transplant recovery and reducing the need for fertilizers and other additives. A number of different formulations are available, for all methods of plant cultivation.

(Please note: the mushroom species in our MycoGrow™ mycorrhizal fungus products have been selected for their speed of growth and maximum potential benefit to plants; they are neither gourmet nor medicinal mushrooms. While these species are not toxic or dangerous in any way, they are nonetheless not intended for human consumption.)

Our MycoGrow™ products contain mushroom species that are approved for use throughout the continental United States and Canada. However, our customers in Hawaii should be aware that they are not permitted in the state of Hawaii. We encourage all international customers to check their countries’ import regulations prior to ordering."

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Updated 2012/03/11 09:12:48

...website by Scott Bishop, Olympia's volunteer webguy...