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The American Gandhi: My Truth Seeking With Humanity at the Crossroads

by Bernie Meyer

"Thank you for the India itinerary-splendid, eloquent, of great value in a dark time."
-- Dan Berrigan, poet, prophet, activist

"Bernie Meyer speaks with, in and through the Gandhian spirit of actively engaged nonviolence. He has lived through and experienced some of the most formative times and events of the American nation. This collection of autobiographical essays deserves a wide reading audience. Rarely do we find such spiritual and philosophical depth combined so integrally with social activism and long term commitment to progressive change in society. This voice is genuinely a national treasure."
-- Daniel Liechty, School of Social Work, Illinois State University

"For 40 years, Meyer has seen and done it all in America’s movements for peace and justice. Activists have come and gone, but Meyer has stayed, and the knowledge he has gained is invaluable for anyone hoping to achieve positive change in the 21st century."
-- Charlie Meconis, founder, Institute for Global Security Studies

"Bernie Meyer, The American Gandhi, gives us a heartfelt gift. His memoir is a peace dance, a road map, a Huck Finn raft to keep the world sane as we strive to navigate the 21st Century."
-- Don Foran, University Professor of Literature

"Bernie Meyer writes with compelling clarity and authenticity about his experiences as a practitioner of nonviolence. His story, beautifully intertwined with that of his mentors, especially Gandhi, becomes a guidebook for our lives as we inevitably face choices between chaos and community, between nonviolence and non-existence."
-- Kathy Kelly, nominee for Nobel Peace Prize

The American Gandhi

Biography & Autobiography / General
Trade Paperback
Publication Date: Jun-2008
Price: $16.95
Size: 6 x 9
Author: Bernie Meyer
ISBN: 0-595-48333-X
185 Pages
On Demand Printing

Available from Ingram Book Group, Baker & Taylor, and from iUniverse, Inc, Barnes and Noble
To order call 1-800-AUTHORS
Or call Bernie: 1-360-570-0975
Email: berniemeyer2001@yahoo.com

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Updated 2008/07/20 23:07:56

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