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Here's what some folks have to say about Queen Bee Flower Essences...

Flower essences don't create the situation, they act as the catalyst that allows us to create the situation for ourselves. When I take the flower essences, I picture the flower, how it looks, smells, and feels, and using that imagery I can incorporate the image into my day.
-- Thomas Finch, Portland, OR

My family and I have been using Queen Bee Flower and Gem Essences for over a year and we are receiving and enjoying tangible results. The Queen Bee Grounding Blend is particularly effective, and in my experience, a sense of steady groundedness is felt instantaneously upon dosage.

One of numerous examples of how we benefited from this product is when we used it before an important family counseling session. All of us, including our 3 children, ages 8, 10 and 13, experienced a calm, unified and grounded energy in an otherwise stressful situation where sensitive subject matter was discussed.

I also use two other custom made flower and gem essence blends. I designed them from reading the Queen Bee brochures. One is for creativity and inspiration that I keep in the studio, and the other is for peace and clarity that I use before bed and meditation. In addition to the essences, I use a custom made mister that Marisha designed for me for enhancing my feelings of self-love and self-esteem.

I highly recommend the Queen Bee Flower and Gem Essences. They are safe and effective for adults and children, they are convenient to use and economical since the essences come in concentrate so the one bottle purchased can be made into several bottles. Knowing Marisha's commitment and love for the Earth, her immense knowledge of plants and gems and the way she walks her talk, I am confident we are using high quality products made with Love by a truly dedicated person. Many Thanks and Blessings
-- Diane Pisco, Olympia WA

I have found your flower essences and the gem essences very helpful for shifting my emotional states. Thank you for creating such a well balanced product that really hones in on each plant's natural healing properties. If I am feeling down or wish for emotional support in any area of my life, Ialways use the essences and feel they are very gently yet powerful allies. I look forward to trying your new products.
-- Willow Whitton, Olympia, WA

I have a child who is a wonderful challenge. Keeps me on my toes. Very sensitive to his environment and to what goes in and on his body. I found out that he was having a hard time digesting fats and protiens and that he was allergic to sugar. His liver was working overtime and he was very angry and impatient. He just didn't feel good and didn't have the strength to care about proper "problem solving skills". I approach his struggles from many angles and he clearly informs me of what works for him. We used enzymes for digestion and chinese herbs to strengthen his system, but these things take time and the emotional responses had become very non-enjoyable habits. He was having problems in school and his teacher referred me to Marisha. Caleb is very intuitive and is drawn to what he needs. He met with Marisha and she knew what he needed, but she allowed him to choose his own mister and it was exactly what the doctor (Marisha :) ordered. He loves Marisha's flower and gem essence misters. When he is having a difficult time dealing with his frustrations, he will ask for his mister. When he is misted, he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and smiles.. Every time. It relaxes him and makes him feel good. It brings him into a space where he does care. When he runs out, he lets me know it's time for a refill.
-- Amanda Weingarner, Centralia, WA

The Love and care with which Queen Bee Flower Essences are created is deeply inspiring. I always enjoy using them because of how they help me feel, their delightful aroma, and the feel of my skin afterwards.
-- Mark Lakeman, Portland, OR

Flower essences have given me the ability to work with specific flaws within myself and transform those flaws into more positive and healthy attributes. Flower essences have brought up many things in my life and thought patterns and have provided the support I need to do the necessary healing work. My five year old son has also used flwoer essences with much success. A couple drops on the head calms him and helps him regain groundedness when he gets unbalanced. My thanks and gratitude to Marisha for introducing us to this potent and subtle form of healing that has allowed us to make so many positive changes in our lives.
-- Andrea Jacobsen, Seattle, WA

I started taking the Purple Iris Flower Essence two weeks before creating my first album. I knew what I wanted and Marisha knew what I needed. Its all in the vibrations. We just had to add it up.
-- Corey Ravens, Portland, OR

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